标签:public stun += res pos page ati http HERE
public ActionResult Index()
return View(GetStudetPage());
public ActionResult Index(string StuName, DateTime? StuKTime, DateTime? StuJTime)
string where = "1=1";
if (StuName != null)
where += "and StuName like ‘%" + StuName + "%‘";
if (StuKTime != null)
where += " and StuKTime > ‘" + StuKTime + "‘";
if (StuJTime != null)
where += " and StuJTime <‘" + StuJTime + "‘";
Where = where;
return PartialView("_PartialPage1", GetStudetPage());
static int PageSize = 3;
static int PageIndex = 1;
static string Where = "";
public List<stuclass> GetStudetPage()
PageParams pargePar = new PageParams
TableName = "Student",
IndexCol = "StuID",
PageSize = PageSize,
PageIndex = PageIndex - 1,
OrderCol = "StuID asc",
Where = Where,
Columns = "*"
Pages<stuclass> pages = bl.GetStudetPage(pargePar);
ViewBag.SumCount = pages.SumCount;
ViewBag.SumPage = pages.SumCount;
ViewBag.PageIndex = PageIndex;
return pages.list;
标签:public stun += res pos page ati http HERE