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1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 2 %% latex Template 3 %% The Template is writen by liuyu,I reference to it. 4 %% Revised: NOV 21th, 2006 5 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 6 7 \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} 8 \ProvidesPackage{MCM} 9 10 % packages 11 \RequirePackage{color} % color image and color definition 12 \RequirePackage{calc} % do size calculations 13 \RequirePackage{fancyhdr} % personalize page header 14 \RequirePackage{graphicx} % include graphics 15 \RequirePackage{ifthen} % logic options 16 \RequirePackage{lastpage} % refer to the number of last page 17 \RequirePackage{listings} % format source code 18 19 % Declare Options 20 \newcommand{\MCM@control}{000} 21 \DeclareOption* 22 { 23 \edef\MCM@control{\CurrentOption} 24 } 25 26 % Process Options 27 \ProcessOptions 28 \newcommand{\control}{\MCM@control} 29 \newcommand{\team}{Team \#\ \MCM@control} 30 31 % if we are running pdflatex? 32 \newboolean{pdf} 33 \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\pdfoutput}}% 34 {\setboolean{pdf}{false}}% 35 {\setboolean{pdf}{true}} 36 37 % style: hyperlinked references 38 %\ifpdf 39 %\RequirePackage[bookmarks=true,% 40 % linkcolor=black,citecolor=black,pagecolor=black,% 41 % colorlinks=true]{hyperref} 42 %\fi 43 44 % style: page layout 45 \setlength{\headheight}{15pt} 46 \setlength{\headsep}{20pt} 47 \setlength{\footskip}{30pt} 48 \setlength{\voffset}{-5pt} 49 \setlength{\hoffset}{16pt} 50 \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0pt} 51 \setlength{\evensidemargin}{\oddsidemargin} 52 \setlength{\textwidth}{\paperwidth-2\hoffset-2\oddsidemargin-2in} 53 \setlength{\marginparpush}{0pt} 54 \setlength{\marginparwidth}{0pt} 55 \addtolength{\textheight}{3\baselineskip} 56 57 % style: float counter 58 \setcounter{totalnumber}{6} 59 \setcounter{topnumber}{3} 60 \setcounter{bottomnumber}{3} 61 62 % style: table & figure caption vertical space 63 \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{10pt} 64 \setlength{\belowcaptionskip}{10pt} 65 66 % style: table & figure caption font size and face 67 \renewcommand{\figurename}{\footnotesize{\textbf{Fig}}} 68 \renewcommand{\tablename}{\footnotesize{\textbf{Tab}}} 69 70 % style: table of contents topic depth 71 \setcounter{tocdepth}{3} 72 73 % style: bibliography 74 \bibliographystyle{unsrt} 75 76 % style: list typesetting 77 \definecolor{grey}{rgb}{0.3,0.3,0.3} 78 \definecolor{darkgreen}{rgb}{0,0.3,0} 79 \definecolor{darkblue}{rgb}{0,0,0.3} 80 \definecolor{grey}{rgb}{0.95,0.95,0.95} 81 \definecolor{darkgreen}{rgb}{0.0,0.5078,0.0} 82 83 \lstset{language=Matlab} \lstset{xleftmargin=1em,xrightmargin=1em} 84 \lstset{frame=} \lstset{%backgroundcolor=\color{grey}, 85 commentstyle=\color{darkgreen},keywordstyle=\color{blue},%,caption=\lstname,basicstyle=\footnotesize, 86 breaklines=true,columns=flexible,mathescape=fause } 87 \lstset{framexleftmargin=0.5em,framexrightmargin=1em,framextopmargin=0em,basicstyle=\footnotesize,framexbottommargin=1em} 88 %\lstdefinestyle{numbers}{numbers=left,stepnumber=1,numberstyle=\small,numbersep=1em} 89 \lstloadlanguages{C,C++,Java,Matlab,Mathematica}
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1 \begin{abstract} 2 \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Abstract} 3 4 \thispagestyle{empty} 5 6 But they also provided an early glimpse at the complex set of 7 tradeoffs facing party leaders, from their desire to make their 8 own influence felt to their worries about offending the candidates 9 and particular constituencies not to mention the long, sometimes 10 troubled relationship between Mr. Gore and the Clintons. 11 12 The issues party leaders are grappling with, they said, include 13 how to avoid the perception of a back-room deal that thwarts the 14 will of millions of voters who have cast ballots in primaries and 15 caucuses. That perception could cripple the eventual Democratic 16 nominee¡¯s chances of winning the presidency in November, they 17 said. 18 \end{abstract}
