标签:key def size empty closed tar inpu onclick code
Given an array of strings, return another array containing all of its longest strings.
For inputArray = ["aba", "aa", "ad", "vcd", "aba"]
, the output should beallLongestStrings(inputArray) = ["aba", "vcd", "aba"]
[execution time limit] 4 seconds (py3)
[input] array.string inputArray
A non-empty array.
Guaranteed constraints:1 ≤ inputArray.length ≤ 10
,1 ≤ inputArray[i].length ≤ 10
[output] array.string
Array of the longest strings, stored in the same order as in the inputArray
1 def allLongestStrings(inputArray): 2 li = [] 3 m = max(inputArray,key=len) 4 for i in inputArray: 5 if len(i) == len(m): 6 li.append(i) 7 return li
1 def allLongestStrings(inputArray): 2 m = max(len(s) for s in inputArray) 3 r = [s for s in inputArray if len(s) == m] 4 return r
Code Signal_练习题_All Longest Strings
标签:key def size empty closed tar inpu onclick code