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The implementation and experimental research on an S-curve acceleration and deceleration control algorithm with the characteristics of end-point and target speed modification on the fly

时间:2018-08-02 15:03:08      阅读:210      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:RoCE   roc   target   ide   rpo   运动   公式   目标   制造业   


For modern equipment manufacturing industries, advanced manufacturing technologies have significant impact on the production quality and efficiency. Specifically, high-speed and high-accuracy technology is widely used in aerospace, automotive, and power-generation equipment to reduce the processing costs and improve the machining accuracy. However, the traditional velocity planning methods cannot satisfy the requirements of advanced equipment in point-to-point movement occasions. To solve these problems, a novel S-curve acceleration and deceleration (Acc/Dec) control model is proposed in this study, and the discretization of the Acc/Dec process was investigated. Furthermore, the derivation of the actual interpolation periods of each segment, actual achieved Acc/Dec, and actual achieved jerk of Acc/Dec zone are addressed in detail. To ensure the positioning accuracy and reduce the computational load, discrete formulae for the deceleration displacement, maximal achieved speed, and displacement of the constant acceleration segment are derived. To satisfy the product diversification and improve the efficiency, the function of the aforementioned S-curve Acc/Dec control algorithm was extended in this study. As a result, the end-point modification and target speed modification algorithms were developed. Finally, a series of numerical simulations and a real experiment were conducted. The results show that the proposed algorithms exhibit a good performance both in terms of reliability and efficiency. Thus, its feasibility was validated.

对于现代装备制造业,先进的制造技术对生产质量和效率有着重要的影响。具体而言,高速、高精度的技术被广泛应用于航空、汽车、发电设备,以降低加工成本,提高加工精度。然而,传统的速度规划方法不能满足在点对点运动场合中先进设备的要求。为了解决这些问题,本文提出了一种新的 S 型曲线加减速(Acc/Dec)控制模型,并对其进行了离散化处理。在此基础上,详细讨论了各段实际插值周期的推导,以及实际实现的 Acc/Dec 与 Jerk 值。为了保证定位精度,减少计算负载,推导出了减速度位移、可达最大速度和恒定加速度的位移离散公式。为了满足产品的多样化和提高效率,本研究扩展了上述 S 型曲线 Acc/Dec 控制算法的功能,开发了端点修改和目标速度修正算法,最后进行了一系列数值模拟和实际实验。结果表明,本文所提出的算法在可靠性和效率方面都表现良好。因此,它的可行性得到了验证。

The implementation and experimental research on an S-curve acceleration and deceleration control algorithm with the characteristics of end-point and target speed modification on the fly

标签:RoCE   roc   target   ide   rpo   运动   公式   目标   制造业   


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