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时间:2018-07-22 15:16:32      阅读:196      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:count   load   sem   ISE   inner   ken   seconds   ade   nat   


1. 建库建表

 1 # 建库
 2 create database exercise;
 3 # 建表
 4 create table student(Sno int,Sname string,Sex string,Sage int,Sdept string)
 5  row format delimited fields terminated by ,;
 7 create table course(Cno int,Cname string) 
 8  row format delimited fields terminated by ,;
10 create table sc(Sno int,Cno int,Grade int)
11   row format delimited fields terminated by ,;
13 # 查看有哪些表
14 hive (exercise)> show tables;
15 OK
16 course
17 sc
18 student
19 Time taken: 0.033 seconds, Fetched: 3 row(s)



2. 数据准备


 1 [yun@mini01 exercise]$ pwd
 2 /app/software/hive/exercise
 3 [yun@mini01 exercise]$ ll /app/software/hive/exercise/
 4 total 12
 5 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun  81 Jul 18 17:44 course.dat
 6 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun 910 Jul 18 17:43 sc.dat
 7 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun 527 Jul 18 17:42 students.dat
 8 [yun@mini01 exercise]$ cat /app/software/hive/exercise/course.dat 
 9 1,数据库
10 2,数学
11 3,信息系统
12 4,操作系统
13 5,数据结构
14 6,数据处理
15 [yun@mini01 exercise]$ cat /app/software/hive/exercise/sc.dat 
16 95001,1,81
17 95001,2,85
18 95001,3,88
19 95001,4,70
20 95002,2,90
21 95002,3,80
22 95002,4,71
23 95002,5,60
24 95003,1,82
25 95003,3,90
26 95003,5,100
27 95004,1,80
28 95004,2,92
29 95004,4,91
30 95004,5,70
31 95005,1,70
32 95005,2,92
33 95005,3,99
34 95005,6,87
35 95006,1,72
36 95006,2,62
37 95006,3,100
38 95006,4,59
39 95006,5,60
40 95006,6,98
41 95008,1,98
42 95008,3,89
43 95008,6,91
44 95010,2,98
45 95010,5,90
46 95010,6,80
47 95011,1,81
48 95011,2,91
49 95011,3,81
50 95011,4,86
51 95012,1,81
52 95012,3,78
53 95012,4,85
54 95012,6,98
55 95013,1,98
56 95013,2,58
57 95013,4,88
58 95013,5,93
59 [yun@mini01 exercise]$ cat /app/software/hive/exercise/students.dat 
60 95001,李勇,男,20,CS
61 95002,刘晨,女,19,IS
62 95003,王敏,女,22,MA
63 95004,张立,男,19,IS
64 95005,刘刚,男,18,MA
65 95006,孙庆,男,23,CS
66 95007,易思玲,女,19,MA
67 95008,李娜,女,18,CS
68 95009,梦圆圆,女,18,MA
69 95010,孔小涛,男,19,CS




 1 # desc formatted course;
 2 # desc formatted sc;
 3 # desc formatted student;
 4 # 查看location信息
 5 # 数据导入
 6 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> load data local inpath ‘/app/software/hive/exercise/course.dat‘ into table course; # 导入数据
 7 INFO  : Loading data to table exercise.course from file:/app/software/hive/exercise/course.dat
 8 INFO  : Table exercise.course stats: [numFiles=1, totalSize=81]
 9 No rows affected (0.35 seconds)
10 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> load data local inpath ‘/app/software/hive/exercise/sc.dat‘ into table sc; # 导入数据
11 INFO  : Loading data to table exercise.sc from file:/app/software/hive/exercise/sc.dat
12 INFO  : Table exercise.sc stats: [numFiles=1, totalSize=910]
13 No rows affected (0.25 seconds) 
14 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> load data local inpath ‘/app/software/hive/exercise/students.dat‘ into table student; # 导入数据
15 INFO  : Loading data to table exercise.student from file:/app/software/hive/exercise/students.dat
16 INFO  : Table exercise.student stats: [numFiles=1, totalSize=527]
17 No rows affected (0.381 seconds)



