标签:style blog http color io 使用 ar 数据 sp
> sample(200:50000,100)->sale
> sale
[1] 8447 13987 8809 44437 22973 28093 30594 28060 21101 45155 36128 30129
[13] 556 33977 9283 35094 903 32885 11639 1553329150 47368 4993 5376
[25] 1869 15975 25120 33530 31767 41845 39623 3586 22671 16128 14814 24993
[37] 45830 10349 43989 3565045179 35282 27204 5485 22990 21475 1453342852
[49] 15986 28411 16683 1583227207 19062 10256 34549 46159 16315 43097 40038
[61] 27758 14936 26161 1869425139 13208 26837 30171 13663 14082 46909 26498
[73] 7830 35810 15183 41769 8880 47928 13387 33231 28978 39486 6309 19344
[85] 12935 41976 13429 1629131159 33646 1742 48160 43169 40165 3891524941
[97] 25181 30077 19475 26836
> binom.test(sum(sale>29900),length(sale),al="less")
Exact binomial test
data: sum(sale > 29900)and length(sale)
number of successes = 38, number of trials = 100, p-value = 0.01049
alternative hypothesis: true probability of success is less than 0.5
95 percent confidence interval:
0.0000000 0.4667535
sample estimates:
probability of success
95 percent confidence interval:
0.0000000 0.4667535
标签:style blog http color io 使用 ar 数据 sp