标签:菜单栏 rac WAD tor 新闻列表 warning 管理系统 false data
package com.pay.boss.action; import com.pay.boss.entity.News; import com.pay.boss.service.NewsService; /** * Title:NewsAction * action里面的方法根据页面来写 */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class NewsAction extends Struts2ActionSupport{ //封装数据,并被继承给NewsAction;可以不继承,但需要自己封装; //注入service;业务 private NewsService newsService; private News news; private Long id; private String newsNo; public Long getId() { return id; } public void setId(Long id) { this.id = id; } public void newsAdd(){ try{ news = newsService.create(news); write("添加成功");//没有异常就返回"添加成功" }catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); //捕获异常; write("操作异常"); } } public String newsDetail(){ news = newsService.findById(news.getId()); return SUCCESS; }//通过id查找并返回成功 public void newsCheck(){ news = newsService.findByNewsNo(newsNo); if (news == null){ write("编号可用"); }else{ write("编号已存在"); } }//在这里判断,结果返回给页面,就不需要在页面上进行判断了; public String getNewsNo() { return newsNo; } public void setNewsNo(String newsNo) { this.newsNo = newsNo; } public String newsUpdate(){ //Update的方法 news = newsService.update(news); return SUCCESS; } public NewsService getNewsService() { return newsService; } public void setNewsService(NewsService newsService){ this.newsService = newsService; } public News getNews(){ return news; } public void setNews(News news){ this.news = news; } }
package com.pay.boss.service; import com.pay.boss.entity.News; public interface NewsService { public News create(News news); //增 public News update(News news);//改 public void delete(News news);//删 public News findById(Long id);//通过id查 public News findByNewsNo(String newsNo); //通过编号查 }
package com.pay.boss.service.impl; import java.util.Date; import com.pay.boss.dao.NewsDao; import com.pay.boss.entity.News; import com.pay.boss.service.NewsService; import com.pay.boss.enums.NewsStatus; public class NewsServiceImpl implements NewsService { private NewsDao newsDao; //注入Dao; public NewsDao getNewsDao(){ return newsDao; } public void setNewsDao(NewsDao newsDao){ this.newsDao = newsDao; } @Override public News create(News news) { news.setStatus(NewsStatus.INIT); news.setCreateTime(new Date()); return newsDao.create(news); } @Override public News update(News news) { News newsDaoDB = newsDao.findById(news.getId()); /*从数据库中取出东西用以修改*/ newsDaoDB.setStatus(NewsStatus.INIT); newsDaoDB.setTitle(news.getTitle()); newsDaoDB.setSummary(news.getSummary()); newsDaoDB.setContent(news.getContent()); newsDaoDB.setAuthor(news.getAuthor()); newsDaoDB.setImgUrl(news.getImgUrl()); newsDaoDB.setNewsCategory(news.getNewsCategory()); newsDaoDB.setUpdateTime(new Date()); newsDaoDB = newsDao.update(newsDaoDB); //将修改后的数据传入数据库; return newsDaoDB; } @Override public void delete(News news) { newsDao.delete(news); //不需要返回值 } @Override public News findById(Long id) { return newsDao.findById(id); } @Override public News findByNewsNo(String newsNo) { return newsDao.findByNewsNo(newsNo); } }
spring-manager 是配置javabean
<!-- 新闻需求 --> <bean id="newsAction" class="com.pay.boss.action.NewsAction" singleton="false"></bean> <bean id="newsService" class="com.pay.boss.service.impl.NewsServiceImpl"></bean> <bean id="newsDao" class="com.pay.boss.dao.impl.NewsDaoImpl"></bean>
spring-valueList 一些sql语句,查询,详细信息时使用
<!-- 新闻列表 --> <entry key="newsList"> <bean parent="defConfig"> <property name="sql"> <value> <![CDATA[ select ID as id , NEWS_NO as news_no , CREATE_TIME as create_time , UPDATE_TIME as update_time, STATUS as status , SUMMARY as summary, CONTENT as content, IMG_URL as img_url, NEWS_CATEGORY as news_category, TITLE as title, AUTHOR as author from news where 1=1 /~id: and id = [id]~/ /~newsNo: and news_no =‘[newsNo]‘ ~/ /~status: and status = ‘[status]‘~/ /~newsCategory: and news_category = ‘[newsCategory]‘~/ order by id desc ]]> </value> </property> </bean> </entry>
<result name="toNewsQuery">/jsp/news/newsQuery.jsp</result>
<result name="toNewsAdd">/jsp/news/newAdd.jsp</result> <!-- 跳转之前的页面 ,带有菜单-->
<!-- 新闻需求 --> <action name="newsDetail" class="newsAction" method="newsDetail"> <result>/jsp/news/newsDetail.jsp</result> </action> <action name="newsQuery" class="defaultValueListAction"> <param name="queryId">newsList</param> <!-- valuelist的东西,需在spring-valuelist里配置 --> <result>/jsp/news/newsQueryResult.jsp</result> </action> <action name="newsAdd" class="newsAction" method="newsAdd"> </action> <action name="toNewsUpdate" class="newsAction" method="newsDetail"> <result>/jsp/news/newsUpdate.jsp</result> </action> <!-- 一个直接跳转到页面的路径,一个走action(后台)的路径,本质是一样的 --> <action name="newsUpdate" class="newsAction" method="newsUpdate"> <result>/jsp/news/newsDetail.jsp</result> <!-- type="redirect"表示不重复提交 --> </action> <action name="newsCheck" class="newsAction" method="newsCheck"> </action>
<mapping class="com.pay.boss.entity.News" /> <!-- mapping:映射 -->
注意,这里面的entityDao就相当于session Factory,所以直接引用就行,否则需要自己注入session Factory
标签:菜单栏 rac WAD tor 新闻列表 warning 管理系统 false data