3. 常用操作

3.1. 学生表基本查询

查询学号为95001, 95005, 95008的学生信息 

1 select * from student a where a.sno in(95001, 95005, 95008);
2 +--------+----------+--------+---------+----------+--+
3 | a.sno  | a.sname  | a.sex  | a.sage  | a.sdept  |
4 +--------+----------+--------+---------+----------+--+
5 | 95001  | 李勇       | 男      | 20      | CS       |
6 | 95005  | 刘刚       | 男      | 18      | MA       |
7 | 95008  | 李娜       | 女      | 18      | CS       |
8 +--------+----------+--------+---------+----------+--+
9 3 rows selected (0.076 seconds)



 1 select * from student a where a.sno like %9500%;
 2 +--------+----------+--------+---------+----------+--+
 3 | a.sno  | a.sname  | a.sex  | a.sage  | a.sdept  |
 4 +--------+----------+--------+---------+----------+--+
 5 | 95001  | 李勇       | 男      | 20      | CS       |
 6 | 95002  | 刘晨       | 女      | 19      | IS       |
 7 | 95003  | 王敏       | 女      | 22      | MA       |
 8 | 95004  | 张立       | 男      | 19      | IS       |
 9 | 95005  | 刘刚       | 男      | 18      | MA       |
10 | 95006  | 孙庆       | 男      | 23      | CS       |
11 | 95007  | 易思玲      | 女      | 19      | MA       |
12 | 95008  | 李娜       | 女      | 18      | CS       |
13 | 95009  | 梦圆圆      | 女      | 18      | MA       |
14 +--------+----------+--------+---------+----------+--+
15 9 rows selected (0.081 seconds)



 1 select a.Sno, a.Sname from student a;
 2 +--------+----------+--+
 3 | a.sno  | a.sname  |
 4 +--------+----------+--+
 5 | 95001  | 李勇       |
 6 | 95002  | 刘晨       |
 7 | 95003  | 王敏       |
 8 | 95004  | 张立       |
 9 | 95005  | 刘刚       |
10 | 95006  | 孙庆       |
11 | 95007  | 易思玲      |
12 | 95008  | 李娜       |
13 | 95009  | 梦圆圆      |
14 | 95010  | 孔小涛      |
15 +--------+----------+--+
16 10 rows selected (0.085 seconds)



1 select count(distinct sno) count from student;
2 +--------+--+
3 | count  |
4 +--------+--+
5 | 10     |
6 +--------+--+
7 1 row selected (21.355 seconds)


3.2. 成绩表相关查询


 1 # 表和表字段,大小写不明感   distinct 去重复
 2 select distinct a.sno, a.sname from student a inner join sc b on a.sno = b.sno;
 3 +--------+----------+--+
 4 | a.sno  | a.sname  |
 5 +--------+----------+--+
 6 | 95001  | 李勇       |
 7 | 95002  | 刘晨       |
 8 | 95003  | 王敏       |
 9 | 95004  | 张立       |
10 | 95005  | 刘刚       |
11 | 95006  | 孙庆       |
12 | 95008  | 李娜       |
13 | 95010  | 孔小涛      |
14 +--------+----------+--+
15 8 rows selected (32.694 seconds)



1 select avg(a.grade) from sc a where a.cno = 1;
2 +--------------------+--+
3 |        _c0         |
4 +--------------------+--+
5 | 82.55555555555556  |
6 +--------------------+--+
7 1 row selected (20.72 seconds)



 1 select a.cno, avg(a.grade) from sc a group by a.cno;
 2 +--------+--------------------+--+
 3 | a.cno  |        _c1         |
 4 +--------+--------------------+--+
 5 | 1      | 82.55555555555556  |
 6 | 2      | 83.5               |
 7 | 3      | 88.125             |
 8 | 4      | 78.57142857142857  |
 9 | 5      | 78.83333333333333  |
10 | 6      | 90.8               |
11 +--------+--------------------+--+
12 6 rows selected (20.084 seconds)



1 select a.cno, a.grade from sc a where a.cno = 1 order by a.grade desc limit 1;
2 +--------+----------+--+
3 | a.cno  | a.grade  |
4 +--------+----------+--+
5 | 1      | 98       |
6 +--------+----------+--+
7 1 row selected (19.005 seconds)


3.3. 函数查询


 1 select a.cno, count(a.sno) from sc a group by a.cno;
 2 +--------+------+--+
 3 | a.cno  | _c1  |
 4 +--------+------+--+
 5 | 1      | 9    |
 6 | 2      | 8    |
 7 | 3      | 8    |
 8 | 4      | 7    |
 9 | 5      | 6    |
10 | 6      | 5    |
11 +--------+------+--+
12 6 rows selected (20.967 seconds)



