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  25 \title{The Coming Oil Crisis}
  26 \author{Team \# 321}
  27 \date{February 7, 2005}
  29 \maketitle
  31 \fancyhead{} \pagestyle{fancy} \lhead{Team \#321}
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  35 \begin{abstract}
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  41 \noindent In this paper, we study oil, a typical vital
  42 nonrenewable resource, to model the depletion of nonrenewable
  43 resources.
  45 First, based on the demand-supply theory, we establish a
  46 differential equation system including oil demand $D(t)$, oil
  47 supply $S(t)$, and oil price $P(t)$, and thereby get the explicit
  48 formulas of the three variables, respectively. Considering the
  49 intrinsic law of nonrenewable resources, i.e. the value of
  50 nonrenewable resources increases with the elapse of time, we
  51 suitably modify the above-mentioned model to reflect the worldwide
  52 oil demand dependent on time. The modified demand function $D(t)$
  53 can be written as follows:
  55 \[ D(t)=a_{1}+a_{2}\cos(a_{3}t+a_{4})+a_{5}\exp(a_{6}t).
  56 \]
  58 Using the modified model to fit the worldwide oil demand data from
  59 1970 to 2003, we find the goodness of fit is very satisfactory.
  60 From this model and available related data, we conclude that the
  61 worldwide endowment of oil will be used up in 2032 without any
  62 effective measure. Then we take the economic, demographic,
  63 political, and environmental factors into account, and discuss the
  64 influences of these factors on oil demand.
  66 To meet the needs of contemporary human beings without
  67 compromising the capacity of future generations to meet their
  68 needs, we establish the criterion of the rational oil allocation
  69 between generations, and construct the optimal oil allocation
  70 model under this criterion. To explain it clearly, an illustration
  71 and the corresponding optimal oil allocation scheme are provided.
  72 As for the disasters accompanied by oil exploitation, we provide a
  73 strategy for oil exploitation to reduce the possibility of
  74 disasters in short term. In the end, according to marginal utility
  75 replacement rules, we also study the trade-off between oil and its
  76 alternatives.
  78 Owing to the fact that the model building in this paper is on
  79 basis of demand-supply theory and intrinsic law of nonrenewable
  80 resources, our model can be applied to general nonrenewable
  81 resources.
  83 \end{abstract}
  85 \newpage
  87 \tableofcontents
  89 \newpage
  92 \section{Introduction}
  93 Natural resources can be classified into two categories:
  94 nonrenewable resources and renewable resources. Natural resources
  95 such as oil, copper or iron that once used cannot renew itself, at
  96 least not in this geological age and are called nonrenewable
  97 resources. Other resources such as fish or trees can renew
  98 themselves if not overused and so are called renewable resources.
 100 In today‘s world, human produce, distribute and consume large
 101 quantities of oil. Oil is used as a major power source to fuel our
 102 factories and various modes of transportation, and in many
 103 everyday-products, such as plastics, nylon, paints, tires,
 104 cosmetics, and detergents.
 106 With the development of science and technology, nowadays we can
 107 produce more products than we did, but at the cost of consuming a
 108 huge amount of oil. Whenever we ponder the future of the human
 109 enterprise, questions about oil come up. The Earth‘s oil reserves
 110 are finite, so we must choose how best to use it.
 113 \section{Problem restatement}
 114 This problem wants us to select a vital nonrenewable resource, and
 115 find out appropriate worldwide historical data on its endowment,
 116 discovery, annual consumption, and price.
 118 \textbf{Task 1} asks us to use the data we obtain to design a
 119 model to predict the depletion or degradation of the commodity
 120 over a long horizon.
 122 \textbf{Task 2} requires us to modify our model to account for
 123 future economic, demographic, political and environmental factors,
 124 and explain its limitation.
 126 \textbf{Task 3} wants us to create a practical policy which
 127 sustains the usage of the resource for a long period of time while
 128 avoiding rapid exhaustion of the resource.
 130 \textbf{Task 4} asks us to develop a "security" policy to protect
 131 the resource against misuse.
 133 \textbf{Task 5} requires us to develop policies to control any
 134 short-or long-term "environmental effects".
 136 \textbf{Task 6} wants us to compare this resource with any other
 137 alternatives for its purpose, and develop a research policy to
 138 advance these alternatives.
 140 \section{Task 1 Modeling the Depletion of Oil}
 141 Under the following assumptions, we will have a rather pessimistic
 142 situation, where no restriction is made to protect oil, and
 143 obviously oil will be in the state of total exhaustion in the
 144 fastest way.
 146 \subsection{Assumptions:}
 148 \begin{enumerate}
 149 \item Oil refinement capacity is enough.
 150 \item All the undiscovered oil is available when necessary.
 151 \end{enumerate}
 153 In other words, when there is a demand, there is a supply, until
 154 the day all the oil on the earth is completely used up.
 157 \subsection{Notations:}
 160 \ \ \ $U(t)$: Oil undiscovered at year $t$ .
 162 \ \ \ $R(t)$: Oil discovered but has not been used (reserves) at
 163 year $t$.
 165 \ \ \ $D(t)$: Worldwide oil demand at year $t$.(thousand barrels)
 167 \ \ \ $S(t)$ : Worldwide oil supply at year $t$.
 169 \ \ \ $p(t)$: Oil price at year $t$.
 171 \ \ \ $p_{0}$: The equilibrium price of oil.
 175 \subsection{Modeling:}
 176 From the above definition of notations, we know $U(t)+R(t)$
 177 denotes the total remaining oil on the earth at year $t$, and
 178 $\sum^n_{i=t}D(i)$ is the total demand from year $t$ to year $n$.
 181 \begin{equation}
 182 \centering \sum^n_{i=t}D(i)\leq U(t)+R(t)<\sum^{n+1}_{i=t}D(i)
 183 \end{equation}
 186 Based on the above inequalities we can say that oil will be
 187 depleted between year $n$ to year $n+1$.
 189 The data we can find are:
 191 \begin{enumerate}
 193 \item The estimation of undiscovered oil worldwide in 1997 is
 194 180 billion barrels, that is to say, $U(1997)=180$ (billion
 195 barrels). (see [4])
 197 \item The worldwide oil reserve in 1997 is 1018.5 billion barrels,
 198 viz. $R(1997)=1018.5$ (billion barrels). (see [3])
 200 \item The worldwide oil demands from 1980 to
 201 2003, $D(i)(i=1980,\cdots,2003)$ are shown in the table below.
