标签:turn 内部函数 with url 一个 https out lib 函数
# def outer():
# a = 1
# def inner():
# print(a)
# # print(inner.__closure__) #说明是一个闭包
# return inner
# inn = outer()
# inn() #在一个函数的外部使用内部的函数
import urllib #模块
# from urllib.request import urlopen
# ret = urlopen("https://www.ishsh.com/").read()
# with open("123.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
# f.write(str(ret))
# def get_utl():
# url = "https://www.ishsh.com/"
# def get():
# ret = urlopen(url).read()
# print(ret)
# return get
# get_func = get_utl()
# get_utl()
标签:turn 内部函数 with url 一个 https out lib 函数