标签:image 使用 dex print col uva += code enc
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<ctype.h> #define maxn 150 //#define LOCAL char puzzle[maxn]; int indices[maxn]; int saver[maxn]; //judge whether it is a eligibal white square or not. int judgement(int n, int cols,int index) { if(puzzle[index] == ‘*‘)return 0; if((index%cols-1)<0||puzzle[index-1] == ‘*‘||(index-cols)<0||puzzle[index-cols] == ‘*‘) return 1; else return 0; } //fine the eligibal white square into indices . void get_eligibalws(int n, int cols) { int i = 0; int index(0); for(; i < n; i++) { if(judgement(n,cols,i)) { indices[index] = i; index++; } } } //calculate the range of the indices. int cal_range() { int i = 0; for(; i < 103; i++) { if( indices[i] > 100 ) break; } return i; } //judge the existence of the index in indices //if exist return the index. int cmp(int a) { int i = 0; int n = cal_range(); for(; i < n; i++) { if(indices[i] == a) break; } if( i < n) return i; else return 0; } void read_across(int rgnum, int cols) { printf("Across\n"); int i = 0; for(; i<rgnum; i++) { if(i+1<10) printf(" %d.",i+1); if(i+1>= 10) printf(" %d.",i+1); int index = indices[i]; while(isalpha(puzzle[index]) ) { int d = cmp(index); if(d) i = d; putchar(puzzle[index]); index++; if(index-(index/cols)*cols==0)break; } putchar(‘\n‘); } } void read_down(int rgnum, int n, int cols) { printf("Down\n"); int i = 0; for(; i<rgnum; i++) { if(saver[i])continue; if(i+1<10) printf(" %d.",i+1); if(i+1>=10) printf(" %d.",i+1); int index = indices[i]; while(isalpha(puzzle[index])) { int d = cmp(index); if(d)saver[d] = 1; //save the existence. if(index>n)break; putchar(puzzle[index]); index += cols; } putchar(‘\n‘); } } int main() { int count = 0; int first = 1; //be used to test. #ifdef LOCAL freopen("data.in", "r", stdin); freopen("data.out", "w", stdout); #endif while(true) { count++; memset(indices,50,sizeof(int)*maxn); memset(puzzle,0,sizeof(char)*maxn); memset(saver,0,sizeof(int)*maxn); char a; int rows(0), cols(0); scanf("%d", &rows); if(rows == 0) break; scanf("%d", &cols); getchar(); int n = rows*cols; int i = 0; int j = 0; for(; i < rows; i++) { j = 0; for(; j < cols; j++) { a = getchar(); if (a == ‘\n‘) a = getchar(); puzzle[i*cols+j] = a; } } get_eligibalws(n,cols); int rgnum = cal_range(); if(first) first = 0; else putchar(‘\n‘); printf("puzzle #%d:\n", count); read_across(rgnum,cols); read_down(rgnum,n,cols); } return 0; }
标签:image 使用 dex print col uva += code enc