 202 (see [3])
 204 \end{enumerate}
 206 \makeatletter
 207 \def\hlinewd#1{%
 208   \noalign{\ifnum0=`}\fi\hrule \@height #1 \futurelet
 209    \reserved@a\@xhline}
 210 \makeatother
 212 \begin{table}[!htb]
 213 \centering \caption{World-wide oil demand, $1970 \backsim 2003$
 214 (thousands of barrels/day)}
 215 \begin{tabular}{ll|ll|ll|ll}
 216 \hlinewd{1pt}
 217 1970 & 46,808 & 1980 & 63,108 & 1990 & 66,443 & 2000 & 76,954 \ 218 1971 & 49,416 & 1981 & 60,944 & 1991 & 67,061 & 2001 & 78,105 \ 219 1972 & 53,094 & 1982 & 59,543 & 1992 & 67,273 & 2002 & 78,439 \ 220 1973 & 57,237 & 1983 & 58,779 & 1993 & 67,372 & 2003 & 79,813 \ 221 1974 & 56,677 & 1984 & 59,822 & 1994 & 68,679 &  &  \ 222 1975 & 56,198 & 1985 & 60,087 & 1995 & 69,955 &  &  \ 223 1976 & 59,673 & 1986 & 61,825 & 1996 & 71,522 &  &  \ 224 1977 & 61,826 & 1987 & 63,104 & 1997 & 73,292 &  &  \ 225 1978 & 64,158 & 1988 & 64,963 & 1998 & 73,932 &  &  \ 226 1979 & 65,220 & 1989 & 66,092 & 1999 & 75,826 &  &  \ 227 \hlinewd{1pt}
 228 \end{tabular}
 230 \end{table}
 232 If we have some information of future oil demand, namely $D(i)
 233 (i=2004,2005,\ldots)$, then (1) changes to
 235 \[
 236 \sum^{n}_{i=1997}D(i)\leq U(1997)+R(1997)<\sum^{n+1}_{i=1997}D(i).
 237 \]
 239 Then $n$, the year when oil is used up it can be easily
 240 calculated.
 242 In order to predict future oil demand, we now consider the
 243 following ordinary differential equation system according to
 244 ‘supply-demand‘ principles:
 246 $$
 247 \begin{cases}
 248 \dfrac{d S}{dt}=a\tilde{P}& \quad \quad(1.1)\\\ 249 \dfrac{d \tilde{P}}{dt}=-b(S-D)& \quad\quad(1.2)\\\ 250 \dfrac{d D}{dt}=-c\tilde{P}& \quad \quad(1.3)
 251 \end{cases}
 252 $$
 256 where $\tilde{P}=P(t)-P_{0}$ , and $a>0,b>0,c>0$(constant).
 258 Now we give some explanations of the system. Eq.(1.1) means that
 259 if oil piece is greater than its equilibrium price, the output
 260 will increase accordingly, and vice versa. Eq.(1.2) shows that if
 261 oil supply exceeds its demand, the price will decline. Eq.(1.2)
 262 indicates when oil price is up or down, the demand of oil will
 263 expand or shrink correspondingly.
 265 After careful calculation, we get the solution of the above
 266 ordinary differential equation system:
 268 $$\begin{cases}
 269 \tilde{P}(t)=\sqrt{\tilde{c_1}^2+\tilde{c_2}^2}\times\sin[\sqrt{(ba+c)}\times
 270 t+\varphi]& \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \  271 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (2.1)\\ \ 272 S(t)=S_0-\frac{a\sqrt{\tilde{c_1}^2+\tilde{c_2}^2}\times\cos[\sqrt{b(a+c)}\times
 273 t+\varphi]}{\sqrt{b(a+c)}}&
 274 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (2.2)\\ \ 275 D(t)=D_0+\frac{c\sqrt{\tilde{c_1}^2+\tilde{c_2}^2}}{\sqrt{b(a+c)}}\cos[\sqrt{b(a+c)}\times
 276 t+\varphi]& \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \  277 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (2.3)
 278 \end{cases}
 279 $$
 280 where $\varphi=\arctan\frac{\tilde{c_{1}}}{\tilde{c_{2}}}$ , and
 281 $S_{0},D_{0},\tilde{c_{1}},\tilde{c_{2}}$ are parameters to be
 282 determined.
 285 Here, we place our interests on Eq.(2.3). It implies that oil
 286 demand is in a periodical form. However, with the time passing by,
 287 the population on the earth is expanding in an exponential way,
 288 and the demand of oil is accordingly increasing in a similar way.
 289 Therefore we should modify Eq.(2.3) to reflect the intrinsic
 290 increasing tendency. We consider adding a term of exponential
 291 function $k_{1}\exp(k_{2}(t-t_{0}))$($k_{1},k_{2},t_{0}$are
 292 constants) to the right side of Eq.(2.3). And after some
 293 simplification, we can easily get the following equation:
 296 \begin{equation}
 297 D(t)=a_{1}+a_{2}\cos(a_{3}t+a_{4})+a_{5}\exp(a_{6}t)
 298 \end{equation}
 300 Using Eq.(2) to fit the data in Table 1, we can get the fitting
 301 curve of Figure 1, from which we can easily find the goodness of
 302 fit is quite satisfactory. And the function we get after fitting
 303 is:
 305 \[
 306 D(t)=365*(31950+556.7\cos(1.605t-3159.659)+(1.239*10^{-16})*\exp(0.02366t))
 307 \]
 309 \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering
 310 \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{fig01.eps}
 311 \caption{The fitting curve by Eq.(2)}
 312 \end{figure}
 316 Noticing that with the passing of time, the third term
 317 ($a_5\exp(a_6t)$) on the right side of Eq.(2) will play a more
 318 important role and the second term$(a_{2}\cos(a_{3}t+a_{4}))$ can
 319 be neglected, thus for the sake of convenience, we reduce Eq.(2)
 320 to:
 323 \begin{equation}
 324 D(t)=a_{1}+a_{5}\exp(a_{6}t)
 325 \end{equation}
 327 Hence we choose exponential fitting to predict future demand, and
 328 for the purpose of comparison, we also choose linear fitting and a
 329 invariable demand case in which future demand is assumed the same
 330 as that of 2003. The data for fitting is world-wide oil demand
 331 $D(i)(i=1970,\ldots,2003)$ in Table 1 , and the fitting results
 332 are given as follows:
 334 Exponential fitting:\[
 335 D(t)=365*(29820+2.265*10^{-15}*\exp(0.02223*t))  (t\geq 2004)
 336 \]
 338 Linear fitting:\[  D(t)=365*(771.2*t+(-1.467e+006))   (t\geq 2004)
 339 \]
 341 The predicted demand is shown in Figure 2. (For convenience,
 342 annual demand is in the form of average daily demand.)