1 %======================问题介绍==================================== 2 \section{Introduction} 3 4 \begin{figwindow}[0,r,{\includegraphics[width=4in]{./picture/aaa.eps}}, 5 {The figure}] She said the nomination should not be decided by 6 delegates from Florida and Michigan allocated on the basis of 7 voting in primaries there last month, as the Clinton campaign has 8 proposed. Mrs. Clinton got more votes in both places, although 9 neither candidate actively campaigned there and Mr. Obama was not 10 even on the ballot in Michigan. The party had penalized those 11 states for holding their primaries earlier than the party wanted 12 by stripping them of their delegates to the convention.Although 13 Mr. Gore has expressed concerns to some associates about the 14 damage a brokered convention could cause, several associates said 15 he was hopeful that one candidate would soon break through, 16 sparing the party such an outcome. He told a close friend recently 17 that his decision not to endorse “feels like the right thing” 18 and that he remained optimistic the race “is going to tip at some 19 point,” the friend said. 20 \end{figwindow} 21 22 23 24 Although Mr. Gore has expressed concerns to some associates about 25 the damage a brokered convention could cause, several associates 26 said he was hopeful that one candidate would soon break through, 27 sparing the party such an outcome. He told a close friend recently 28 that his decision not to endorse “feels like the right thing” 29 and that he remained optimistic the race “is going to tip at some 30 point,” the friend said. 31 32 \begin{tabular}{|l||*{5}{c|}}\hline 33 \backslashbox{Room}{Date} 34 &\makebox[3em]{5/31}&\makebox[3em]{6/1}&\makebox[3em]{6/2} 35 &\makebox[3em]{6/3}&\makebox[3em]{6/4}\\\hline\hline 36 Meeting Room &&&&&\\\hline 37 Auditorium &&&&&\\\hline 38 Seminar Room &&&&&\\\hline 39 \end{tabular} 40 \begin{longtable}{|c|c|c|c|}\hline 41 1 & Amesville Rockets & 19 & 13\\\hline 42 1 & Amesville Rockets & 19 & 13\\\hline 43 1 & Amesville Rockets & 19 & 13\\\hline 44 1 & Amesville Rockets & 19 & 13\\\hline 45 1 & Amesville Rockets & 19 & 13\\\hline 46 1 & Amesville Rockets & 19 & 13\\\hline 47 1 & Amesville Rockets & 19 & 13\\\hline 48 1 & Amesville Rockets & 19 & 13\\\hline 49 1 & Amesville Rockets & 19 & 13\\\hline 50 1 & Amesville Rockets & 19 & 13\\\hline 51 1 & Amesville Rockets & 19 & 13\\\hline 52 1 & Amesville Rockets & 19 & 13\\\hline 53 1 & Amesville Rockets & 19 & 13\\\hline 54 1 & Amesville Rockets & 19 & 13\\\hline 55 1 & Amesville Rockets & 19 & 13\\\hline 56 1 & Amesville Rockets & 19 & 13\\\hline 57 1 & Amesville Rockets & 19 & 13\\\hline 58 1 & Amesville Rockets & 19 & 13\\\hline 59 1 & Amesville Rockets & 19 & 13\\\hline 60 1 & Amesville Rockets & 19 & 13\\\hline 61 \end{longtable} 62 %\renewcommand{\labelitemi}{\ding{46}} 63 \begin{itemize} 64 \item \ldots is constant. 65 \item do not affect the population. 66 \item have no effect on \ldots .we can ignore it. 67 \item \ldots is negligible 68 \item 69 \item 70 \item 71 \end{itemize} 72 \subsection{Other Assumptions} 73 %\renewcommand{\labelitemi}{\ding{43}} 74 Although Mr. Gore has expressed concerns to some associates about 75 the damage a brokered convention could cause, several associates 76 said he was hopeful that one candidate would soon break through, 77 sparing the party such an outcome. He told a close friend recently 78 that his decision not to endorse “feels like the right thing” 79 and that he remained optimistic the race “is going to tip at some 80 point,” the friend said. 81 \begin{itemize} 82 \item 83 \item 84 \item 85 \item 86 \end{itemize} 87 \vspace{0.5cm} Under the above and basic assumptions, we can set out 88 to construct our model (show our approach in detail). 