标签:inf bar get mat The com new frame bsp
//类Score package com.java.bowlingscore; public class Scorer { public void addThrow(int pins){ itsThrows[itsCurrentThrow++]=pins; } public int scoreForFrame(int theFrame){ int score = 0; ball = 0; for(int currentFrame=0;currentFrame<theFrame; currentFrame++){ if(strike()){ score +=10 + nextTwoBallsForStrike(); ball++; }else if(spare()){ score+=10+nextBallForSpare(); ball+=2; }else{ score +=twoBallsInFrame(); ball+=2; } } return score; } private boolean strike(){ return itsThrows[ball]==10; } private boolean spare() { return (itsThrows[ball]+itsThrows[ball+1]==10); } private int nextTwoBallsForStrike(){ return itsThrows[ball+1]+itsThrows[ball+2]; } private int nextBallForSpare(){ return itsThrows[ball+2]; } private int twoBallsInFrame(){ return itsThrows[ball]+itsThrows[ball+1]; } private int ball; private int[] itsThrows = new int[21]; private int itsCurrentThrow=0; }
package com.java.bowlingscore; public class Game { public int score(){ return scoreForFrame(itsCurrentFrame); } public int getCurrentFrame(){ return itsCurrentThrow; } public void add(int pins){ itsScorer.addThrow(pins); adjustCurrentFrame(pins); } private void adjustCurrentFrame(int pins) { if(lastBallinFrame(pins)){ advanceFrame(); }else{ firstThrowInFrame = false; } } private boolean lastBallinFrame(int pins) { return strike(pins)||(!firstThrowInFrame); } private boolean strike(int pins) { return (firstThrowInFrame&&pins==10); } private void advanceFrame() { itsCurrentFrame = Math.min(10, itsCurrentFrame+1); } public int scoreForFrame(int theFrame){ return itsScorer.scoreForFrame(theFrame); } private Scorer itsScorer = new Scorer(); private boolean firstThrowInFrame=true; private int itsCurrentFrame=1; private int itsCurrentThrow=0; }
敏捷软件开发:原则、模式与实践 一次编程实践 保龄球记分代码
标签:inf bar get mat The com new frame bsp