 1 select * from (select a.sno, count(a.cno) countCno from sc a group by a.sno) x where x.countCno > 3;
 2select a.sno, count(a.cno) countCno from sc a group by a.sno having countCno > 3;
 3select a.sno, count(a.cno) countCno from sc a group by a.sno having count(a.cno) > 3;
 4 +--------+-------------+--+
 5 | x.sno  | x.countcno  |
 6 +--------+-------------+--+
 7 | 95001  | 4           |
 8 | 95002  | 4           |
 9 | 95004  | 4           |
10 | 95005  | 4           |
11 | 95006  | 6           |
12 | 95011  | 4           |
13 | 95012  | 4           |
14 | 95013  | 4           |
15 +--------+-------------+--+
16 8 rows selected (19.556 seconds)



 1 select * from student a order by a.sno;
 2 +--------+----------+--------+---------+----------+--+
 3 | a.sno  | a.sname  | a.sex  | a.sage  | a.sdept  |
 4 +--------+----------+--------+---------+----------+--+
 5 | 95001  | 李勇       | 男      | 20      | CS       |
 6 | 95002  | 刘晨       | 女      | 19      | IS       |
 7 | 95003  | 王敏       | 女      | 22      | MA       |
 8 | 95004  | 张立       | 男      | 19      | IS       |
 9 | 95005  | 刘刚       | 男      | 18      | MA       |
10 | 95006  | 孙庆       | 男      | 23      | CS       |
11 | 95007  | 易思玲      | 女      | 19      | MA       |
12 | 95008  | 李娜       | 女      | 18      | CS       |
13 | 95009  | 梦圆圆      | 女      | 18      | MA       |
14 | 95010  | 孔小涛      | 男      | 19      | CS       |
15 +--------+----------+--------+---------+----------+--+
16 10 rows selected (18.736 seconds)



 1 # 设置map数量
 2 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> set mapreduce.job.reduces = 2;
 3 No rows affected (0.007 seconds)
 4 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> set mapreduce.job.reduces;
 5 +--------------------------+--+
 6 |           set            |
 7 +--------------------------+--+
 8 | mapreduce.job.reduces=2  |
 9 +--------------------------+--+
10 1 row selected (0.01 seconds)
11 ### 或者 **************
12 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> set mapred.reduce.tasks;
13 +-------------------------+--+
14 |           set           |
15 +-------------------------+--+
16 | mapred.reduce.tasks=-1  |
17 +-------------------------+--+
18 1 row selected (0.008 seconds)
19 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> set mapred.reduce.tasks=2;
20 No rows affected (0.004 seconds)
21 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> set mapred.reduce.tasks;
22 +------------------------+--+
23 |          set           |
24 +------------------------+--+
25 | mapred.reduce.tasks=2  |
26 +------------------------+--+
27 1 row selected (0.008 seconds)
28 ##################################################################
29 # 具体操作
30 select * from student a distribute by a.sex sort by a.sage;
31 +--------+----------+--------+---------+----------+--+
32 | a.sno  | a.sname  | a.sex  | a.sage  | a.sdept  |
33 +--------+----------+--------+---------+----------+--+
34 | 95005  | 刘刚       | 男      | 18      | MA       |
35 | 95010  | 孔小涛      | 男      | 19      | CS       |
36 | 95004  | 张立       | 男      | 19      | IS       |
37 | 95001  | 李勇       | 男      | 20      | CS       |
38 | 95006  | 孙庆       | 男      | 23      | CS       |
39 | 95009  | 梦圆圆      | 女      | 18      | MA       |
40 | 95008  | 李娜       | 女      | 18      | CS       |
41 | 95007  | 易思玲      | 女      | 19      | MA       |
42 | 95002  | 刘晨       | 女      | 19      | IS       |
43 | 95003  | 王敏       | 女      | 22      | MA       |
44 +--------+----------+--------+---------+----------+--+
45 10 rows selected (22.323 seconds)


