标签:strategy 层次结构 down har tps pre normal variant com
Feature Pyramid Networks for Object Detection
Feature pyramids are a basic component in recognition systems for detecting objects at different scales. But recent deep learning object detectors have avoided pyramid representations, in part because they are compute and memory intensive. In this paper, we exploit the inherent multi-scale, pyramidal hierarchy of deep convolutional networks to construct feature pyramids with marginal extra cost. A top-down architecture with lateral connections is developed for building high-level semantic feature maps at all scales. This architecture, called a Feature Pyramid Network (FPN), shows significant improvement as a generic feature extractor in several applications. Using FPN in a basic Faster R-CNN system, our method achieves state-of-the-art single-model results on the COCO detection benchmark without bells and whistles, surpassing all existing single-model entries including those from the COCO 2016 challenge winners. In addition, our method can run at 6 FPS on a GPU and thus is a practical and accurate solution to multi-scale object detection. Code will be made publicly available.
特征金字塔是识别系统中用于检测不同尺度目标的基本组件。但最近的深度学习目标检测器已经避免了金字塔表示,部分原因是它们是计算和内存密集型的。在本文中,我们利用深度卷积网络内在的多尺度、金字塔分级来构造具有很少额外成本的特征金字塔。开发了一种具有横向连接的自顶向下架构,用于在所有尺度上构建高级语义特征映射。这种称为特征金字塔网络(FPN)的架构在几个应用程序中作为通用特征提取器表现出了显著的改进。在一个基本的Faster R-CNN系统中使用FPN,没有任何不必要的东西,我们的方法可以在COCO检测基准数据集上取得最先进的单模型结果,结果超过了所有现有的单模型输入,包括COCO 2016挑战赛的获奖者。此外,我们的方法可以在GPU上以6FPS运行,因此是多尺度目标检测的实用和准确的解决方案。代码将公开发布。
Recognizing objects at vastly different scales is a fundamental challenge in computer vision. Feature pyramids built upon image pyramids (for short we call these featurized image pyramids) form the basis of a standard solution [1] (Fig. 1(a)). These pyramids are scale-invariant in the sense that an object’s scale change is offset by shifting its level in the pyramid. Intuitively, this property enables a model to detect objects across a large range of scales by scanning the model over both positions and pyramid levels.
Figure 1. (a) Using an image pyramid to build a feature pyramid. Features are computed on each of the image scales independently, which is slow. (b) Recent detection systems have opted to use only single scale features for faster detection. (c) An alternative is to reuse the pyramidal feature hierarchy computed by a ConvNet as if it were a featurized image pyramid. (d) Our proposed Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) is fast like (b) and (c), but more accurate. In this figure, feature maps are indicate by blue outlines and thicker outlines denote semantically stronger features.
Featurized image pyramids were heavily used in the era of hand-engineered features [5, 25]. They were so critical that object detectors like DPM [7] required dense scale sampling to achieve good results (e.g., 10 scales per octave). For recognition tasks, engineered features have largely been replaced with features computed by deep convolutional networks (ConvNets) [19, 20]. Aside from being capable of representing higher-level semantics, ConvNets are also more robust to variance in scale and thus facilitate recognition from features computed on a single input scale [15, 11, 29] (Fig. 1(b)). But even with this robustness, pyramids are still needed to get the most accurate results. All recent top entries in the ImageNet [33] and COCO [21] detection challenges use multi-scale testing on featurized image pyramids (e.g., [16, 35]). The principle advantage of featurizing each level of an image pyramid is that it produces a multi-scale feature representation in which all levels are semantically strong, including the high-resolution levels.
Nevertheless, featurizing each level of an image pyramid has obvious limitations. Inference time increases considerably (e.g., by four times [11]), making this approach impractical for real applications. Moreover, training deep networks end-to-end on an image pyramid is infeasible in terms of memory, and so, if exploited, image pyramids are used only at test time [15, 11, 16, 35], which creates an inconsistency between train/test-time inference. For these reasons, Fast and Faster R-CNN [11, 29] opt to not use featurized image pyramids under default settings.
