标签:+= err lin 最大的 min point bsp arcgis return
def MaxZ(shape):
line = shape.getPart(0)
pnt = line.next()
maxValue = float("-inf")
while pnt:
if maxValue < pnt.Z:
maxValue = pnt.Z
pnt = line.next()
return maxValue
point.X += shiftValue
return point
def MinZ(shape):
line = shape.getPart(0)
pnt = line.next()
minValue = float("inf")
while pnt:
if minValue > pnt.Z:
minValue = pnt.Z
pnt = line.next()
return minValue
def info( ZValue , ZValueMin , ZValueMax ):
returnValue = "unknown"
if ZValue and ZValueMin and ZValueMax:
if ZValueMax - ZValueMin < 0.00000001:
returnValue = "unknown"
elif ZValue > ZValueMax or ZValue < ZValueMin:
returnValue = "error"
returnValue = "ok"
return returnValue
def MinZ(shape):
line = shape.getPart(0)
pnt = line.next()
minValue = float("inf")
while pnt:
if minValue > pnt.Z:
minValue = pnt.Z
pnt = line.next()
return minValue
标签:+= err lin 最大的 min point bsp arcgis return