3.4. 多表查询


 1 select a.sno, a.sname, c.cno, c.cname from 
 2 student a inner join sc b on a.sno = b.sno
 3 inner join course c on b.cno = c.cno
 4 order by a.sno, c.cno;
 5 +--------+----------+--------+----------+--+
 6 | a.sno  | a.sname  | c.cno  | c.cname  |
 7 +--------+----------+--------+----------+--+
 8 | 95001  | 李勇       | 1      | 数据库      |
 9 | 95001  | 李勇       | 2      | 数学       |
10 | 95001  | 李勇       | 3      | 信息系统     |
11 | 95001  | 李勇       | 4      | 操作系统     |
12 | 95002  | 刘晨       | 2      | 数学       |
13 | 95002  | 刘晨       | 3      | 信息系统     |
14 | 95002  | 刘晨       | 4      | 操作系统     |
15 | 95002  | 刘晨       | 5      | 数据结构     |
16 | 95003  | 王敏       | 1      | 数据库      |
17 | 95003  | 王敏       | 3      | 信息系统     |
18 | 95003  | 王敏       | 5      | 数据结构     |
19 | 95004  | 张立       | 1      | 数据库      |
20 | 95004  | 张立       | 2      | 数学       |
21 | 95004  | 张立       | 4      | 操作系统     |
22 | 95004  | 张立       | 5      | 数据结构     |
23 | 95005  | 刘刚       | 1      | 数据库      |
24 | 95005  | 刘刚       | 2      | 数学       |
25 | 95005  | 刘刚       | 3      | 信息系统     |
26 | 95005  | 刘刚       | 6      | 数据处理     |
27 | 95006  | 孙庆       | 1      | 数据库      |
28 | 95006  | 孙庆       | 2      | 数学       |
29 | 95006  | 孙庆       | 3      | 信息系统     |
30 | 95006  | 孙庆       | 4      | 操作系统     |
31 | 95006  | 孙庆       | 5      | 数据结构     |
32 | 95006  | 孙庆       | 6      | 数据处理     |
33 | 95008  | 李娜       | 1      | 数据库      |
34 | 95008  | 李娜       | 3      | 信息系统     |
35 | 95008  | 李娜       | 6      | 数据处理     |
36 | 95010  | 孔小涛      | 2      | 数学       |
37 | 95010  | 孔小涛      | 5      | 数据结构     |
38 | 95010  | 孔小涛      | 6      | 数据处理     |
39 +--------+----------+--------+----------+--+
40 31 rows selected (26.356 seconds)



 1 select a.sno, a.sname, c.cno, c.cname, b.grade from 
 2 student a inner join sc b on a.sno = b.sno
 3 inner join course c on b.cno = c.cno
 4 order by a.sno, c.cno;
 5 +--------+----------+--------+----------+----------+--+
 6 | a.sno  | a.sname  | c.cno  | c.cname  | b.grade  |
 7 +--------+----------+--------+----------+----------+--+
 8 | 95001  | 李勇       | 1      | 数据库      | 81       |
 9 | 95001  | 李勇       | 2      | 数学       | 85       |
10 | 95001  | 李勇       | 3      | 信息系统     | 88       |
11 | 95001  | 李勇       | 4      | 操作系统     | 70       |
12 | 95002  | 刘晨       | 2      | 数学       | 90       |
13 | 95002  | 刘晨       | 3      | 信息系统     | 80       |
14 | 95002  | 刘晨       | 4      | 操作系统     | 71       |
15 | 95002  | 刘晨       | 5      | 数据结构     | 60       |
16 | 95003  | 王敏       | 1      | 数据库      | 82       |
17 | 95003  | 王敏       | 3      | 信息系统     | 90       |
18 | 95003  | 王敏       | 5      | 数据结构     | 100      |
19 | 95004  | 张立       | 1      | 数据库      | 80       |
20 | 95004  | 张立       | 2      | 数学       | 92       |
21 | 95004  | 张立       | 4      | 操作系统     | 91       |
22 | 95004  | 张立       | 5      | 数据结构     | 70       |
23 | 95005  | 刘刚       | 1      | 数据库      | 70       |
24 | 95005  | 刘刚       | 2      | 数学       | 92       |
25 | 95005  | 刘刚       | 3      | 信息系统     | 99       |
26 | 95005  | 刘刚       | 6      | 数据处理     | 87       |
27 | 95006  | 孙庆       | 1      | 数据库      | 72       |
28 | 95006  | 孙庆       | 2      | 数学       | 62       |
29 | 95006  | 孙庆       | 3      | 信息系统     | 100      |
30 | 95006  | 孙庆       | 4      | 操作系统     | 59       |
31 | 95006  | 孙庆       | 5      | 数据结构     | 60       |
32 | 95006  | 孙庆       | 6      | 数据处理     | 98       |
33 | 95008  | 李娜       | 1      | 数据库      | 98       |
34 | 95008  | 李娜       | 3      | 信息系统     | 89       |
35 | 95008  | 李娜       | 6      | 数据处理     | 91       |
36 | 95010  | 孔小涛      | 2      | 数学       | 98       |
37 | 95010  | 孔小涛      | 5      | 数据结构     | 90       |
38 | 95010  | 孔小涛      | 6      | 数据处理     | 80       |
39 +--------+----------+--------+----------+----------+--+
40 31 rows selected (24.469 seconds)



