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Apollo2.5 Installation Guide.md

时间:2018-07-29 15:19:32      阅读:194      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:apollo   github   mac   str   lob   cpu   tar zxvf   hat   gen   

Configuration of IPC

  • Nuvo-5095GC
  • GPU:GTX-1050Ti
  • CPU:i7-6700@3.4GHZ×8
  • Memory: 32GB

    System Install

    Apollo officially recommended to use ubuntu14.04
  • Install ubuntu 14.04.3
  • Update and Upgrade
    sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade
  • Install the Linux 4.4 kernel:
    sudo apt-get install linux-generic-lts-xenial
  • Reboot your system using the reboot command
    sudo reboot

    Installing the Apollo Kernel

    Apollo-kernel is a real-time kernel,if you want to run your apollo2.5 in a real car,please install it.
    If you are using CAN card for interface,please click here
  • Downloaded the release package and install it: linux-4.4.32-apollo-1.5.0.tar.gz
    tar zxvf linux-4.4.32-apollo-1.5.0.tar.gz cd install sudo bash install_kernel.sh
  • Reboot your system

    [Optional] Install NVIDIA GPU Driver

    If you install apollo-kernel according to this link,maybe you‘ve installed the Nvidia-Driver successfully.However,if you failed to do that ,don‘t worry,please follow the steps below:
  • Download the installation files
    wget http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/375.39/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-375.39.run
  • Start the driver installation
    chmod +x ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-375.39.run sudo bash ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-375.39.run --no-opengl-files --no-x-check --no-kernel-module
  • Reboot your system

    Install Docker and Apollo

  • Download apollo
    git clone https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo.git
  • Installing Docker Environment
    cd apollo/ bash ./docker/setup_host/install_docker.sh
  • checkout to apollo-2.5.0
    git checkout origin/r2.5.0
  • Pull the apollo-docker image
    bash ./docker/scripts/dev_start.sh -C
  • Enter apollo docker environment
    bash ./docker/scripts/dev_into.sh
  • Build apollo
    bash apollo.sh build
  • Start apollo
    bash scripts/bootstrap.sh
  • Use your host machine browser to access Dreamview web service in with URL http://localhost:8888

ATTENTION: 入行不深,疏漏难免,欢迎批评&&指正,不胜感激!

Apollo2.5 Installation Guide.md

标签:apollo   github   mac   str   lob   cpu   tar zxvf   hat   gen   


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