 344 \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering
 345 \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{fig02.eps}
 346 \caption{Estimation of future oil demand}
 347 \end{figure}
 349 \textit{Remark: With the increase of oil demand, its price will
 350 accordingly rise. As is shown by the broken lines in figure 2,
 351 this will lead to the decline of oil demand, and we will discuss
 352 this phenomenon in detail later.}
 355 \subsection{Sensitivity Analysis:}
 357 Based on the above assumption,$U(t)$ is the undiscovered oil on
 358 earth at year $t$, so it is difficult to get a precise value. What
 359 we can acquire is merely an estimation, which may contain a
 360 certain degree of deviation. We now investigate whether the
 361 deviation will bring about a serious distortion on the
 362 determination on $n$.
 364 We give $U(t)(t=1997)$ a fluctuation of $\pm10\%$, and study the
 365 corresponding change of $n$. The conclusion is shown in Table 2.
 367 From table 2, we can learn that the fluctuation of $U(t)$ does not
 368 have a strong influence on the estimated year of oil‘s exhaustion.
 370 \begin{table}
 371 \centering \caption{the relationship between the fluctuation of
 372 $U(t)$ and the year of oil exhaustion}
 373 \begin{tabular}{|l|l|lll|lll|lll|}
 374 \hlinewd{1pt}
 375 \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{The year of oil exhaustion($n$)} & \multicolumn{9}{c|}{Fluctuation of $u(t)$(t=2000)} \ 376 \hlinewd{1pt}
 377 \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Exponential} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{-10\%} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{0\%} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{+10\%} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{} \ 378 \cline{2-11}
 379 \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{The way of} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Linear} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & 2032 &  & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{2032} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{2032} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{} \ 380 \cline{2-11}
 381 \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{fitting} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Invariable} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{2033} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{2033} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{2034} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{} \ 382 \cline{2-11}
 383 \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{demand case} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{2036} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{2037} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{2037} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{} \ 384 \hlinewd{1pt}
 385 \end{tabular}
 386 \end{table}
 389 \section{Task 2  The Influence of Economic, Demographic, Political and Environmental Factors on the Oil}
 391 \subsection{Assumptions}
 392 \begin{enumerate}
 393 \item We assume that the annual demand of oil could reflect the annual consumption of oil.
 395 \item When we consider the effect of one factor, the other factors
 396 are neglected, in other words, we do not take the interaction of
 397 arbitrary two different factors into account.
 399 \item When considering the future consumption of oil, we ignore the
 400 intrinsic fluctuation, because its influence is really small. That
 401 means we only consider the tendency of the future tendency.
 402 \end{enumerate}
 405 In task 1, we‘ve assumed that oil demand is in an exponential
 406 form, but in reality, many factors such as economy, population,
 407 politics and environment, will influence oil consumption. Thus, in
 408 the following discussion, we modify the model provided in Task 1
 409 to include the above-mentioned factors and thereby make our
 410 results more approximate to the reality.
 413 \subsection{The Influence of Economic Factors}
 415 We use GDP as the measure of economy. First we investigate the
 416 relationship between demand and supply. Based on the data of
 417 worldwide oil demand and supply between 1970 and 2003, we perform
 418 a correlation analysis between oil demand and oil supply, and get
 419 the correlation coefficient $r= 0.9911$. Therefore, we justifiably
 420 deem that demand is almost linearly dependent on supply. So when
 421 we consider the influence of oil on demand, caused by economic, we
 422 take the demand as a dependent variable. And the data we obtain
 423 about the recent world total GDP is shown in Table 3, while the
 424 data about the total world oil consumption in recent years is
 425 shown in Table 4.
 427 \begin{table}[!htb]
 428 \centering \caption{Recent World Total GDP(\$ 108),1995-2003}
 429 \begin{tabular}{lllllllll}
 430 \hlinewd{1pt}
 431 \multicolumn{1}{c}{1995} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{1996} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{1997} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{1998} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{1999} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{2000} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{2001} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{2002} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{2003} \ 432 \hline
 433 \multicolumn{1}{c}{27.134} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{28.247} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{29.433} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{30.257} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{31.377} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{32.85} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{33.64} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{34.6487} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{36} \ 434 \hlinewd{1pt}
 435 \end{tabular}
 436 \end{table}
 440 \begin{table}[!htb]
 441 \centering \caption{Recent Total World Oil Consumption($10^3$
 442 thousands of barrels/day),1995-2003}
 443 \begin{tabular}{lllllllll}
 444 \hlinewd{1pt}
 445 \multicolumn{1}{c}{1995} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{1996} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{1997} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{1998} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{1999} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{2000} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{2001} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{2002} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{2003} \ 446 \hline
 447 \multicolumn{1}{c}{69955} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{71522} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{73292} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{73932} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{75826} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{76954} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{78105} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{78439} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{79813} \ 448 \hlinewd{1pt}
 449 \end{tabular}
 450 \end{table}
 452 We know from the table that the GDP value and the worldwide oil
 453 consumption both increase as time elapses. Hence we make a
 454 correlation analysis for these two lists of data, and the
 455 correlation coefficient turns out to be 0.9930. That is to say,
 456 the GDP value and oil consumption are of strong positive linear
 457 dependence.
 459 In order to find out the intrinsic relationship between them, we
 460 make a linear regression for these data. The regression equation
 461 is given as follows:
 464 \begin{equation}
 465 y=1183\times x+38140
 466 \end{equation}
 469 \newenvironment{vardesc}[1]{%
 470 \settowidth{\parindent}{#1\ } \makebox[0pt][r]{#1\ }}{}
 472 \begin{vardesc}{Where}$x$: global GDP value
 474 $y$: worldwide oil consumption
 475 \end{vardesc}
 477 And \textit{R-square}.(square of regression coefficient) is
 478 0.9861. And the further statistical significance test shows that
 479 there indeed exists a linear dependence between the global GDP
 480 value and worldwide oil consumption.
 482 Next, using Eq.(4), we can predict the cumulative oil demand as
 483 the global GDP grows at the rate of 10\%, 5\%, 3\%, 1\%
 484 respectively. For the convenience, we take the year 2001 as the
 485 starting point, and we get that the total remaining oil on earth
 486 at that time is $1.1178\times 10^{+12}$(barrels). And then we
 487 calculate the time of the oil exhaustion under different cases of
 488 economic growth. Oil depletion time is shown in the following
 489 figure:
 491 \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering
 492 \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{fig03.eps}
 493 \caption{the curves of cumulative consumption under different
 494 rates of GDP growth}
 495 \end{figure}
 497 The horizontal line denotes the total remaining oil at year 2001.
 498 The x-axis coordinates of the intersection points of the
 499 horizontal line and the curves denote oil exhaustion time at the
 500 GDP growth rate of 10\%, 5\%, 3\%, 1\% , respectively.
 503 We find that the faster the GDP growth rate is, the larger the oil
 504 consumption will be, making the advent of the exhaustion time to
 505 come sooner. When the GDP growth rate is 10\%, oil will be
 506 depleted at 2020; when the GDP growth rate is 5\%, oil will be
 507 used up at 2026; When the GDP growth rate is 3\%, oil will be used
 508 out at 2029,and finally, When the GDP growth rate is 1\%, oil will
 509 be used out at 2035.
