标签:sel 显示 name 2-2 where 数字 数值 包含 范围
--【1.模糊查询 like 通配符%】
select name,sex,id from hanshu where name LIKE ‘汤%‘
select name,sex,id from hanshu where name LIKE ‘%汤%‘
--【2.BETWEE..AND 数字包含之间,包含起止值,必须是从小到大,例如:2-9 不可9-2】
select * from hanshu where moeny BETWEEN 2 AND 9
--NOT 相反
select * from hanshu where moeny NOT BETWEEN 2 AND 9
select * from hanshu where moeny>=2 and moeny<=9
select * from hanshu where name in (‘汤慧‘,‘刘丹‘) --可以是字符串
select * from hanshu where moeny in (5,6) --可以是数值
select * from hanshu where data in (‘2018-2-2‘,‘2018-6-8‘) --可以是日期
标签:sel 显示 name 2-2 where 数字 数值 包含 范围