尽管如此,特征化图像金字塔的每个层次都具有明显的局限性。推断时间显著增加(例如,四倍[11]),使得这种方法在实际应用中不切实际。此外,在图像金字塔上端对端地训练深度网络在内存方面是不可行的,所以如果被采用,图像金字塔仅在测试时被使用[15,11,16,35],这造成了训练/测试时推断的不一致性。出于这些原因,Fast和Faster R-CNN[11,29]选择在默认设置下不使用特征化图像金字塔。
However, image pyramids are not the only way to compute a multi-scale feature representation. A deep ConvNet computes a feature hierarchy layer by layer, and with subsampling layers the feature hierarchy has an inherent multi-scale, pyramidal shape. This in-network feature hierarchy produces feature maps of different spatial resolutions, but introduces large semantic gaps caused by different depths. The high-resolution maps have low-level features that harm their representational capacity for object recognition.
The Single Shot Detector (SSD) [22] is one of the first attempts at using a ConvNet’s pyramidal feature hierarchy as if it were a featurized image pyramid (Fig. 1(c)). Ideally, the SSD-style pyramid would reuse the multi-scale feature maps from different layers computed in the forward pass and thus come free of cost. But to avoid using low-level features SSD foregoes reusing already computed layers and instead builds the pyramid starting from high up in the network (e.g., conv4_3 of VGG nets [36]) and then by adding several new layers. Thus it misses the opportunity to reuse the higher-resolution maps of the feature hierarchy. We show that these are important for detecting small objects.
The goal of this paper is to naturally leverage the pyramidal shape of a ConvNet’s feature hierarchy while creating a feature pyramid that has strong semantics at all scales. To achieve this goal, we rely on an architecture that combines low-resolution, semantically strong features with high-resolution, semantically weak features via a top-down pathway and lateral connections (Fig. 1(d)). The result is a feature pyramid that has rich semantics at all levels and is built quickly from a single input image scale. In other words, we show how to create in-network feature pyramids that can be used to replace featurized image pyramids without sacrificing representational power, speed, or memory.
Similar architectures adopting top-down and skip connections are popular in recent research [28, 17, 8, 26]. Their goals are to produce a single high-level feature map of a fine resolution on which the predictions are to be made (Fig. 2 top). On the contrary, our method leverages the architecture as a feature pyramid where predictions (e.g., object detections) are independently made on each level (Fig. 2 bottom). Our model echoes a featurized image pyramid, which has not been explored in these works.
Figure 2. Top: a top-down architecture with skip connections, where predictions are made on the finest level (e.g., [28]). Bottom: our model that has a similar structure but leverages it as a feature pyramid, with predictions made independently at all levels.
We evaluate our method, called a Feature Pyramid Network (FPN), in various systems for detection and segmentation [11, 29, 27]. Without bells and whistles, we report a state-of-the-art single-model result on the challenging COCO detection benchmark [21] simply based on FPN and a basic Faster R-CNN detector [29], surpassing all existing heavily-engineered single-model entries of competition winners. In ablation experiments, we find that for bounding box proposals, FPN significantly increases the Average Recall (AR) by 8.0 points; for object detection, it improves the COCO-style Average Precision (AP) by 2.3 points and PASCAL-style AP by 3.8 points, over a strong single-scale baseline of Faster R-CNN on ResNets [16]. Our method is also easily extended to mask proposals and improves both instance segmentation AR and speed over state-of-the-art methods that heavily depend on image pyramids.
