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标签:ali   you   compiler   ade   produces   arc   error   command   ==   

# Generic Makefile for C/C++ Program
# Description:
# The makefile searches in <SRCDIRS> directories for the source files
# with extensions specified in <SOURCE_EXT>, then compiles the sources
# and finally produces the <PROGRAM>, the executable file, by linking
# the objectives.

# Usage:
#   $ make           compile and link the program.
#   $ make objs      compile only (no linking. Rarely used).
#   $ make clean     clean the objectives and dependencies.
#   $ make cleanall  clean the objectives, dependencies and executable.
#   $ make rebuild   rebuild the program. The same as make clean && make all.

## Customizing Section: adjust the following if necessary.

# The executable file name.
# It must be specified.
# PROGRAM   := a.out    # the executable name

# The directories in which source files reside.
# At least one path should be specified.
# SRCDIRS   := .        # current directory

# The source file types (headers excluded).
# At least one type should be specified.
# The valid suffixes are among of .c, .C, .cc, .cpp, .CPP, .c++, .cp, or .cxx.
# SRCEXTS   := .c      # C program
# SRCEXTS   := .cpp    # C++ program
# SRCEXTS   := .c .cpp # C/C++ program

# The flags used by the cpp (man cpp for more).
# CPPFLAGS  := -Wall -Werror # show all warnings and take them as errors

# The compiling flags used only for C.
# If it is a C++ program, no need to set these flags.
# If it is a C and C++ merging program, set these flags for the C parts.
CFLAGS    :=
CFLAGS    +=

# The compiling flags used only for C++.
# If it is a C program, no need to set these flags.
# If it is a C and C++ merging program, set these flags for the C++ parts.

# The library and the link options ( C and C++ common).

## Implict Section: change the following only when necessary.
# The C program compiler. Uncomment it to specify yours explicitly.
#CC      = gcc

# The C++ program compiler. Uncomment it to specify yours explicitly.
#CXX     = g++

# Uncomment the 2 lines to compile C programs as C++ ones.
#CC      = $(CXX)

# The command used to delete file.
#RM        = rm -f

## Stable Section: usually no need to be changed. But you can add more.
SHELL   = /bin/sh
SOURCES = $(foreach d,$(SRCDIRS),$(wildcard $(addprefix $(d)/*,$(SRCEXTS))))
OBJS    = $(foreach x,$(SRCEXTS),       $(patsubst %$(x),%.o,$(filter %$(x),$(SOURCES))))
DEPS    = $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$(OBJS))

.PHONY : all objs clean cleanall rebuild

all : $(PROGRAM)

# Rules for creating the dependency files (.d).
%.d : %.c
    @$(CC) -MM -MD $(CFLAGS) $<

%.d : %.C
    @$(CC) -MM -MD $(CXXFLAGS) $<

%.d : %.cc
    @$(CC) -MM -MD $(CXXFLAGS) $<

%.d : %.cpp
    @$(CC) -MM -MD $(CXXFLAGS) $<

%.d : %.CPP
    @$(CC) -MM -MD $(CXXFLAGS) $<

%.d : %.c++
    @$(CC) -MM -MD $(CXXFLAGS) $<

%.d : %.cp
    @$(CC) -MM -MD $(CXXFLAGS) $<

%.d : %.cxx
    @$(CC) -MM -MD $(CXXFLAGS) $<

# Rules for producing the objects.
objs : $(OBJS)

%.o : %.c
    $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $<

%.o : %.C
    $(CXX) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $<

%.o : %.cc
    $(CXX) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $<

%.o : %.cpp
    $(CXX) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $<

%.o : %.CPP
    $(CXX) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $<

%.o : %.c++
    $(CXX -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $<

%.o : %.cp
    $(CXX) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $<

%.o : %.cxx
    $(CXX) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $<

# Rules for producing the executable.
ifeq ($(strip $(SRCEXTS)), .c)  # C file
    $(CC) -o $(PROGRAM) $(OBJS) $(LDFLAGS)
else                            # C++ file
    $(CXX) -o $(PROGRAM) $(OBJS) $(LDFLAGS)

-include $(DEPS)

rebuild: clean all

clean :
    @$(RM) *.o *.d

cleanall: clean
    @$(RM) $(PROGRAM) $(PROGRAM).exe

### End of the Makefile ##  Suggestions are welcome  ## All rights reserved ###



标签:ali   you   compiler   ade   produces   arc   error   command   ==   


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