89 %=============================问题分析========================================== 90 \section{Analysis of the Problem } 91 92 %==================================模型建立============================================== 93 \begin{figure}[htbp] 94 \small 95 \centering 96 \includegraphics[width=12cm]{./picture/aaa.eps} 97 \caption{aa} \label{fig:aa} 98 \end{figure} 99 100 Although Mr. Gore has expressed concerns to some associates about 101 the damage a brokered convention could cause, several associates 102 said he was hopeful that one candidate would soon break through, 103 sparing the party such an outcome. He told a close friend recently 104 that his decision not to endorse “feels like the right thing” 105 and that he remained optimistic the race “is going to tip at some 106 point,” the friend said. 107 108 109 110 \[ 111 \left( {\begin{array}{*{20}c} 112 {a_{11} } & {a_{12} } & {a_{13} } \113 {a_{21} } & {a_{22} } & {a_{23} } \114 {a_{31} } & {a_{32} } & {a_{33} } \115 \end{array}} \right) = \frac{{Opposite}}{{Hypotenuse}}\cos ^{ - 1} \theta \arcsin \theta 116 \] 117 Although Mr. Gore has expressed concerns to some associates about 118 the damage a brokered convention could cause, several associates 119 said he was hopeful that one candidate would soon break through, 120 sparing the party such an outcome. He told a close friend recently 121 that his decision not to endorse “feels like the right thing” 122 and that he remained optimistic the race “is going to tip at some 123 point,” the friend said. 124 125 \[ 126 p_{j}=\begin{cases} 0,&\text{if $j$ is odd}\127 r!\,(-1)^{j/2},&\text{if $j$ is even} 128 \end{cases} 129 \] 130 Although Mr. Gore has expressed concerns to some associates about 131 the damage a brokered convention could cause, several associates 132 said he was hopeful that one candidate would soon break through, 133 sparing the party such an outcome. He told a close friend recently 134 that his decision not to endorse “feels like the right thing” 135 and that he remained optimistic the race “is going to tip at some 136 point,” the friend said. 137 \[ 138 \arcsin \theta = 139 \mathop{{\int\!\!\!\!\!\int\!\!\!\!\!\int}\mkern-31.2mu 140 \bigodot}\limits_\varphi 141 {\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x \to \infty } \frac{{n!}}{{r!\left( {n - r} 142 \right)!}}} \eqno (1) 143 \] 144 145 146 147 148 \section{Calculating and Simplifying the Model } ``A is equivalent 149 to B‘‘ Although Mr. Gore has expressed concerns to some associates 150 about the damage a brokered convention could cause, several 151 associates said he was hopeful that one candidate would soon break 152 through, sparing the party such an outcome. He told a close friend 153 recently that his decision not to endorse “feels like the right 154 thing” and that he remained optimistic the race “is going to tip 155 at some point,” the friend said. 156 157 158 159 %===============================模型结果============================================ 160 \section{The Model Results} 161 Although Mr. Gore has expressed concerns to some associates about 162 the damage a brokered convention could cause, several associates 163 said he was hopeful that one candidate would soon break through, 164 sparing the party such an outcome. He told a close friend recently 165 that his decision not to endorse “feels like the right thing” 166 and that he remained optimistic the race “is going to tip at some 167 point,” the friend said. 168 169 170 %========================模型的实效分析(适应性说明)============================= 171 172 \section{Validating the Model}%确认模型,使之合理。 