我们评估了我们称为特征金字塔网络(FPN)的方法,其在各种系统中用于检测和分割[11,29,27]。没有任何不必要的东西,我们在具有挑战性的COCO检测基准数据集上报告了最新的单模型结果,仅仅基于FPN和基本的Faster R-CNN检测器[29],就超过了竞赛获奖者所有现存的严重工程化的单模型竞赛输入。在消融实验中,我们发现对于边界框提议,FPN将平均召回率(AR)显著增加了8个百分点;对于目标检测,它将COCO型的平均精度(AP)提高了2.3个百分点,PASCAL型AP提高了3.8个百分点,超过了ResNet[16]上Faster R-CNN强大的单尺度基准线。我们的方法也很容易扩展掩模提议,改进实例分隔AR,加速严重依赖图像金字塔的最先进方法。
In addition, our pyramid structure can be trained end-to-end with all scales and is used consistently at train/test time, which would be memory-infeasible using image pyramids. As a result, FPNs are able to achieve higher accuracy than all existing state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, this improvement is achieved without increasing testing time over the single-scale baseline. We believe these advances will facilitate future research and applications. Our code will be made publicly available.
2.Related Work
- 相关工作
Hand-engineered features and early neural networks. SIFT features [25] were originally extracted at scale-space extrema and used for feature point matching. HOG features [5], and later SIFT features as well, were computed densely over entire image pyramids. These HOG and SIFT pyramids have been used in numerous works for image classification, object detection, human pose estimation, and more. There has also been significant interest in computing featurized image pyramids quickly. Dollar et al.[6] demonstrated fast pyramid computation by first computing a sparsely sampled (in scale) pyramid and then interpolating missing levels. Before HOG and SIFT, early work on face detection with ConvNets [38, 32] computed shallow networks over image pyramids to detect faces across scales.
Deep ConvNet object detectors. With the development of modern deep ConvNets [19], object detectors like OverFeat [34] and R-CNN [12] showed dramatic improvements in accuracy. OverFeat adopted a strategy similar to early neural network face detectors by applying a ConvNet as a sliding window detector on an image pyramid. R-CNN adopted a region proposal-based strategy [37] in which each proposal was scale-normalized before classifying with a ConvNet. SPPnet [15] demonstrated that such region-based detectors could be applied much more efficiently on feature maps extracted on a single image scale. Recent and more accurate detection methods like Fast R-CNN [11] and Faster R-CNN [29] advocate using features computed from a single scale, because it offers a good trade-off between accuracy and speed. Multi-scale detection, however, still performs better, especially for small objects.
Deep ConvNet目标检测器。随着现代深度卷积网络[19]的发展,像OverFeat[34]和R-CNN[12]这样的目标检测器在精度上显示出了显著的提高。OverFeat采用了一种类似于早期神经网络人脸检测器的策略,通过在图像金字塔上应用ConvNet作为滑动窗口检测器。R-CNN采用了基于区域提议的策略[37],其中每个提议在用ConvNet进行分类之前都进行了尺度归一化。SPPnet[15]表明,这种基于区域的检测器可以更有效地应用于在单个图像尺度上提取的特征映射。最近更准确的检测方法,如Fast R-CNN[11]和Faster R-CNN[29]提倡使用从单一尺度计算出的特征,因为它提供了精确度和速度之间的良好折衷。然而,多尺度检测性能仍然更好,特别是对于小型目标。
Methods using multiple layers. A number of recent approaches improve detection and segmentation by using different layers in a ConvNet. FCN [24] sums partial scores for each category over multiple scales to compute semantic segmentations. Hypercolumns [13] uses a similar method for object instance segmentation. Several other approaches (HyperNet [18], ParseNet [23], and ION [2]) concatenate features of multiple layers before computing predictions, which is equivalent to summing transformed features. SSD [22] and MS-CNN [3] predict objects at multiple layers of the feature hierarchy without combining features or scores.
There are recent methods exploiting lateral/skip connections that associate low-level feature maps across resolutions and semantic levels, including U-Net [31] and SharpMask [28] for segmentation, Recombinator networks [17] for face detection, and Stacked Hourglass networks [26] for keypoint estimation. Ghiasi et al. [8] present a Laplacian pyramid presentation for FCNs to progressively refine segmentation. Although these methods adopt architectures with pyramidal shapes, they are unlike featurized image pyramids [5, 7, 34] where predictions are made independently at all levels, see Fig. 2. In fact, for the pyramidal architecture in Fig. 2 (top), image pyramids are still needed to recognize objects across multiple scales [28].
