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标签:tar   flow   ram   except   sha   rmi   运行   取出   info   





CPU版本安装:pip install paddlepaddle


CUDA9 + cuDNN7.0:pip install paddlepaddle-gpu

CUDA8 + cuDNN7.0 : pip install paddlepaddle-gpu==0.14.0.post87

CUDA8 + cuDNN5.0 : pip install paddlepaddle-gpu==0.14.0.post85




程序中提供了三种网络模型,代码很明显,这里应该不用太多说,直接贴出来了。需要注意的是,PaddlePaddle将图像的通道数放在最前面,即为[C H W],区别于[H W C]。


#a full-connect-layer network using softmax as activation function
def softmax_regression():
    img = fluid.layers.data(name=img,shape=[1,28,28],dtype=float32)
    predict = fluid.layers.fc(input=img,size=10,act=softmax)
    return predict


#3 full-connect-layers network using softmax as activation function
multilayer_perceptron(): img = fluid.layers.data(name=img,shape=[1,28,28],dtype=float32) hidden = fluid.layers.fc(input = img,size=128,act=softmax) hidden = fluid.layers.fc(input = hidden,size=64,act=softmax) prediction = fluid.layers.fc(input = hidden,size=10,act=softmax) return prediction


#traditional converlutional neural network
cnn(): img = fluid.layers.data(name=img,shape=[1, 28, 28], dtype =float32) # first conv pool conv_pool_1 = fluid.nets.simple_img_conv_pool( input = img, filter_size = 5, num_filters = 20, pool_size=2, pool_stride=2, act="relu") conv_pool_1 = fluid.layers.batch_norm(conv_pool_1) # second conv pool conv_pool_2 = fluid.nets.simple_img_conv_pool( input=conv_pool_1, filter_size=5, num_filters=50, pool_size=2, pool_stride=2, act="relu") # output layer with softmax activation function. size = 10 since there are only 10 possible digits. prediction = fluid.layers.fc(input=conv_pool_2, size=10, act=softmax) return prediction


PaddlePaddle的损失函数的构建基本上与tensorflow没有太大的区别。但是需要指出的是:(1)在tensorflow中交叉熵的求解函数是使用[0 0 0 ... 1 ...]等长向量求解。但是在PaddlePaddle中,交叉熵是直接与一个整数求解;(2)标签(lable)的输入数据类型使用的是int64,尽管reader生成器返回的是int类型。笔者尝试将其改为int32类型,但是会出错。另外在其他实践过程中使用int32也是有相应的错误。

def train_program():
    #if using dtype=‘int64‘, it reports errors!
    label = fluid.layers.data(name=label, shape=[1], dtype=int64)
    # Here we can build the prediction network in different ways. Please
    predict = cnn()
    #predict = softmax_regression()
    #predict = multilayer_perssion()
    # Calculate the cost from the prediction and label.
    cost = fluid.layers.cross_entropy(input=predict, label=label)
    avg_cost = fluid.layers.mean(cost)
    acc = fluid.layers.accuracy(input=predict, label=label)
    return [avg_cost, acc]

PaddlePaddle使用Trainer进行训练,只需构建训练函数train_program作为Trainer参数(这个下面个再详细讲解)。这里要说一下,函数返回一个向量[arg_cost, acc],其中第一个元素作为损失函数,而后面几个元素则是可选的,用于在迭代过程中print出来。所以,返回arg_cost是必要的,其他是可选的。特别说明:不要作死将一个常量放在里面,也就是里面的元素必须是会随着训练而变化,如果作死“acc=1”,则在训练中会报错。