 1 select a.sno, a.sname, b.cno, b.grade
 2 from student a inner join sc b on a.sno = b.sno
 3 where b.cno = 2 and b.grade >= 90;
 4 +--------+----------+--------+----------+--+
 5 | a.sno  | a.sname  | b.cno  | b.grade  |
 6 +--------+----------+--------+----------+--+
 7 | 95002  | 刘晨       | 2      | 90       |
 8 | 95004  | 张立       | 2      | 92       |
 9 | 95005  | 刘刚       | 2      | 92       |
10 | 95010  | 孔小涛      | 2      | 98       |
11 +--------+----------+--------+----------+--+
12 4 rows selected (16.728 seconds)



  如果student的sno值对应的sc在中没有值,则会输出student.Sname null.如果用right out join会保留右边的值,左边的为null。
  Join 发生在WHERE 子句之前。如果你想限制 join 的输出,应该在 WHERE 子句中写过滤条件——或是在join 子句中写。


 1 select a.sno, a.sname, b.cno, b.grade
 2 from student a left join sc b on a.sno = b.sno;
 3 +--------+----------+--------+----------+--+
 4 | a.sno  | a.sname  | b.cno  | b.grade  |
 5 +--------+----------+--------+----------+--+
 6 | 95001  | 李勇       | 1      | 81       |
 7 | 95001  | 李勇       | 2      | 85       |
 8 | 95001  | 李勇       | 3      | 88       |
 9 | 95001  | 李勇       | 4      | 70       |
10 | 95002  | 刘晨       | 2      | 90       |
11 | 95002  | 刘晨       | 3      | 80       |
12 | 95002  | 刘晨       | 4      | 71       |
13 | 95002  | 刘晨       | 5      | 60       |
14 | 95003  | 王敏       | 1      | 82       |
15 | 95003  | 王敏       | 3      | 90       |
16 | 95003  | 王敏       | 5      | 100      |
17 | 95004  | 张立       | 1      | 80       |
18 | 95004  | 张立       | 2      | 92       |
19 | 95004  | 张立       | 4      | 91       |
20 | 95004  | 张立       | 5      | 70       |
21 | 95005  | 刘刚       | 1      | 70       |
22 | 95005  | 刘刚       | 2      | 92       |
23 | 95005  | 刘刚       | 3      | 99       |
24 | 95005  | 刘刚       | 6      | 87       |
25 | 95006  | 孙庆       | 1      | 72       |
26 | 95006  | 孙庆       | 2      | 62       |
27 | 95006  | 孙庆       | 3      | 100      |
28 | 95006  | 孙庆       | 4      | 59       |
29 | 95006  | 孙庆       | 5      | 60       |
30 | 95006  | 孙庆       | 6      | 98       |
31 | 95007  | 易思玲      | NULL   | NULL     |
32 | 95008  | 李娜       | 1      | 98       |
33 | 95008  | 李娜       | 3      | 89       |
34 | 95008  | 李娜       | 6      | 91       |
35 | 95009  | 梦圆圆      | NULL   | NULL     |
36 | 95010  | 孔小涛      | 2      | 98       |
37 | 95010  | 孔小涛      | 5      | 90       |
38 | 95010  | 孔小涛      | 6      | 80       |
39 +--------+----------+--------+----------+--+
40 33 rows selected (17.467 seconds)



 1 select a.sno, a.sname
 2 from student a inner join student b
 3 on a.sdept = b.sdept and b.sname = 王敏;
 4 +--------+----------+--+
 5 | a.sno  | a.sname  |
 6 +--------+----------+--+
 7 | 95003  | 王敏       |
 8 | 95005  | 刘刚       |
 9 | 95007  | 易思玲      |
10 | 95009  | 梦圆圆      |
11 +--------+----------+--+
12 4 rows selected (16.954 seconds)