 512 As for a specific nation, its GDP growth rate can be controlled
 513 through some economic approaches, so as to delay the advent of oil
 514 exhaustion.
 518 \subsection{The Demographic Influence on Oil Consumption}
 520 First, we resort to \emph{\textbf{Logistic}} model to predict the
 521 change of world population in years to come. The model is as
 522 follows:
 525 \begin{equation}
 526 x(t)=\frac{k}{1+(\frac{k}{x_{0}}-1)e^{-(t-t_{0})r}}
 527 \end{equation}
 531 \begin{vardesc}{Where}$t$: denotes time;
 533 $t_{0}$: denotes initial time;
 535 $x_{0}$: denotes the population at initial time;
 537 $k$: is the environment capacity, namely the maximum number of
 538 population the earth can accommodate;
 540 $r$: is the intrinsic growth rate of population.
 542 \end{vardesc}
 544 We use the data of the population in recent decades to fit the
 545 above equation, and get the formula of the change of population
 546 with time:
 548 \begin{equation}
 549 x(t)=\frac{100}{1+(\frac{100}{44.585}-1)e^{-0.0327\times
 550 (t-1980)}}
 551 \end{equation}
 553 Now, using Eq. (6) we can the prediction of future population,
 554 which is shown in the following table:
 556 \begin{table}[!htb]
 557 \centering \caption{The population estimated by the
 558 \emph{\textbf{Logistic model}}(0.1billion)}
 559 \begin{tabular}{lllllllll}
 560 \hlinewd{1pt}
 561 \multicolumn{1}{c}{1980} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{1990} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{2000} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{2010} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{2020} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{2030} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{3040} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{2050} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{2060} \ 562 \hline
 563 \multicolumn{1}{c}{44.585} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{52.736} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{60.744} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{68.212} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{74.849} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{80.495} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{85.126} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{88.811} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{91.560} \ 564 \hlinewd{1pt}
 565 \end{tabular}
 566 \end{table}
 568 Similarly, we try to obtain the relationship between oil
 569 consumption and total population as we do in the section of
 570 studying GDP‘s influence. The correlation coefficient is 0.9877.
 571 Obviously, there exists a strong positive linear dependence
 572 between oil consumption and total population. Theoretically, the
 573 larger the population is, the greater the oil demand will be,
 574 which coincides with the above result.
 576 Naturally, we make a linear regression for oil demand and
 577 population, and get the relationship between them as follows:
 579 \begin{equation}
 580 y=1443\times x-11170
 581 \end{equation}
 585 \begin{vardesc}{Where}$y$: oil consumption;.
 587 $x$: total population.
 588 \end{vardesc}
 591 From (6) we can get the future population, and from (7) we may
 592 obtain oil demand in the future. Hence, the time of oil exhaustion
 593 can be estimated under such a growth of population.
 595 \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering
 596 \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{fig04.eps}
 597 \caption{the curve of cumulative oil consumption with the growth
 598 of population}
 599 \end{figure}
 601 From the above figure we can clearly see that oil will be in the
 602 state of exhaustion if population increases in the way of (6). And
 603 the intersection point of the horizontal line and the curve is the
 604 corresponding exhaustion time under a specific growth rate of
 605 population, which is not difficult to estimate.
 608 \subsection{The Political Influence on Oil Consumption}
 610 Here, we mainly discuss the influences caused by wars.
 613 In Task 1, we have fitted the function of demand dependent on time
 614 as follows:
 616 \[
 617 y(t)=7.95\times 10^{-6}\times e^{0.01149t}
 618 \]
 620 from which we can estimate the oil demand at any given time. Let
 621 rate denote the growth rate of oil consumption, thus
 624 \[
 625 rate=\frac{y(t+1)}{y(t)}-1=\frac{7.95\times 10^{-6}\times
 626 e^{0.01149(t+1)}}{7.95\times 10^{-6}\times
 627 e^{0.01149t}}-1=e^{0.01149}-1 =1.56\%
 628 \]
 630 From the above equation, we find that the annual growth rate of
 631 oil consumption remains at the same level of 1.56\% if oil
 632 consumption increases in an exponential form, and we call it
 633 \emph{\textbf{average growth rate}}.
 635 Now, we investigate the growth rate of oil consumption during the
 636 past decades, and the results are shown in the figure below.
 638 \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering
 639 \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{fig05.eps}
 640 \caption{the curve of oil consumption growth rate and mean growth
 641 rate}
 642 \end{figure}
 644 From the figure above, we can obviously see that the growth rate
 645 declines sharply in the year 1974 1980 and 1990, which coincides
 646 with the outbreak of the fourth Middle East War (1973), the
 647 Iran-Iraq War (1980) and the Gulf War (1990). And these three wars
 648 all broke out in the Middle East, which is the center of oil
 649 production. So the wars strongly impacted the oil price, and
 650 consequently impacted the oil demand.
 653 Define
 654 \begin{equation}
 655 \Delta rate=rate(t)-\overline{rate}
 656 \end{equation}
 659 \begin{vardesc}{Where}$rate(t)$: the growth rate of oil consumption at year $t$
 661 $\overline{rate}$: the average growth rate of oil consumption
 662 \end{vardesc}
 668 So $\Delta rate$ indicates the deviation of oil assumption off its
 669 mean level. We calculate the $\Delta rate$ in year 1974, 1980 and
 670 1990, respectively, and the three numbers may reflect the affects
 671 on oil demand caused by these three wars, respectively. The
 672 results are in the table below.
 674 \begin{table}[!htb]
 675 \centering \caption{$\Delta$ rate in year 1974,1980 and 1990}
 676 \begin{tabular}{lll}
 677 \hlinewd{1pt}
 678 \multicolumn{1}{c}{1974} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{1980} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{1990} \ 679 \hline
 680 \multicolumn{1}{c}{-0.02533} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{-0.048} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{-0.0103} \ 681 \hlinewd{1pt}
 682 \end{tabular}
 683 \end{table}
 685 We reach the conclusion that wars will make the growth rate of oil
 686 consumption well bellow its average level.
 688 As for other political influences, we can use the similar method,
 689 and the key is to choose the crucial factor to analysis.
 691 \subsection{The Environmental Influence on Oil Consumption}
 693 The use of oil inevitably leads to environment pollution. To
 694 protect the environment against excessive pollution, the
 695 government would adopt certain measures to limit the use of oil.
 696 So the environmental factors will also influence the oil demand.
 699 We take the discharge amount of carbon dioxide generated by oil
 700 consumption as the scale to measure the environment pollution, and
 701 study the relation between the discharge amount of carbon dioxide
 702 and oil consumption. The data of discharge amount of carbon
 703 dioxide is shown in the table below.