173 Although Mr. Gore has expressed concerns to some associates about 174 the damage a brokered convention could cause, several associates 175 said he was hopeful that one candidate would soon break through, 176 sparing the party such an outcome. He told a close friend recently 177 that his decision not to endorse “feels like the right thing” 178 and that he remained optimistic the race “is going to tip at some 179 point,” the friend said. Although Mr. Gore has expressed concerns 180 to some associates about the damage a brokered convention could 181 cause, several associates said he was hopeful that one candidate 182 would soon break through, sparing the party such an outcome. He 183 told a close friend recently that his decision not to endorse 184 “feels like the right thing” and that he remained optimistic the 185 race “is going to tip at some point,” the friend said. 186 187 188 Although Mr. Gore has expressed concerns to some associates about 189 the damage a brokered convention could cause, several associates 190 said he was hopeful that one candidate would soon break through, 191 sparing the party such an outcome. He told a close friend recently 192 that his decision not to endorse “feels like the right thing” 193 and that he remained optimistic the race “is going to tip at some 194 point,” the friend said. 195 196 \section{Conclusions} 197 Although Mr. Gore has expressed concerns to some associates about 198 the damage a brokered convention could cause, several associates 199 said he was hopeful that one candidate would soon break through, 200 sparing the party such an outcome. He told a close friend recently 201 that his decision not to endorse “feels like the right thing” 202 and that he remained optimistic the race “is going to tip at some 203 point,” the friend said. 204 \section{A Summary } 205 Although Mr. Gore has expressed concerns to some associates about 206 the damage a brokered convention could cause, several associates 207 said he was hopeful that one candidate would soon break through, 208 sparing the party such an outcome. He told a close friend recently 209 that his decision not to endorse “feels like the right thing” 210 and that he remained optimistic the race “is going to tip at some 211 point,” the friend said. 212 %================================总体评价============================== 213 \section{Evaluate of the Mode} 214 215 %====================================================================== 216 \section{Strengths and weaknesses} 217 Like any model,the one present above has its strengths and 218 weaknesses. Some of the major points are presented below. 219 220 %============================模型=优点==================================== 221 \subsection{Strengths} 222 \begin{itemize} 223 \item \textbf{Applies widely}\224 This system can be used for many types of airplanes, and it also 225 solves the interference during the procedure of the boarding 226 airplane,as described above we can get to the optimization 227 boarding time.We also know that all the service is automate. 228 \item \textbf{Improve the quality of the airport service}\229 Balancing the cost of the cost and the benefit, it will bring in 230 more convenient for airport and passengers.It also saves many 231 human resources for the airline. \item \textbf{} 232 \end{itemize} 233 234 235 236 237 \begin{thebibliography}{99} 238 \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{References} 239 240 \bibitem{1} D. E. KNUTH ``\, The \TeX{}book \,‘‘ the American 241 Mathematical Society and Addison–Wesley 242 Publishing Company , 1984-1986. 243 \bibitem{2}Lamport, Leslie, \LaTeX{}: `` A Document Preparation System ‘‘, 244 Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1986. 245 \end{thebibliography} 246 247 %====================附录导入程序代码========================================== 248 \appendix{\textbf{\Large{Appendix A}} 249 \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Appendix} 250 \newline 251 Here are simulation programmes we used in our model as follow.\252 253 254 \textbf{\textcolor[rgb]{0.98,0.00,0.00}{Input matlab source:}} 255 \lstinputlisting[language=Matlab]{./code/matlab1.m} 256 257 \textcolor[rgb]{0.98,0.00,0.00}{\textbf{Input C++ source:}} 258 \lstinputlisting[language=C++]{./code/sudoku.cpp}
