标签:set rar operation var amp uga open target reg
set NAME liugaopeng
set var 0
#set_app_var target_library [list *.db]
#*******************Processs Control******************
if {$var} {
echo "Good!"
} else {
echo "Bad!"
switch -regexp -exact $NAME {
"liugaopeng" {
echo "$NAME come to my office."
"zhaojianzhong" {
echo "Good morning!"
default {
echo "Error! The option is not exist."
set i 0
while {$i < 10} {
echo "Current value of i is $i."
incr i 1;#i++
for {set idx 0} {$idx < 10} {incr idx 1} {
if {$idx == 8} {
echo "Current value of idx is $idx."
set NAMES [list "liugaopeng" "chen nan" "zhaojianzhong" "lizhi"]
foreach NAME $NAMES {
echo "$NAME is here!"
set log_file_cnt 0
set txt_file_cnt 0
set file_list [glob *.log *.txt]
foreach f_name $file_list {
set f_ext [file extension $f_name]
switch $f_ext {
".log" {incr log_file_cnt}
".txt" {incr txt_file_cnt}
echo "The total number of .log file is $log_file_cnt"
echo "The total number of .txt file is $txt_file_cnt"
#*****************File Operation*************************************
#Write info to it
set SRC "Good night"
set file_wr_id [open data.txt w+]
puts $file_wr_id $SRC
flush $file_wr_id
close $file_wr_id
#Read from a file
set DST ""
set file_rd_id [open data.txt r]
gets $file_rd_id DST
echo "Read from file is {$DST}."
close $file_rd_id
#define subroutine
set data 10
proc print_var {} { ;#void input
global data
echo "data is $data";
#Invoking subroutine
proc max {a b} {
if {$a > $b} {
set y $a
} else {
set y $b
return $y;
proc sum {args} {
set num_list $args
set sum 0
foreach num $num_list {
set sum [expr ($sum + $num)]
return $sum
sum 1 8 9
array set AGES [list Liugaopeng 26 Chennan 25 Zhaojianzhong 36 lizhi 31]
proc inc_age {name_age_list} {
#convert list to array
array set OLD_AGES $name_age_list
set name_list [array names OLD_AGES]
foreach name $name_list {
incr OLD_AGES($name) 2
#convert array to list and output
return [array get OLD_AGES]
inc_age [list liu 25 chen 24]
set num 0
proc inc_one {num} {
upvar $num local_var
incr local_var 2
标签:set rar operation var amp uga open target reg