标签:bre card add chat str 生成 文件 接受 名片
print(‘*‘*30,‘名片打印系统‘,‘*‘*30) print(‘if you want to add user,please input 1‘) print(‘if you want to delete user,please input 2‘) print(‘if you want to check the system,please input 3‘) print(‘if you want to modify the system,please input 4‘) print(‘if you want to storage user in system,please input 5‘) print(‘if you want to close system,please input 6‘) card_info=[] #创建一个空列表 while True: num = input(‘please input a number :‘) if (not num.isdigit()): print(‘please input the number between 1~6‘) continue #判断输入在1~6之间,是的话就继续 num=int(num) if num==1: new_name=input(‘please input new name:‘) new_QQ =input(‘please input new QQ‘) new_weChat=input(‘please input new weChat:‘) #接收参数 new_cardinfo={} #生成新字典 new_cardinfo[‘name‘]=new_name new_cardinfo[‘QQ‘]=new_QQ new_cardinfo[‘weChat‘]=new_weChat #新的字典接收参数 card_info.append(new_cardinfo) #旧的空字典添加新字典 print(‘add new user successful !‘,(card_info)) #打印字典 elif num==2:#delete delete_name=input(‘please input which user your want to delete:‘)#接收被删除的用户 delete_flag=0 for delete in card_info: if delete_name==delete[‘name‘]: del delete[‘name‘] del delete[‘QQ‘] del delete[‘weChat‘] print(‘delete successful‘) delete_flag=1 elif delete_flag==0: print(‘No people‘) elif num==3:#check check_name = input(‘please input the name you check!‘) check_flag=0#添加标签 for check in card_info: if check_name==check[‘name‘]:#如果接收到的名字在列表中 print(‘name:%s\tQQ:%s\tweChat:%s‘%(check[‘name‘],check[‘QQ‘],check[‘weChat‘]))#输出查询的信息 check_flag=1 elif check_flag==0: print(‘No people‘) elif num==4:#modify modify_name=input(‘please input which user you want to modify:‘) modify_flag=0 for modify in card_info: if modify_name==modify[‘name‘]: print(‘name:%s\tQQ:%s\tweChat:%s‘ % (modify[‘name‘], modify[‘QQ‘], modify[‘weChat‘])) # 输出查询的信息 modify_input=input(‘please input something you want to modify:‘) if modify_input==modify[‘name‘]: new_name=input(‘please input new name:‘) new_cardinfo[‘name‘]=new_name elif modify_input==modify[‘QQ‘]: new_QQ=input(‘please input new QQ:‘) new_cardinfo[‘QQ‘]=new_QQ elif modify_input==modify[‘weChat‘]: new_weChat=input(‘please input new weChat:‘) new_cardinfo[‘weChat‘]=new_weChat else: print(‘your input is False‘) modify_flag=1 print(card_info) elif modify_flag==0: print(‘No people!‘) elif num==5:#storage storage_name=input(‘please input which user you want to storage:‘) storage_flage=0 for storage in card_info: if storage_name==storage[‘name‘]: storage_name=open(‘%s.txt‘%(storage[‘name‘]),‘w+‘)#生成一个文件 storage_name.write(‘name:%s\tQQ:%s\tweChat:%s‘%(storage[‘name‘],storage[‘QQ‘],storage[‘weChat‘])) print(‘storage user successfully!‘) storage_name.close()#写入成功,关闭文件 storage_flage=1 elif storage_flage==0: print(‘No people!‘) elif num==6: print(‘Are you sure gonna close system? \n please input yes or no‘) sys=input() sys=str(sys) #把接受的转为字符串 if sys==‘yes‘: break # elif sys==‘no‘: continue else: print(‘your number is out of 1~6,please input again‘)
标签:bre card add chat str 生成 文件 接受 名片