标签:des style color io os ar for strong sp
Flaresim.V4.0.4.637 火炬模拟设计软件
Flaresim is a computer program designed to assist professional engineers in the design and evaluation of
flare systems. The program calculates the thermal radiation and noise generated by flares and estimates the
temperatures of exposed surfaces. It also performs dispersion analysis of the combustion gases or relieved
fluid in flame out conditions.
Flaresim v2.0-ISO 1CD(火炬计算软件)
Flaresim User Manual
Flaretot.v1.2.1.0 1CD(燃烧系统设计与分析软件)]
Actel.Libero.IDE.v8.3.SP1.Windows-ISO 1DVD
LMS Imagine Lab AMESim R8A-ISO 1DVD
CIMCO.Software.Suite.v5.11.82 1CD
FastCAM.v6.0-ISO 1CD
Moldex3D.R9.0-ISO 1CD
IntelliCAD 2009 Pro Plus v6.4.23.2 1CD
Logopress3 v2008 SP4.1 for Solidworks 2008 1CD
CarSim v7.01b-ISO 1CD
IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM v511 1CD
IntelliCAD.Fine.HVAC.9.NG.v6.4.14.2 1CD
SolidShape v3.1.2a 1CD
Cadsoft EAGLE Professional v5.10 1CD
Cadwork v14-ISO 1CD
+ 长期有效,需要联系:
+ 联 系 Q. Q:16264558 电 话:13963782271
+ Skype: jzt_soft@hotmail.com
+ 联.系Email: jztsofts@qq.com
Cimatron E v8.5 SP10 1CD
MDSolids v3.4 1CD
Altera.QUARTUS.II.v8.0.incl.SP1.Linux-ISO 1DVD
GS.AFES.v3.0.071108 1CD
OriginPro v8.0 SR2 1CD
Aldec.ALINT.v2008.06 1CD
Bluespec v2008.06.E Linux 1CD
PCBM LP Provisional v7.01A 1CD
Trolltech Qt Commercial v4.4.0 1CD
AutoTURN v5.1 1CD
UG.NX.v6.64bit-ISO 1DVD
Siemens.Simatic.WinCC.v7.0.MultiLanguage-ISO 1DVD
Actel.Designer.v8.3.SP1.Linux-ISO 1CD
Algor Pipepak v22.0 1CD
Algor.Designcheck.v22.0 1CD
Algor.PipeCheck.v22.0.x64 1CD
EnviroInsite.v5.3 1CD
Novas Verdi v2008.04 1CD
Aquaveo.WMS.v8.0.030308 1CD
NI.DIAdem.v11.0-ISO 1CD
TGS.Open.Inventor.v7.1.GCC.3.2.3.LINUX 1CD
标签:des style color io os ar for strong sp