 705 \begin{table}[!htb]
 706 \centering \caption{World Carbon Dioxide Emissions From the
 707 Consumption of Oil (million metric tons of carbon dioxide)}
 708 \begin{tabular}{lllllllll}
 709 \hlinewd{1pt}
 710 \multicolumn{1}{c}{1993} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{1994} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{1995} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{1996} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{1997} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{1998} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{1999} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{2000} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{2001} \ 711 \hline
 712 \multicolumn{1}{r}{9220} & \multicolumn{1}{r}{9284} & \multicolumn{1}{r}{9388} & \multicolumn{1}{r}{9586} & \multicolumn{1}{r}{9691} & \multicolumn{1}{r}{9766} & \multicolumn{1}{r}{9939} & \multicolumn{1}{r}{10138} & \multicolumn{1}{r}{10292} \ 713 \hlinewd{1pt}
 714 \end{tabular}
 715 \end{table}
 717 First, we also make a correlation analysis for the discharge
 718 amount of carbon dioxide and oil consumption, and the correlation
 719 coefficient is 0.9937. That is to say, the two variables are of
 720 strong positive linear dependence. Then we make a linear
 721 regression, and get the relationship between carbon dioxide
 722 emission and oil consumption as follows:
 725 \begin{equation}
 726 y=10.09\times x-25320
 727 \end{equation}
 731 \begin{vardesc}{Where}$y$: oil consumption;
 733 $x$: discharge amount of carbon dioxide caused by oil consumption.
 734 \end{vardesc}
 738 From Eq $(9)$ we can work out the oil consumption at a controlled
 739 annual $\textrm{CO}_{2}$ emission growth rate. We simulate the
 740 future oil consumption under different annual $\textrm{CO}_{2}$
 741 emission growth rate of 1\%, 3\%\ldots The corresponding oil
 742 exhaustion time is shown in the figure below.
 744 \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering
 745 \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{fig06.eps}
 746 \caption{the curve of cumulative oil consumption under different
 747 annual $\textrm{CO}_2$ emission growth rates}
 748 \end{figure}
 751 Based on the analysis above, if we want to keep the annual
 752 $\textrm{CO}_{2}$ emission growth rate at a given level, we can
 753 give the corresponding annual oil consumption, and then fulfill
 754 the purpose of protecting the environment.
 756 \subsection{Limitations}
 758 The above models are based on the assumption that all the other
 759 factors are invariable when modeling for a specific factor. But
 760 this cannot be true in reality, because one factor may be
 761 interacted with others. Thus, the interactions should be taken
 762 into account in further study.
 765 \section{Task 3 The Sustainable Use of Oil}
 767 In order to prevent the excessive consumption of nonrenewable
 768 resource from rapid depletion, and to take into account of our
 769 offspring‘s interests, we must develop a policy to control the
 770 consumption of nonrenewable resource to give a rational
 771 consumption allocation between generations.
 774 \subsection{Assumptions}
 776 \begin{enumerate}
 777 \item We assume that annual demand of oil can truly reflect oil consumption.
 779 \item Oil consumption in year $t$ can not be far less than that in
 780 year $t-1$.
 782 \item The sustainable use of oil means that we must
 783 take the needs of our offspring into account. That is to say, we
 784 should provide a rational consumption allocation between
 785 generations.
 787 \item We assume that one generation consists of $n$ years.
 789 \end{enumerate}
 791 \subsection{The Criterion of Rational Consumption Allocation of Oil Between Generations.}
 793 Based on Task 1, we know that $U(t)+R(t)$ denotes the total
 794 remaining oil on earth at year $t$, and obviously, it holds that:
 797 \begin{equation}
 798 U(t)+R(t)=m_{1}+m_{2}
 799 \end{equation}
 801 \begin{vardesc}{Where}$m_{1}$: the amount of oil for contemporary man;
 803 $m_{2}$: the amount of oil left for offspring.
 804 \end{vardesc}
 806 In order to give a rational allocation, we define:
 809 \begin{equation}
 810 \eta=\frac{m_{2}}{m_{1}}\times 100\%       (0\leq \eta \leq
 811 \infty)
 812 \end{equation}
 814 $\eta$ is called \textbf{the degree of rational consumption
 815 allocation of oil.}
 818 A large value of $\eta$ indicates a high degree of rational
 819 consumption allocation, and vice versa. But if the value of $\eta$
 820 is too high, the amount of oil for contemporary human beings is
 821 too small to meet the needs. So we may give an alert analysis and
 822 management by choosing a suitable critical value of $\eta$, say
 823 $\eta‘$. Having known the value of $\eta‘$, we can obtain the
 824 optimal allocation in the n years of one generation.
 827 \subsection{Modeling the Rational Consumption Allocation}
 829 We hope that future oil demand will not undergo a sharp decline,
 830 and expect oil to be allocated among generations fairly.
 831 Meanwhile, we wish that the resource is utilized in the most
 832 efficient way.
 835 As is assumed, one generation consists of n years, and now we
 836 model at the interval of $n$ years, i.e. one generation. Based on
 837 the assumptions, we can construct the following optimization
 838 model:
 840 \[
 841 \max\sum^{n}_{i=1}c_{i}\times d_{i}
 842 \]
 844 \begin{equation}
 845 s.t.=\left\{\begin{array}{ll}
 846 \frac{r}{\sum_{i=1}^nd_i}\geq\eta‘\ 847 d_i\geq a\times d_{i-1},i=1,2,\cdots,n\ 848 d_i\geq 0,i=1,2,\cdots,n
 849 \end{array}\right.\end{equation}
 851 \begin{vardesc}{Where}$c_{i}$: the utilization rate of oil at year $i$;
 853 $\eta‘$: the degree of rational consumption allocation of oil
 854 between generations.
 856 $d_{i}$: oil consumption at year $i$, and $d_{0}$ indicates oil
 857 consumption at initial time.
 859 $r$: the total remaining oil in the first year of one generation.
 861 $\alpha$: a given percentage such that the oil consumption at a
 862 given year must not be less than $\alpha$ times the consumption in
 863 the previous year. And $\alpha$ is close to 1.
 866 \end{vardesc}
 868 The objective here is to obtain the maximum total utilization rate
 869 of oil in n years. The first constraint condition assures a high
 870 rate of rational oil allocation between generations, while
 871 $d_{i}\geq \alpha\times d_{i-1},i=1,2,\cdots,n$ makes sure that
 872 the oil consumption at year $i$ is not less than $\alpha$ times
 873 the consumption at year $i-1(i=1,\ldots,n)$. The purpose is to
 874 guarantee a smooth oil demand change.
