标签:ios tty change developer ati city 语音助手 目标 消费
自从电子智能产品横空出世,人们便迈入了“低头族”的行列。宁可低头看手机,也不愿和面前的人谈天。从零售到传媒、从学习到娱乐,手机的存在更是全方位改变了信息传播的方式和学习的方法,甚至改变了人们的社交手段。这种局面是否能得到改变呢?科技界的巨头们是否打算有所作为?作者大胆地抛出了这个难题,并提出了 Peak Screen 这个全新的概念。我们快来跟着《纽约时报》一起找找答案吧。
Q1: Peak Screen 到底是什么意思?
Q2: 美国人使用手机的频率如何?
Q3: 科技巨头想要创造怎样的新生事物?
Smartphones were once the best thing to happen to the tech industry. In the 11 years since the iPhone made its debut, smartphones have subsumed just about every other gadget and altered every business.
智能手机曾经是科技行业的福音。在 iPhone 问世后的 11 年里,智能手机纳入了几乎所有的小设备,改变了各行各业。
注:debut:初次露面,初次表演,首场的,首次的;just about:差不多,几乎。
But now that smartphones have achieved dominance, revolution is again in the air.
At Google’s and Apple’s recent developer conferences, executives took the stage to show how much more irresistible they were making our phones. Then each company unveiled something else: software to help you use your phone a lot less.
There’s a reason for this seemingly contradictory engineering effort, and it‘s what I call "Peak Screen".
For much of(=most of) the last decade, a technology industry ruled by smartphones has pursued a singular goal of completely conquering our eyes. Tech has now captured pretty much all visual capacity. Americans spend three to four hours a day looking at their phones, and that‘s the minimum estimation.
So tech giants are building the beginning of something new: a less insistently visual tech world, a digital landscape that relies on voice assistants, headphones, watches and other wearables to take some pressure off our eyes.
We may simply end up adding new devices to our screen-addled lives, or it could change everything again. As I argued, in many ways screens have become too dominant in our lives. The sooner we find something else, the better.
————— 文章来源 / 纽约时报 ?
subsume /s?b?su?m/ v. 纳入,归入
gadget /?ɡ?d??t/ n. 小装置,小器具,小设备
alter /???lt?r/ v. 改变,修改
dominance /?dɑ?m?n?ns/ n. 统治地位,支配权 e.g. the worldwide dominance of Hollywood
irresistible /??r??z?st?bl/ adj. 难以抗拒的
unveil /??n?ve?l/ v. 展示,推出 veil:面纱;掩饰;覆盖物
seemingly /?si?m??li/ adv. 貌似地,看上去地 e.g. a seemingly endless journey
capacity /k??p?s?ti/ n. 容量,能力
wearable /?wer?bl/ n. 可穿戴(计算机),可戴品
addle /??dl/ v. 使糊涂,使昏乱
in the air 即将发生,被人们感觉到 e.g. Spring is in the air.
2018 谷歌 I/O 开发者大会看点
对于谷歌这样规模庞大、涉猎广泛的公司来说,每到年度开发者大会,都会给人一种势不可挡的感觉。事实上也的确如此,毕竟谷歌参与了几乎所有的消费科技行业。让我们通过今年 5 月的开发者大会内容来了解他们的重点:
在今年 5 月 8 日举行的开发者大会上,我们不难看出谷歌在 Android 和人工智能方面付出的各种努力,比如全新的可穿戴平台 Wear OS 以及谷歌助手、Android TV、Google Home、Google Play 和搜索等各项业务的状况。毫不夸张地说,谷歌已经使出浑身解数来证明它的软件比亚马逊、苹果和 Facebook 的产品更智能、更具有前瞻性。
标签:ios tty change developer ati city 语音助手 目标 消费