标签:put one rac none inpu eve display signal lse
Given a string, replace each its character by the next one in the English alphabet (z
would be replaced by a
For inputString = "crazy"
, the output should bealphabeticShift(inputString) = "dsbaz"
def alphabeticShift(inputString): l = [] for x in inputString: l.append(x) for i in range(len(inputString)): if l[i] == ‘z‘: l[i] = ‘a‘ else: l[i] = chr(ord(l[i])+1) return ‘‘.join(l)
def alphabeticShift(s): return "".join(chr((ord(i)-96)%26+97) for i in s)
Code Signal_练习题_alphabeticShift
标签:put one rac none inpu eve display signal lse