 877 When $\eta‘,c_{i},r,\alpha$ is given, we can obtain the optimal
 878 consumption allocation of oil between $n$ years by solving the
 879 linear programming (12). As for the estimation of $c_{i}$ here, we
 880 believe that the utilization rate should increase as time passes
 881 by, but is always smaller than 1, nevertheless. Thus,$c_{i}$ can
 882 be regarded as in the following form:
 885 \begin{equation}
 886 c_{i}=1-a_{1}e^{a_{2}t}
 887 \end{equation}
 890 where $a_{1}$ and $a_{2}$ are constants and can be determined by
 891 fitting historical data.
 893 The result we get here may not increase in an exponential way.
 894 After determining the annual consumption, we can adjust it to
 895 include the factors such as economy, demography, politics and so
 896 on, until it is optimal.
 899 Next, we give an illustration to show the consumption under
 900 optimal allocation after year 2004. For instance, we set
 901 $\alpha=1$, $\eta‘=1.67$, $r=1.0\times 10^{12}$ and year 2004 to
 902 be the base time, i.e.$d_{0}$ is the oil consumption at 2004. Thus
 903 we can give the prediction of the oil consumption after 2005,
 904 which is shown in the following figure.
 906 \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering
 907 \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{fig07.eps}
 908 \caption{Oil Consumption Under Optimal Allocation}
 909 \end{figure}
 911 From the above figure, we can find that annual oil consumption
 912 under optimal allocation is far less than that in an exponential
 913 way. That is to say, the optimal consumption varies smoothly. But
 914 in the late phase of the prediction, consumption fluctuates
 915 sharply. This is due to the reason that we may have chosen an
 916 inappropriate $\eta‘$-value. However, the choosing of
 917 $\eta‘$-value is rather difficult because it should incorporate
 918 many factors such as population, price, specific economic
 919 environment, etc. Fortunately, the data at the prophase can
 920 clearly reflect the trend of oil consumption.
 922 \subsection{The Policy}
 923 To guarantee a sufficient amount of oil for our offspring to
 924 sustain their development, we must keep a rational allocation of
 925 oil. This can be done through the following measurements:
 927 \begin{enumerate}
 928 \item We may levy a relatively heavy tax on oil compared with other resources.
 929 \item We should encourage the development of alternatives for oil.
 930 \end{enumerate}
 932 ‘Security‘ Policy for Oil We believe that the problem of oil
 933 security arises mainly due to the different utilization rates
 934 among countries. For example, if a country with low oil
 935 utilization rate is assigned a redundancy of oil, whereas a
 936 country with high utilization rate is assigned an insufficient
 937 amount of oil, this phenomenon will lead to a great waste. Based
 938 on this idea, we can establish one model to find out the optimal
 939 distribution of oil among the countries with different utilization
 940 rates.
 942 \subsection{Assumptions:}
 943 \begin{enumerate}
 944 \item The utilization rates among countries are different.
 946 \item The low utilization rate is the primary source to result
 947 in the misuse and waste of oil.
 949 \item The annual oil consumption of the whole world is according
 950 to optimal oil allocation model in Task 3
 952 \item We do not take the trade barrier into account, and assume
 953 that reallocation of oil between countries is feasible.
 954 \end{enumerate}
 957 \subsection{Modeling:}
 958 Suppose there are $n$ main oil-consuming countries in the world.
 959 Given the year $t$, we can establish the linear programming as
 960 follows:
 962 \[
 963 \max\sum^{n}_{i=1}l_{i}(t) \times x_{i}(t)
 964 \]
 966 \begin{equation}
 967 s.t.\left\{\begin{array}{ll}\sum^{n}_{i=1}x_{i}(t)=d(t)\ 968 x_i(t)\geq\alpha_i(t)\times x_i(t-1),i=1,2,\cdots,n\ 969 x_i(t)\geq 0,i=1,2,\cdots,n \end{array}\right.
 970 \end{equation}
 973 \begin{vardesc}{Where}$l_{i}(t)$ : the oil utilization rate of country $i$ at year
 974 $t$;
 976 $x_{i}(t)$: the oil consumption of country $i$ at year $t$;
 979 $d(t)$: the world-wide oil consumption allocation at year $t$,
 980 which can be obtained using the model in Task 3.
 982 $\alpha_{i}(t)$: the minimum ratio of $x_{i}(t)$ to
 983 $x_{i}(t-1)$.in percentage.
 984 \end{vardesc}
 988 Remark: $\alpha_{i}(t)$, as a parameter, is close to 1, and it
 989 needs to be evaluated according to the different situations and
 990 the rationality of oil consumption of countries.
 992 The first constraint condition means the sum of oil consumption of
 993 different countries at year $t$ should equal total oil consumption
 994 at year $t$ under optimal oil allocation.
 996 The constraint condition $x_{i}(t) \geq \alpha_{i}(t) \times
 997 x_{i}(t-1),i=1,2...,n$ means the oil consumption of country $i$ at
 998 year $t$ is not less than a certain degree of the previous year‘s
 999 consumption. This degree is different among countries. From this
1000 model, we can see that the country with higher oil utilization
1001 rate has relative privilege to get the oil supply. The optimal
1002 solution of the linear programming represents the optimal oil
1003 distribution among countries at year $t$. Thus, we can meet the
1004 needs of every country with the minimal waste of oil.
1006 \subsection{Limitations of the model}
1007 The model we have designed above is for the sake of the interest
1008 of the entire world, but in reality, countries would more likely
1009 consider their own interests, leading to the result of tight trade
1010 barriers among countries, and consequently making it impossible to
1011 get the optimal distribution.
1013 \subsection{Conclusion}
1014 For a country with large oil demand but low utilization rate, we
1015 should fulfill its consume level while cut down the extra oil
1016 demand, while for a country with small oil demand but high
1017 utilization rate, we should meet its demand to the maximum extent,
1018 in order to prevent oil waste.
1020 \subsection{The Policy}
1021 To assure a good utilization of oil, and reduce unnecessary waste,
1022 we give the following measurements:
1024 \begin{enumerate}
1026 \item We may levy a relatively heavy tax on oil to countries with
1027 low utilization rate.
1029 \item We can set a limit on the annual oil consumption for countries with low utilization rate
1030 \end{enumerate}
1033 \section{Task 5 Oil Exploitation vs. Natural Disasters}
1035 Oil exploitation is a tough task because the nature is very
1036 vulnerable. And if our activities go against the intrinsic laws of
1037 nature, we will be punished by it. Oilfield occupies a large range
1038 of area, destroys the vegetation in the vicinity, changes the
1039 components of the soil, and deteriorates the environment near by,
1040 and hence the animals will lose their habitat. With the
1041 exploitation of the field, it will influence the groundwater and
1042 cause desertification. An obvious instance is oil spill, which
1043 often leads to the pollution of nearby water area, and further
1044 destroys the entire water area eco-system.
