标签:line inf spl word 反射 bsp pre enum get
class Teacher: OPERATE_DIC = [ (‘创建课程‘, ‘create_course‘), (‘创造学生‘, ‘create_student‘), (‘创建课程‘, ‘create_course‘), (‘查看学生信息‘, ‘check_student_info‘), ] def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def create_course(self): print(‘创建课程‘) def create_student(self): print(‘创建学生‘) def check_student_info(self): print(‘查看学生信息‘) def check_all_student(self): print(‘查看所有学生‘) class Student: OPERATE_DIC = [ (‘查看所有课程‘, ‘check_course‘), (‘选择课程‘, ‘choose_course‘), (‘查看已选择的课程‘, ‘choosed_course‘) ] def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def check_course(self): print(‘查看课程‘) def choose_course(self): print(‘选择课程‘) def choosed_course(self): print(‘查看已选课程‘) def longin(): username = input(‘输入账号:‘) password = input(‘输入密码:‘) with open(‘userinfo.txt‘, ‘r‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: for line in f: user, pwd, ident = line.split() if user == username and pwd == password: print(‘登录成功!‘) return username, ident import sys def main(): usr, id = longin() print(‘user,id:‘, usr, id) file = sys.modules[‘__main__‘] cls = getattr(file, id) print(cls) obj = cls(usr) operate_dic = cls.OPERATE_DIC while 1: for num, i in enumerate(operate_dic, 1): print(num, i[0]) choice = int(input(‘num>>>‘)) choice_item = operate_dic[choice - 1] getattr(obj, choice_item[1])() main()
标签:line inf spl word 反射 bsp pre enum get