标签:体系 课堂 gis heat 好的 批评 十分 share ica
2011 年,印度电影《三傻大闹宝莱坞》在国内上映,在营造喜剧氛围之余也揭露、批评了印度教育系统的刻板与高压,鼓励由兴趣主导的、快乐的学习方式。而在现实中,近期德里地方政府出台了一项新的政策,尝试在强调书本知识、追求考试高分之余关心学生们的心理健康。这个政策具体是什么样的呢?它的效果又如何?一起来看这篇华盛顿邮报的报道。
Q1: "mafia"如何理解?
Q2: “巩固中产阶级的地位”用英文如何表达?
Q3: 你可以举出哪些形容印度教育体系特点的说法?
After the summer break, Delhi‘s children returned to school this month and found a new class added to their schedules: happiness.
It wasn‘t a welcome-back joke. In a country where top universities demand average test scores above 98 percent and where cheating on final high school exams is organized by a "mafia" that includes teachers and school officials, the Delhi government‘s initiative marks a shift of emphasis from student performance to well-being.
这并非一个欢迎学生返校的玩笑。在印度,顶尖大学要求学生平均成绩高于 98%,组织高中最终考试作弊的团伙中包括了教师与学校官员。而德里政府的新方案标志着从学生成绩到身心健康的重心转移。
"We have given best-of-the-best professionals to industry," said Manish Sisodia, Delhi‘s education minister, "…But have we been able to deliver best-of-the-best human beings to society, to the nation?"
Sisodia‘s happiness classes represent a radical experiment in a country known for its rigid, bookish education system, which has helped cement a new middle class over the past three decades but is also criticized for encouraging rote learning and triggering high stress levels. Under the program, 100,000 Delhi students spend the first half-hour of each school day without opening a textbook, learning instead through inspirational stories and activities, as well as meditation exercises.
注: inspirational :鼓舞人心的;给予灵感的,带有灵感的
Some teachers, though, remain unconvinced. For one thing, they say, the public schools are too crowded for a curriculum(复数:curricula) based so heavily on classroom interaction. Others doubt that the happiness classes can change the culturally entrenched emphasis on exams and memorization. Geeta Gandhi Kingdon, chair of education, economics and international development at University College London, said that there haven‘t been any studies to assess their workability. "Anecdotally, I know in some schools they are just another box-ticking exercise," she said.
————— 文章来源 / 华盛顿邮报 ?
mafia /?mɑ?fi?/ n. 黑手党式犯罪组织;(会施加危险影响的)无形集团
initiative /??n???t?v/ n. 新方案
radical /?r?d?kl/ adj. 极端的,激进的 e.g. a radical change/reform reform:改革
rigid /?r?d??d/ adj. 严格的,僵硬的 e.g. His rigid adherence to the rules made him unpopular. 坚持;依附;忠诚;
bookish /?b?k??/ adj. 注重书本知识的
cement /s??ment/ v. 巩固,加强 e.g. cement the alliance between the two countries 联盟
rote /ro?t/ n. 死记硬背 e.g. to learn by rote
meditation /?med??te??n/ n. 冥想
for one thing 比如说(用于举出多个理由中的一个) e.g. "Why don‘t you drive?" "For one thing, I don‘t have a car, and for another, I can‘t drive."
entrenched /?n?trent?t/ adj. 根深蒂固的 e.g. entrenched attitudes/opposition entrench:牢固地确立… Sexism is deeply entrenched in our society.
workability /?w??rk??b?l?ti/ n. 有效性(workable adj. 可行的,切合实际的)
anecdotally /??n?k?do?t?li/ adv. 据传言地(anecdote n.趣闻,轶事;[复数]秘史)
box-ticking /bɑ?ks ?t?k??/ n. 例行公事 tick:打钩 e.g. the box-ticking culture
根据印度下议院内政部的数据,2014 年至 2016 年间,印度学生的自杀率逐年增长。在 2016 年,共有 9474 名印度学生轻生,这一触目惊心的数字意味着相当于平均每 55 分钟就有一个印度学生结束自己的生命。这其中,四分之一的学生是因为未能通过测试而感到绝望;其他的理由还包括被强迫的职业选择、对失败的恐惧,以及身患心理疾病时遭遇周围环境的污名化。更令人忧心忡忡的是,印度全国只有不足五千名精神病医师(psychiatrist),以及两千名临床心理医师(clinical psychologist),而他们需要服务的是足足 13 亿印度人。为了应对这些问题,印度自上到下都在进行着政策上的努力,比如在各邦建立心理健康项目,以及在各大学校开设心理治疗服务室。
印度的考试作弊不光流行,还是有组织的、精心策划的。由于印度每一年都有成千上万的学生们渴望通过艰苦的考试以获得印度有限的大学席位的资格,但其中最好的学校的入学率约为牛津大学和剑桥大学的十分之一。同时,这个每年约有 1700 万人加入劳动力市场的国家,每年只增加 550 万个职位。一个巨大的利益网就从学生和父母的绝望中铺开,每到考试季节,“作弊黑手党”也将重新开始投入工作。
早在 2015 年,一段发生在比哈尔城市的作弊视频流出,显示父母们沿着墙爬上五层楼高的考试中心的窗户,直接给正在考试的孩子们递写满了答案的纸条。
标签:体系 课堂 gis heat 好的 批评 十分 share ica