最近有一些方法利用横向/跳跃连接将跨分辨率和语义层次的低级特征映射关联起来,包括用于分割的U-Net[31]和SharpMask[28],Recombinator网络[17]用于人脸检测以及Stacked Hourglass网络[26]用于关键点估计。Ghiasi等人[8]为FCN提出拉普拉斯金字塔表示,以逐步细化分割。尽管这些方法采用的是金字塔形状的架构,但它们不同于特征化的图像金字塔[5,7,34],其中所有层次上的预测都是独立进行的,参见图2。事实上,对于图2(顶部)中的金字塔结构,图像金字塔仍然需要跨多个尺度上识别目标[28]。
3.Feature Pyramid Networks
- 特征金字塔网络
Our goal is to leverage a ConvNet’s pyramidal feature hierarchy, which has semantics from low to high levels, and build a feature pyramid with high-level semantics throughout. The resulting Feature Pyramid Network is general-purpose and in this paper we focus on sliding window proposers (Region Proposal Network, RPN for short) [29] and region-based detectors (Fast R-CNN) [11]. We also generalize FPNs to instance segmentation proposals in Sec.6.
我们的目标是利用ConvNet的金字塔特征层级,该层次结构具有从低到高的语义,并在整个过程中构建具有高级语义的特征金字塔。由此产生的特征金字塔网络是通用的,在本文中,我们侧重于滑动窗口提议(Region Proposal Network,简称RPN)[29]和基于区域的检测器(Fast R-CNN)[11]。在第6节中我们还将FPN泛化到实例细分提议。
Our method takes a single-scale image of an arbitrary size as input, and outputs proportionally sized feature maps at multiple levels, in a fully convolutional fashion. This process is independent of the backbone convolutional architectures (e.g., [19, 36, 16]), and in this paper we present results using ResNets [16]. The construction of our pyramid involves a bottom-up pathway, a top-down pathway, and lateral connections, as introduced in the following.
Bottom-up pathway. The bottom-up pathway is the feed-forward computation of the backbone ConvNet, which computes a feature hierarchy consisting of feature maps at several scales with a scaling step of 2. There are often many layers producing output maps of the same size and we say these layers are in the same network stage. For our feature pyramid, we define one pyramid level for each stage. We choose the output of the last layer of each stage as our reference set of feature maps, which we will enrich to create our pyramid. This choice is natural since the deepest layer of each stage should have the strongest features.
Specifically, for ResNets [16] we use the feature activations output by each stage’s last residual block. We denote the output of these last residual blocks as \(\lbrace C_2 , C_3 , C_4 , C_5 \rbrace\) for conv2, conv3, conv4, and conv5 outputs, and note that they have strides of {4, 8, 16, 32} pixels with respect to the input image. We do not include conv1 into the pyramid due to its large memory footprint.
具体而言,对于ResNets[16],我们使用每个阶段的最后一个残差块输出的特征激活。对于conv2,conv3,conv4和conv5输出,我们将这些最后残差块的输出表示为\(\lbrace C_2 , C_3 , C_4 , C_5 \rbrace\),并注意相对于输入图像它们的步长为{4,8,16,32}个像素。由于其庞大的内存占用,我们不会将conv1纳入金字塔。
Top-down pathway and lateral connections. The top-down pathway hallucinates higher resolution features by upsampling spatially coarser, but semantically stronger, feature maps from higher pyramid levels. These features are then enhanced with features from the bottom-up pathway via lateral connections. Each lateral connection merges feature maps of the same spatial size from the bottom-up pathway and the top-down pathway. The bottom-up feature map is of lower-level semantics, but its activations are more accurately localized as it was subsampled fewer times.
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标签:strategy 层次结构 down har tps pre normal variant com