4. 各种连接查询

4.1. 数据准备

 1 [yun@mini01 exercise2]$ cat /app/software/hive/exercise2/a.dat 
 2 1,a
 3 2,b
 4 3,c
 5 4,d
 6 7,y
 7 8,u
 8 [yun@mini01 exercise2]$ cat /app/software/hive/exercise2/b.dat 
 9 2,bb
10 3,cc
11 7,yy
12 9,pp


4.2. 建表并导入数据

1 # 建表
2 # 使用的库和上面的一样,所以就不单独建库了
3 create table a(id int,name string)
4 row format delimited fields terminated by ,;
6 create table b(id int,name string)
7 row format delimited fields terminated by ,;


1 # 导入数据
2 load data local inpath /app/software/hive/exercise2/a.dat into table a;
3 load data local inpath /app/software/hive/exercise2/b.dat into table b;


 1 # 表数据查询
 2 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> select * from a;
 3 +-------+---------+--+
 4 | a.id  | a.name  |
 5 +-------+---------+--+
 6 | 1     | a       |
 7 | 2     | b       |
 8 | 3     | c       |
 9 | 4     | d       |
10 | 7     | y       |
11 | 8     | u       |
12 +-------+---------+--+
13 6 rows selected (0.083 seconds)
14 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> select * from b;
15 +-------+---------+--+
16 | b.id  | b.name  |
17 +-------+---------+--+
18 | 2     | bb      |
19 | 3     | cc      |
20 | 7     | yy      |
21 | 9     | pp      |
22 +-------+---------+--+
23 4 rows selected (0.071 seconds)


4.3. 各种各种join查询

1 select * from a inner join b on a.id=b.id;
2 select * from a left join b on a.id=b.id;
3 select * from a right join b on a.id=b.id;
4 select * from a full outer join b on a.id=b.id;
5 # 类似 inner join 但是只取左表的信息
6 select * from a left semi join b on a.id = b.id;



1 select * from a inner join b on a.id=b.id;
2 +-------+---------+-------+---------+--+
3 | a.id  | a.name  | b.id  | b.name  |
4 +-------+---------+-------+---------+--+
5 | 2     | b       | 2     | bb      |
6 | 3     | c       | 3     | cc      |
7 | 7     | y       | 7     | yy      |
8 +-------+---------+-------+---------+--+
9 3 rows selected (17.714 seconds)


 1 select * from a left join b on a.id=b.id;
 2 +-------+---------+-------+---------+--+
 3 | a.id  | a.name  | b.id  | b.name  |
 4 +-------+---------+-------+---------+--+
 5 | 1     | a       | NULL  | NULL    |
 6 | 2     | b       | 2     | bb      |
 7 | 3     | c       | 3     | cc      |
 8 | 4     | d       | NULL  | NULL    |
 9 | 7     | y       | 7     | yy      |
10 | 8     | u       | NULL  | NULL    |
11 +-------+---------+-------+---------+--+
12 6 rows selected (16.359 seconds)


 1 select * from a right join b on a.id=b.id;
 2 +-------+---------+-------+---------+--+
 3 | a.id  | a.name  | b.id  | b.name  |
 4 +-------+---------+-------+---------+--+
 5 | 2     | b       | 2     | bb      |
 6 | 3     | c       | 3     | cc      |
 7 | 7     | y       | 7     | yy      |
 8 | NULL  | NULL    | 9     | pp      |
 9 +-------+---------+-------+---------+--+
10 4 rows selected (22.34 seconds)


 1 select * from a full outer join b on a.id=b.id;
 2 +-------+---------+-------+---------+--+
 3 | a.id  | a.name  | b.id  | b.name  |
 4 +-------+---------+-------+---------+--+
 5 | 1     | a       | NULL  | NULL    |
 6 | 2     | b       | 2     | bb      |
 7 | 3     | c       | 3     | cc      |
 8 | 4     | d       | NULL  | NULL    |
 9 | 7     | y       | 7     | yy      |
10 | 8     | u       | NULL  | NULL    |
11 | NULL  | NULL    | 9     | pp      |
12 +-------+---------+-------+---------+--+
13 7 rows selected (24.746 seconds)


1 select * from a left semi join b on a.id = b.id;
2 +-------+---------+--+
3 | a.id  | a.name  |
4 +-------+---------+--+
5 | 2     | b       |
6 | 3     | c       |
7 | 7     | y       |
8 +-------+---------+--+
9 3 rows selected (19.147 seconds)



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