1046 Next, we mainly consider the effects of oil exploitation on
1047 natural disasters. We hope that the susceptibilities to disasters
1048 to be as low as possible while the demand for oil is satisfied.
1051 \subsection{Assumptions}
1052 \begin{enumerate}
1053 \item The amount of oil exploited entirely turns into consumption.
1055 \item The total amount of oil exploited can meet the need of
1056 economic development.
1057 \end{enumerate}
1059 \subsection{Modeling the short-term effects}
1061 We mainly consider the short-term effects, and assume that the
1062 total number of oilfields on the earth is $n$. According to the
1063 first assumption, oil exploitation is at the same level of oil
1064 consumption. In order to satisfy the sustainable development of
1065 the economy, we must try to keep the total output of all oilfields
1066 to be the same as the world-wide oil consumption under optimal
1067 allocation in Task 3. Thus, we have the following equation:
1069 \begin{equation}
1070 \sum^{n}_{i=1}x_{i}(t)=d(t)
1071 \end{equation}
1074 \begin{vardesc}{Where}$x_{i}(t)$: the output of the ith oilfield at year $t$;
1076 $d(t)$: the world wide oil consumption under optimal oil
1077 allocation in Task 3.
1078 \end{vardesc}
1080 For a specific oilfield $i$,we believe that its susceptibility to
1081 disasters has something to do with its output at a given year and
1082 the ratio of its cumulative output to its initial oil reserve.
1084 Naturally, the more the oil is exploited, the greater the
1085 likelihood of disasters will be. We believe that they are of
1086 linear independence. And of course, a new oilfield and an old one
1087 will have different effects on the environment. This difference is
1088 shown by the ratio of the cumulative output to the initial oil
1089 reserve. Here we introduce a penalty function
1090 $e^{-\alpha(1-\lambda_{i}(t))}$,and get the following equation:
1092 \begin{equation}
1093 p_{i}(t)=k_{i}\times x_{i}(t)\times e^{-\alpha(1-\lambda_{i}(t))},
1094 \end{equation}
1096 \begin{vardesc}{Where}$k_{i}$: proportion coefficient, which is determined by the
1097 position and exploitation method of the oilfield. Here, a small
1098 value of $k_{i}$ represents a prior position and an advanced
1099 exploitation method.
1101 $p_{i}$: the susceptibility to disasters.
1103 $\lambda_{i}(t)$: the ith oilfield‘s ratio of its cumulative
1104 output until year $t$ to its initial oil reserve.
1105 \end{vardesc}
1107 We hope to minimize the total susceptibilities of different
1108 oilfields under the condition that the worldwide oil demands can
1109 be satisfied. That is:
1111 \[
1112 \min\sum^{n}_{i=1}p_{i}(t)
1113 \]
1114 \[
1115 s.t.\sum^{n}_{i=1}x_{i}(t)=d(t)
1116 \]
1118 The solution to this optimization problem generates the outputs of
1119 every oilfield that can assure the least possibility to disasters.
1120 Obviously, we find out those oilfields with small value of $k_{i}$
1121 will have larger outputs and vice versa.
1123 We also increase the value of $n$ tentatively, i.e. to increase
1124 the number of oilfields, and find that the total susceptibilities
1125 will decrease. This is mainly due to the fact that during the
1126 prophase of exploitation,$\exp^{-\alpha(1-\lambda_{i}(t))}$ plays
1127 an important role, leading to the exploitation of new oilfields,
1128 and this will decrease the likelihood of disasters.
1131 \subsection{The Policy}
1133 Our policy is to increase the output of old oilfields with small
1134 $k_{i}$-value (those with a prior position and a priority of
1135 exploitation), and reduce the output of those with large
1136 $k_{i}$-value (those with an inferior position and a backward
1137 exploitation method). Also, if possible, we should exploit as many
1138 new oilfields as possible and decrease the exploitation of old
1139 oilfields, so as to control the susceptibilities to disaster.
1141 \subsection{Long-term Effects} As for the long-term effects, for a
1142 given oilfield, the average annual output should be minimal. So it
1143 allows us to carry out an intensive exploitation in one year and
1144 then a mild one in another. By doing so, there is no necessity for
1145 us to increase the number of new oilfields in a short time, and
1146 the benefit is that it allows us to have enough time to search for
1147 and construct new oil fields.
1150 \section{Task 6 The Development of The Alternatives for Oil}
1152 With the development of human, oil is being used ceaselessly. And
1153 we have estimated that if oil consumption increases in an
1154 exponential way, it will be used out in about thirty years. Even
1155 if we control the use of it, the time can only be prolonged by
1156 four to five years. So, at present stage, we urgently need an
1157 alternative for oil. For the sake of sustainable development, we
1158 must gradually accelerate the consumption of oil‘s alternative at
1159 the anaphase of the depletion of oil. The question is how should
1160 we apply the alternative in order to keep the economy stable
1161 during the transition period.
1163 \subsection{Assumptions}
1165 \begin{enumerate}
1166 \item We only consider one kind of alternative.
1167 \item Oil and its alternative have precisely the same function as energy resource .
1168 \item The criterion of the measurement of oil and its alternative is their contributions to GDP.
1169 \item We assume that the quantity of oil to produce unit of energy will not change as time elapses.
1170 \end{enumerate}
1172 \subsection{Analysis}
1174 We assume that the cost for oil to produce unit energy is $c_{1}$,
1175 and that of its alternative is $c_{2}$ m such that $c_{1}\leq
1176 c_{2}$. This is on the basis the fact that the cost for oil to
1177 produce unit energy is lowest compared with any other resources
1178 (See [5]). Because of this, the consumption of oil is far greater
1179 than those of its alternative.
1181 But we must realize the fact that the total amount of remaining
1182 oil on the earth is declining, so the price of oil will
1183 correspondingly increase on the whole, leading to the rise of oil
1184 cost. On the other hand, with the advancement of the technology
1185 for the alternative, their prince will fall, and as a result makes
1186 a low cost possible. The general tendency can be found in the
1187 following figure:
1189 \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering
1190 \includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth]{fig08.eps}
1191 \caption{The Trend of Cost for Oil and Its Alternative to Produce
1192 unit of energy}
1193 \end{figure}
1195 From the trend above we get the conclusion that with the rising of
1196 the cost for unit oil, the consumption of it will become less and
1197 less, but its unit alternative will have low cost, and then the
1198 demand of them will according increase, until the day when oil is
1199 completely replaced by them. Now, the question we are faced with
1200 is at what a speed should oil be replaced.
1203 \subsection{Modeling}
1205 From the above model for optimal oil distribution between
1206 countries, we have obtained the conclusion that the growth of
1207 consumption in future years will increase slowly. Hence, what our
1208 research is interested in is the time when oil demand begins to
1209 decline, i.e. the transition time of oil and its alternative.
