标签:efi rom math mission pos its case mode panel
Problem D. Euler Function
Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 524288/524288 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 66 Accepted Submission(s): 64Problem DescriptionIn number theory, Euler‘s totient function φ(n) counts the positive integers up to a given integer n that are relatively prime to n. It can be defined more formally as the number of integers k in the range 1≤k≤n for which the greatest common divisor gcd(n,k) is equal to 1.
For example, φ(9)=6 because 1,2,4,5,7 and 8 are coprime with 9. As another example, φ(1)=1 since for n=1 the only integer in the range from 1 to nis 1 itself, and gcd(1,1)=1.
A composite number is a positive integer that can be formed by multiplying together two smaller positive integers. Equivalently, it is a positive integer that has at least one divisor other than 1 and itself. So obviously 1 and all prime numbers are not composite number.
In this problem, given integer k, your task is to find the k-th smallest positive integer n, that φ(n) is a composite number.
InputThe first line of the input contains an integer T(1≤T≤100000), denoting the number of test cases.
In each test case, there is only one integer k(1≤k≤109).
OutputFor each test case, print a single line containing an integer, denoting the answer.
Sample Input2 1 2
Sample Output5 7
给定k, 求第k小的数n, 满足 φ(n)是合数
暴力打表后发现除了,φ(i) i=1..5,6 不是合数外,其余都是,因而 f(1)=5, f(k)=k+5 (k>=2)
#include<stdio.h>int main(){ int t; scanf("%d",&t); while(t--){ int n; scanf("%d",&n); if(n==1)printf("5\n"); else printf("%d\n",n+5); } return 0; }
标签:efi rom math mission pos its case mode panel