function [t,seat,aisle]=OI6Sim(n,target,seated) % OI6 分组仿真的部分 % n 分组人数 % target 入对的顺序 % seated 当前座位落座情况 % t simulation time % seat ,seat interference % aisle ,aisle interference % Initial data % setting passengers‘ Value: % walking ..... 1 % waiting ..... 2 % putting luggage ..... 3 % passing the seat ..... 4 % sitting ..... 0 % on initial time, everyone is waiting,except the first one seat=0; aisle=0; status=2*ones(1,n); status(1)=1; %初始时刻每个人的位置 %每个人的间距为0.6 row pos=-(0:0.6:(n-1)*0.6); pri=[-1,1:n-1]; next=[2:n,-1]; RowSpeed=trirnd(0.6,0.95,1.3,1,n); pab=rand(1,n); for i=1:n if pab(i)<0.4 aisleTime(i)=0; else aisleTime(i)=trirnd(3.2,7.1,38.7); end end % seat interference time seatTime=trirnd(7.4,9.7,15.5); t=0; while sum(status) ~=0 t=t + 0.1; for i=1:n switch status(i) case {0} if next(i)>0 &&abs(status(next(i))-2)<0.1 status(next(i))=1; end % disp(‘have sit down‘); case {1} % disp(‘Walking‘); if next(i)>0 &&abs(status(next(i))-2)<0.1 status(next(i))=1; end pos(i)=pos(i)+RowSpeed(i)*0.1; if abs(pos(i)-target(1,i))<0.2 status(i)=3; if abs(aisleTime(i))<0.01 aisle=aisle+1; end if next(i)>0 &&abs(status(next(i))-1)<0.1 status(next(i))=2; end end case {2} % disp(‘Blocking‘); if next(i)>0 &&abs(status(next(i))-1)<0.1 status(next(i))=2; end case {3} %put luggage aisle interference disp(‘aisle interference‘); if abs(aisleTime(i))<0.01 if n==12 && target(2,i)==1 && seated(target(1,i),2)==1 status(i) = 4; seat=seat+1; elseif n==12 && target(2,i)==4 && seated(target(1,i),3)==1 status(i) = 4; seat=seat+1; else status(i)=0; seated(target(1,i),target(2,i)) = 1; end else aisleTime(i)=aisleTime(i)-0.1; end case {4} % seat interference if abs(aisleTime(i))<0.01 % status(i)=0; seated(target(1,i),target(2,i)) = 1; else seatTime(i)=seatTime(i)-0.1; end end %switch end %for end %while
1 function randomVector = trirnd(minVal, topVal, maxVal, varargin); 2 %TRIRND generates discrete random numbers from a triangular distribution. 3 % randomValue = TRIRND(minVal, topVal, maxVal); 4 % The distribution is defined by: 5 % - a minimum and a maximum value 6 % - a "top" value, with the highest probability 7 % The distribution is defined with zero probability at minVal-1 and 8 % maxVal+1, and with highest probability at topVal. Hence 9 % every value in the range (including the maximum and minimum values) 10 % have a non-zero probability to be included, whatever topValue is. 11 % The output is a random integer. 12 % randomMatrix = TRIRND(minVal, topVal, maxVal, nrow, ncolumns) 13 % returns a (nrow x ncolumns) matrix of random integers. 14 % 15 % Written by L.Cavin, 01.08.2003, (c) CSE & ETHZ 16 % This code is free to use and modify for non-commercial purposes. 17 % 18 % NOTES: 19 % * This is a numeric approximation, so use with care in "serious" 20 % statistical applications! 21 % * Two different algorithms are implemented. One is efficient for large 22 % number of random points within a small range (maxVal-minVal), while the 23 % other is efficient for large range for reasonable number of points. For 24 % large ranges, there is a O(n^2) relation with regard to the product of 25 % range*number_of_points. When this product reach about a billion, the 26 % runtime reach several minutes. 27 % * To inspect the resulting distribution, plot a histogram of the 28 % resulting random numbers, e.g. "hist(trirnd(1,87,100,10000,1),100)". 29 30 % Version History: 31 % ---------------- 32 % Version 2.0 - 20.10.2004 -- added alternate algorithm for large ranges. 33 % Version 1.5 - 14.02.2003 -- made similar to Matlab functions (nargin order 34 % and checks). 35 % Version 1.0 - 01.08.2003 -- initial release. 36 37 % check arguments... 38 if nargin < 3 39 error(‘Requires at least three input arguments.‘); 40 end 41 nrows = 1; 42 ncols = 1; 43 if nargin > 3 44 if nargin > 4 45 nrows = varargin{1}; 46 ncols = varargin{2}; 47 else 48 error(‘Size information is inconsistent.‘); 49 end 50 end 51 if topVal > maxVal || topVal < minVal || minVal > maxVal 52 randomVector = ones(nrows, ncols).*NaN; 53 return; 54 end 55 56 % go for the randomization 57 mxprob = maxVal-minVal+1; 58 if mxprob < 51 || (mxprob < 101 && nrows*ncols > 500) || (mxprob < 501 && nrows*ncols > 8000) || (mxprob < 1001 && nrows*ncols > 110000) 59 vector = ones(1,mxprob).