def optimizer_program():
    return fluid.optimizer.Adam(learning_rate=0.001)
if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("run minst train\n")
    minst_prefix = /home/dzqiu/DataSet/minst/
    train_image_path   = minst_prefix + train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz
    train_label_path   = minst_prefix + train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz
    test_image_path    = minst_prefix + t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz
    test_label_path    = minst_prefix + t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz
    train_reader = paddle.batch(paddle.reader.shuffle(#shuffle用于打乱buffer的循序
    test_reader  = paddle.batch(
reader_creator(test_image_path,test_label_path,buffer_size=100), batch_size=64) #测试集就不用打乱了 #if use GPU, use ‘export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0‘ at first use_cuda = True place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0) if use_cuda else fluid.CPUPlace() trainer = fluid.Trainer(train_func=train_program,
optimizer_func=optimizer_program) params_dirname = "recognize_digits_network.inference.model" lists = [] # def event_handler(event): if isinstance(event,fluid.EndStepEvent):#每步触发事件 if event.step % 100 == 0: print("Pass %d, Epoch %d, Cost %f, Acc %f" %(event.step, event.epoch, event.metrics[0],#train_program返回的第一个参数arg_cost event.metrics[1]))#train_program返回的第二个参数acc if isinstance(event,fluid.EndEpochEvent):#每次迭代触发事件 trainer.save_params(params_dirname) #使用test的时候,返回值就是train_program的返回,所以赋值需要对应 avg_cost, acc = trainer.test(reader=test_reader,
feed_order=[img,label]) print("Test with Epoch %d, avg_cost: %s, acc: %s" %(event.epoch, avg_cost, acc)) lists.append((event.epoch, avg_cost, acc)) # Train the model now trainer.train(num_epochs=5,event_handler=event_handler,
reader=train_reader,feed_order=[img, label]) # find the best pass best = sorted(lists, key=lambda list: float(list[1]))[0] print Best pass is %s, testing Avgcost is %s % (best[0], best[1]) print The classification accuracy is %.2f%% % (float(best[2]) * 100)

2.4、训练数据的读取 Reader




def reader_creator(image_filename,label_filename,buffer_size):
    def reader():
        if platform.system()==Linux:
            zcat_cmd = zcat
        elif paltform.system()==Windows:
            zcat_cmd = gzcat
            raise NotImplementedError("This program is suported on Windows or Linux,                                      but your platform is" + platform.system())
        #create a subprocess to read the images
        sub_img = subprocess.Popen([zcat_cmd, image_filename], stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
        sub_img.stdout.read(16) #skip some magic bytes 这里我们已经知道,所以我们不在需要前16字节
        #create a subprocess to read the labels
        sub_lab = subprocess.Popen([zcat_cmd, label_filename], stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
        sub_lab.stdout.read(8)  #skip some magic bytes 同理
            while True:         #前面使用try,故若再读取过程中遇到结束则会退出
        #label is a pixel repersented by a unsigned byte,so just read a byte
                labels = numpy.fromfile(

                if labels.size != buffer_size:
        #read 28*28 byte as array,and then resize it
                images = numpy.fromfile(
count=buffer_size * 28 * 28)
28, 28).astype("float32") #mapping each pixel into (-1,1) images = images / 255.0 * 2.0 - 1.0; for i in xrange(buffer_size): yield images[i,:],int(labels[i]) #将图像与标签抛出,循序与feed_order对应! finally: try: #terminate the reader subprocess sub_img.terminate() except: pass try: #terminate the reader subprocess sub_lable.terminate() except: pass return reader



