标签:错误 init head public The class ready def efi
426. Convert Binary Search Tree to Sorted Doubly Linked List(AC) Convert a BST to a sorted circular doubly-linked list in-place Iterative(AC) O(n) time, O(h) space. Stack size depends on the , tree’s height /* // Definition for a Node. class Node { public int val; public Node left; public Node right; public Node() {} public Node(int _val,Node _left,Node _right) { val = _val; left = _left; right = _right; } }; */ class Solution { public Node treeToDoublyList(Node root) { if(root == null) return null; Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<>(); if(root != null){ pushLeft(root, stack); } Node first = stack.peek(); while(!stack.isEmpty()){ Node cur = stack.pop(); if(cur.right != null){ pushLeft(cur.right, stack); } if(!stack.isEmpty()){ // check if empty Node peek = stack.peek(); cur.right = peek; peek.left = cur; } if(stack.isEmpty()){ cur.right = first; first.left = cur; } } return first; } private void pushLeft(Node node, Stack<Node> stack){ while(node != null){ // use while stack.push(node); node = node.left; } } } // 写过的题还会出错, 当时花了很长时间把这道题用 iterative 的方法 做了出来, 但是这次再写, 不会写了, 看了答案后, 自己写了一遍, 又 出现了错误。。。 建议: 走例子, 常复习。 // recursive 闫老师笔记 (AC) O(n) time, O(h) space . Call stack depends on the tree’s height class Solution { public Node treeToDoublyList(Node root) { if(root == null) return null; // suppose both left and right are circuler ddl already sepatrely // each of them is in their own ddl bubble // they are not connected yet Node left = treeToDoublyList(root.left); Node right = treeToDoublyList(root.right); // make the root connected with itself, then root is // also a circuler ddl root.left = root; root.right = root; // connect the left circuler ddl with root circular ddl // return the new head, which is the head of left, if // left is not null. if left is null, the new head is the root left = connect(left, root); // connect the new left with the right circular ddl // return the new head, which is the head of left, if // left is not null. return head of right if left is null // we just call the return value left, it‘s not necessaitly // the head of the left , if all depends if the left is null // or not left = connect(left, right); return left; } // connect one circular ddl with another circular ddl // private Node connect(Node h1, Node h2){ if(h1 == null) return h2; if(h2 == null) return h1; Node t1 = h1.left; Node t2 = h2.left; h1.left = t2; t2.right = h1; h2.left = t1; t1.right = h2; return h1; } } // suppose <-1<->2<->3-> 1 is h1, 3 is t1. 1 and 3 is connected // <-4<->5<->6-> 4 is h2, 6 is t2. 4 and 6 is connected // now we want to connect the above circular ddl. // we want to get <-1<->2<->3<->4<->5<->6-> // then h1.prev = t2. t2.next = h1. t1.next = h2. h2.prev = t1 ///// 自己写的, 和闫老师的不太一样的一点是 // connect the left circuler ddl with root circular ddl // return the new head, which is the head of left, if // left is not null. if left is null, the new head is the root Node newHead = connect(left, root); // connect the new list with the right circular ddl // return the new head, which is the head of the new list, if // new list is not null. return head of right if the new list is null newHead= connect(newHead, right); return newHead; 因为 感觉 用个 newhead 比较 容易理解。 class Solution { public Node treeToDoublyList(Node root) { if(root == null) return null; // suppose both left and right are circuler ddl already sepatrely // each of them is in their own ddl bubble // they are not connected yet Node left = treeToDoublyList(root.left); Node right = treeToDoublyList(root.right); // make the root connected with itself, then root is // also a circuler ddl root.left = root; root.right = root; // connect the left circuler ddl with root circular ddl // return the new head, which is the head of left, if // left is not null. if left is null, the new head is the root Node newHead = connect(left, root); // connect the new list with the right circular ddl // return the new head, which is the head of the new list, if // new list is not null. return head of right if the new list is null newHead= connect(newHead, right); return newHead; } // connect one circular ddl with another circular ddl // private Node connect(Node h1, Node h2){ if(h1 == null) return h2; if(h2 == null) return h1; Node t1 = h1.left; Node t2 = h2.left; h1.left = t2; t2.right = h1; h2.left = t1; t1.right = h2; return h1; } }
426. Convert Binary Search Tree to Sorted Doubly Linked List
标签:错误 init head public The class ready def efi