*topVal; 60 j = (topVal-minVal+1); 61 slope = 1/j; 62 j = j -1; 63 for i = (topVal-1):-1:minVal 64 vector = [vector ones(1,floor(mxprob*slope*j)).*i]; 65 j = j - 1; 66 end 67 j = (maxVal+1-topVal); 68 slope = 1/j; 69 j = j -1; 70 for i = (topVal+1):maxVal 71 vector = [vector ones(1,floor(mxprob*slope*j)).*i]; 72 j = j - 1; 73 end 74 randomVector = vector(unidrnd(size(vector,2),nrows*ncols,1)); 75 else 76 probs = mxprob:-1*mxprob/(topVal-minVal+1):1; 77 probs = [probs(end:-1:2) mxprob:-1*mxprob/(maxVal-topVal+1):1]; 78 probs = cumsum(probs./sum(probs)); 79 if nrows*ncols*mxprob > 1000000 80 % dealing with large quantities of data, hard on memory 81 randomVector = []; 82 i = 1; 83 while nrows*ncols*mxprob/i > 1000000 84 i = i * 10; 85 end 86 probs = repmat(probs, ceil(nrows*ncols/i), 1); 87 for j = 1:i 88 rnd = repmat(unifrnd(0, 1, ceil(nrows*ncols/i), 1), 1, mxprob); 89 randomVector = [randomVector sum(probs < rnd, 2)+1]; 90 end 91 randomVector = randomVector(1:nrows*ncols); 92 else 93 probs = repmat(probs, nrows*ncols, 1); 94 rnd = repmat(unifrnd(0, 1, nrows*ncols, 1), 1, mxprob); 95 randomVector = sum(probs < rnd, 2)+1; 96 end 97 end 98 % generate desired matrix: 99 randomVector = reshape(randomVector, nrows, ncols);
1 //============================================================================ 2 // Name : Sudoku.cpp 3 // Author : wzlf11 4 // Version : a.0 5 // Copyright : Your copyright notice 6 // Description : Sudoku in C++. 7 //============================================================================ 8 9 #include <iostream> 10 #include <cstdlib> 11 #include <ctime> 12 13 using namespace std; 14 15 int table[9][9]; 16 17 void shuffle(int arr[], int n){ 18 19 int tmp, rd; 20 21 //打乱数组顺序 22 for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ 23 rd = rand() % 9; 24 tmp = arr[rd]; 25 arr[rd] = arr[i]; 26 arr[i] = tmp; 27 } 28 } 29 30 bool test(int x, int y, int v){ 31 32 int _x = x / 3 * 3; 33 int _y = y / 3 * 3; 34 35 //测试3 * 3矩阵内是否有重复的数 36 for(int i=_x; i<_x + 3; i++) 37 { 38 for(int j = _y; j < _y + 3; j++) 39 { 40 if(table[i][j] == v) 41 { 42 return false; 43 } 44 } 45 } 46 47 //测试横向、纵向是否有重复的数 48 for(int m= 0; m< 9; m++) 49 { 50 if(table[x][m] == v || table[m][y] == v) 51 return false; 52 } 53 54 return true; 55 } 56 57 bool put(int line, int index){ 58 59 if(index > 8) 60 return true; 61 62 //如果当前方格内不等于0,则跳过处理下一个方格 63 if(table[line][index] != 0){ 64 return put(line, index + 1); 65 } 66 67 int num[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; 68 //打乱当前准备写入数字的前后顺序 69 shuffle(num, 9); 70 71 for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++){ 72 73 //测试数字是否允许填入当前方格 74 if( test(line, index, num[i]) == true ){ 75 76 table[line][index] = num[i]; 77 78 //填入成功则处理下一个方格 79 if( put(line, index + 1) == true ){ 80 return true; 81 } 82 } 83 } 84 85 table[line][index] = 0; //失败后复位 86 87 return false; 88 } 89 90 bool put_line(int line){ 91 92 if(line > 8) 93 return true; 94 95 int b[9]; 96 97 //备份当前一行 98 for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++){ 99 b[i] = table[line][i]; 100 } 101 102 if( put(line, 0) == true ){ 103 //当前一行添入完成后,进入下一行再重复处理。 104 if( put_line(line + 1) == true ) 105 return true; 106 } 107 108 //恢复当前一行的值 109 for(int n = 0; n < 9; n++){ 110 table[line][n] = b[n]; 111 } 112 113 return false; 114 } 115 116 int main() { 117 118 //表格首行填入初始值 119 for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++){ 120 table[0][i] = i + 1; 121 } 122 123 srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); 124 //打乱表格首行次序 125 shuffle((int *)&table[0], 9); 126 127 //从第二行开始添入数字 128 while(!put_line(1)) 129 { 130 //失败重新开始 131 shuffle((int *)&table[0], 9); 132 } 133 134 //最后显示 135 for(int x = 0; x < 9; x++){ 136 for(int y = 0; y < 9; y++){ 137 cout << table[x][y] << " "; 138 } 139 140 cout << endl; 141 } 142 143 return 0; 144 }
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