Pass 0, Batch 0, Cost 4.250958, Acc 0.062500
Pass 100, Batch 0, Cost 0.249865, Acc 0.953125
Pass 200, Batch 0, Cost 0.281933, Acc 0.906250
Pass 300, Batch 0, Cost 0.147851, Acc 0.953125
Pass 400, Batch 0, Cost 0.144059, Acc 0.968750
Pass 500, Batch 0, Cost 0.082035, Acc 0.953125
Pass 600, Batch 0, Cost 0.105593, Acc 0.984375
Pass 700, Batch 0, Cost 0.148170, Acc 0.968750
Pass 800, Batch 0, Cost 0.182150, Acc 0.937500
Pass 900, Batch 0, Cost 0.066323, Acc 0.968750
Test with Epoch 0, avg_cost: 0.07329441363440427, acc: 0.9762620192307693
Pass 0, Batch 1, Cost 0.157396, Acc 0.953125
Pass 100, Batch 1, Cost 0.050120, Acc 0.968750
Pass 200, Batch 1, Cost 0.086324, Acc 0.984375
Pass 300, Batch 1, Cost 0.002137, Acc 1.000000
Pass 400, Batch 1, Cost 0.173876, Acc 0.984375
Pass 500, Batch 1, Cost 0.059772, Acc 0.968750
Pass 600, Batch 1, Cost 0.035788, Acc 0.984375
Pass 700, Batch 1, Cost 0.008351, Acc 1.000000
Pass 800, Batch 1, Cost 0.022678, Acc 0.984375
Pass 900, Batch 1, Cost 0.021835, Acc 1.000000
Test with Epoch 1, avg_cost: 0.06836433922317389, acc: 0.9774639423076923
Pass 0, Batch 2, Cost 0.214221, Acc 0.937500
Pass 100, Batch 2, Cost 0.212448, Acc 0.953125
Pass 200, Batch 2, Cost 0.007266, Acc 1.000000
Pass 300, Batch 2, Cost 0.015241, Acc 1.000000
Pass 400, Batch 2, Cost 0.061948, Acc 0.984375
Pass 500, Batch 2, Cost 0.043950, Acc 0.984375
Pass 600, Batch 2, Cost 0.018946, Acc 0.984375
Pass 700, Batch 2, Cost 0.015527, Acc 0.984375
Pass 800, Batch 2, Cost 0.035185, Acc 0.984375
Pass 900, Batch 2, Cost 0.004890, Acc 1.000000
Test with Epoch 2, avg_cost: 0.05774364945361809, acc: 0.9822716346153846
Pass 0, Batch 3, Cost 0.031849, Acc 0.984375
Pass 100, Batch 3, Cost 0.059525, Acc 0.953125
Pass 200, Batch 3, Cost 0.022106, Acc 0.984375
Pass 300, Batch 3, Cost 0.006763, Acc 1.000000
Pass 400, Batch 3, Cost 0.056089, Acc 0.984375
Pass 500, Batch 3, Cost 0.018876, Acc 1.000000
Pass 600, Batch 3, Cost 0.010325, Acc 1.000000
Pass 700, Batch 3, Cost 0.010989, Acc 1.000000
Pass 800, Batch 3, Cost 0.026476, Acc 0.984375
Pass 900, Batch 3, Cost 0.007792, Acc 1.000000
Test with Epoch 3, avg_cost: 0.05476908334449968, acc: 0.9830729166666666
Pass 0, Batch 4, Cost 0.061547, Acc 0.984375
Pass 100, Batch 4, Cost 0.002315, Acc 1.000000
Pass 200, Batch 4, Cost 0.009715, Acc 1.000000
Pass 300, Batch 4, Cost 0.024202, Acc 0.984375
Pass 400, Batch 4, Cost 0.150663, Acc 0.968750
Pass 500, Batch 4, Cost 0.082586, Acc 0.984375
Pass 600, Batch 4, Cost 0.012232, Acc 1.000000
Pass 700, Batch 4, Cost 0.055258, Acc 0.984375
Pass 800, Batch 4, Cost 0.016068, Acc 1.000000
Pass 900, Batch 4, Cost 0.004945, Acc 1.000000
Test with Epoch 4, avg_cost: 0.041706092633705505, acc: 0.9865785256410257
Best pass is 4, testing Avgcost is 0.041706092633705505
The classification accuracy is 98.66%
View Code


2.6 测试接口

PaddlePaddle提供接口函数,调用接口即可。特别的是,图像需要转化为[N C H W]的张量,如果是一张图像,这里N当然是1,因为是灰度图C也便是1。具体看下面代码:

def load_image(file):
        im = Image.open(file).convert(L)
        im = im.resize((28, 28), Image.ANTIALIAS)
        im = numpy.array(im).reshape(1, 1, 28, 28).astype(np.float32) #[N C H W] 这里多了一个N
        im = im / 255.0 * 2.0 - 1.0
        return im
    cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    img = load_image(cur_dir + /infer_3.png)
    inferencer = fluid.Inferencer(
        # infer_func=softmax_regression, # uncomment for softmax regression
        # infer_func=multilayer_perceptron, # uncomment for MLP
        infer_func=cnn,  # uncomment for LeNet5
    results = inferencer.infer({img: img})
    lab = numpy.argsort(results)  # probs and lab are the results of one batch data
    print "Label of infer_3.png is: %d" % lab[0][0][-1]


Label of infer_3.png is: 3






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