标签:i++ src position type and ios tco .com 完整版
#include <iostream> #include <windows.h> typedef struct Snake { char body[3]; int x, y; Snake* n_node; Snake() : body("■"), n_node(nullptr) {} Snake(int x1, int y1) : body("■"), x(x1), y(y1), n_node(nullptr) { } } SnakeBody; void SetPosition(short x, short y) { HANDLE winHandle; COORD pos = {x, y}; winHandle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); SetConsoleCursorPosition(winHandle, pos); } SnakeBody*init(SnakeBody*head) { head = new Snake(0, 0); SnakeBody*s_body = head; for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { SnakeBody* cur_n = new Snake(head->x, head->y + i); s_body->n_node = cur_n; s_body = cur_n; } return head; } void PrintBody(SnakeBody*h) { SnakeBody*n = h; while (n) { SetPosition(n->x, n->y); printf("%s", n->body); n = n->n_node; } } SnakeBody* move_down(SnakeBody*h) { SnakeBody*n = h; while (n) { n->y += 1; if (n->y == 28) n->y = 0; n = n->n_node; } return h; } void Game(SnakeBody*head) { int i = 0; while(1) { PrintBody(head); SetPosition(0, i); printf(" "); head = move_down(head); i++; if (i == 28) i = 0; Sleep(600); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { SnakeBody*h = nullptr; h = init(h); Game(h); return 0; }
标签:i++ src position type and ios tco .com 完整版