标签:ase gif selection and size cycle sel option print
1 product_list = [ 2 ("iphone",5000), 3 ("MacPro",10000), 4 ("Book",120), 5 ("bicycle",1000), 6 ("TV",2000), 7 ("washer",3000), 8 ("pen",50) 9 ] 10 shopping_list = [] 11 salary = input("Input your salary : ") 12 if salary.isdigit(): 13 salary = int(salary) 14 while True: 15 for index,item in enumerate(product_list): 16 print(index,item) 17 user_choice = input("what do you want to buy,or enter q to leave: ") 18 if user_choice.isdigit(): 19 user_choice = int(user_choice) 20 if user_choice >= 0 and user_choice < len(product_list): 21 p_item = product_list[user_choice] 22 if salary >= p_item[1]: 23 shopping_list.append(p_item[0]) 24 salary = salary-p_item[1] 25 print("add your choice into shoppingcart,your current balance is \033[31;1m%s\033[0m." %salary) 26 else: 27 print("you have money only \033[31;1m%s\033[0m,can‘t payment"%salary) 28 else: 29 print("your choice is outof selection") 30 elif user_choice == "q": 31 print("-----shopping cart-----") 32 for p in shopping_list: 33 print(p) 34 exit() 35 else: 36 print("invaild option") 37 else: 38 print("Please input the digit")
标签:ase gif selection and size cycle sel option print