1211 Let GDP value to be $G$, $x$ to be the consumption of oil, $y$ to
1212 be the consumption of the alternative, and $t$ to be time. We can
1213 see that $G$ is a function dependent on $x$ and $y$, so
1215 \begin{equation}
1216 G=G(x,y)
1217 \end{equation}
1220 From (17), we have:
1222 \begin{equation}
1223 \frac{d{G}}{d{t}}=\frac{\partial{G}}{\partial{x}}\times
1224 \frac{d{x}}{d{t}}+\frac{\partial{G}}{\partial{y}}\times
1225 \frac{d{y}}{d{t}}
1226 \end{equation}
1228 During the anaphase of oil consumption, we want to keep it at a
1229 low level in order to assure a smooth transition. We think that an
1230 exponential decline will seem to be reasonable, so we let:
1232 \begin{equation}
1233 x(t)=x(t_{0})\times e^{b\times (t-t_{0})}(t>t_{0},b<0)
1234 \end{equation}
1236 then
1238 \begin{equation}
1239 \frac{d{x}}{d{t}}=x(t_{0})\times b\times e^{b\times (t-t_{0})}
1240 \end{equation}
1242 \begin{vardesc}{Where}$b$ :the decline rate of oil consumption;
1244 $x(t)$ :oil consumption at year $t$.
1246 $t_{0}$:the time when oil demand begins to decline.
1247 \end{vardesc}
1249 Substitute (20) into (18),and then we get:
1251 \begin{equation}
1252 \frac{d{y}}{d{t}}=\frac{\frac{d{G}}{d{t}}+x(t_{0})\times b\times
1253 e^{b\times (t-t_{0})}\times \frac{\partial{G}}{\partial{x}}
1254 }{\frac{\partial{G}}{\partial{y}}}
1255 \end{equation}
1258 $\frac{d{y}}{d{t}}$ denotes replacement rate,
1259 $\frac{\partial{G}}{\partial{x}}$ means the contribution rate of
1260 oil to GDP,and $\frac{\partial{G}}{\partial{y}}$ means the
1261 contribution rate of the alternative to GDP. After we have known
1262 the value of $b$, $t_{0}$, $\frac{d{G}}{d{t}}$,
1263 $\frac{\partial{G}}{\partial{x}}$ and
1264 $\frac{\partial{G}}{\partial{y}}$, the replacement ratio of the
1265 alternative --- $\frac{d{y}}{d{t}}$, can be calculated, and with
1266 the information of $\frac{d{y}}{d{t}}$, we can work out the
1267 consumption of the alternative which will guarantee a stable
1268 economy. This consumption works as a guidance when we exploit the
1269 alternative. Next, we choose the year 2010 as $t_{0}$ and then
1270 simulate to study the consumption of oil and the alternative. The
1271 result is shown in the following figure:
1273 \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering
1274 \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{fig09.eps}
1275 \caption{The Curves of the Daily Consumption of Oil and Its
1276 Alternative During the Transition Time}
1277 \end{figure}
1279 Thus, we can determine the quantity of the alternative to be
1280 exploited which will assure the sustainable development of the
1281 economy.
1283 \subsection{Improvements of the Model}
1284 As for the case where more than one alternative is available, we
1285 can also solve the problem using the method above. But the degree
1286 of exploitation difficulty is involved. To this end, we‘ve
1287 searched for some information, and have drafted the following
1288 report. In this report, we‘ve specifically introduced some
1289 alternatives for oil, and hope this will pave the way for future
1290 work.
1293 \begin{center}
1294 \textbf{Alternative Energy and Potential Oil Substitutes}
1295 \end{center}
1297 Oil, a kind of nonrenewable resource, will be used up in the near
1298 future.
1300 As it is pointed by C.J. Campbell ----- " The coming oil crisis
1301 will be just that because the transition will not be easy, but I
1302 sometimes think that the world needs a change in direction in any
1303 case. From the ashes of the oil crisis may arise a better and more
1304 sustainable planet. It must at least become more sustainable as
1305 mankind lives out his allotted life span in the fossil record.
1306 Whether or not it is better depends on how well we manage the
1307 transition."
1309 Transition to an entirely renewable sustainable energy resource
1310 economy with resulting changes in lifestyles is inevitable. Will
1311 it be done with intelligence and foresight or will it be done by
1312 harsh natural forces? This is one of the main challenges, which
1313 lie before us.
1315 The crisis is imminent. Those who anticipate can do well from the
1316 economic and political discontinuity; those who react can survive;
1317 but those who continue to live in the past will suffer. And we
1318 don‘t have long to prepare.
1320 In this report, alternative energy and related technologies will
1321 be talked about.
1323 \textbf{Alternative energy:}
1326 Alternative energy refers to energy sources, which are not based
1327 on the burning of fossil fuels or the splitting of atoms. The
1328 renewed interest in this field of study comes from the undesirable
1329 effects of pollution (as witnessed today) both from burning fossil
1330 fuels and from nuclear waste byproducts. Fortunately there are
1331 many means of harnessing energy, which have less damaging impacts
1332 on our environment. Here are some possible alternatives:
1334 \textbf{Solar energy:}
1337  Solar energy is one the most resourceful
1338 sources of energy for the future. One of the reasons for this is
1339 that the total energy we receive each year from the sun is around
1340 35,000 times the total energy used by man. However, about 1/3 of
1341 this energy is either absorbed by the outer atmosphere or
1342 reflected back into space (a process called albedo).
1344 Using solar energy provide a ticket for the environmental lobby.
1345 Solar energy is presently being used on a smaller scale in
1346 furnaces for homes and to heat up swimming pools. On a larger
1347 scale use, solar energy could be used to run cars, power plants,
1348 and space ships. But the restrictions are: A huge number of solar
1349 panels, which are not cheap, and of course, less sun means less
1350 power, so it‘s not fit in countries where sunshine is not a
1351 constant.
1353 \textbf{Wind power:}
1356 Wind power is another alternative energy source that could be used
1357 without producing by-products that are harmful to nature. And
1358 human have a long history of using wind power in the form of
1359 windmill. Like solar power, harnessing the wind is highly
1360 dependent upon weather and location. The average wind velocity of
1361 Earth is around 9 m/sec. And the power that could be produced when
1362 a windmill is facing the wind of 10 mi/hr. is around 50 watts.
1364 \textbf{Geothermal energy:}
1367 Geothermal energy is an alternative energy source, although it is
1368 not resourceful enough to replace more than a minor amount of the
1369 future‘s energy needs. Geothermal energy is obtained from the
1370 internal heat of the planet and can be used to generate steam to
1371 run a steam turbine. This in turn generates electricity, which is
1372 a very useful form of energy.
1374 Because of the costs required in upkeep and the shortage of
1375 potential sites, geothermal energy systems are more inefficient
1376 than other alternative energy sources.
1379 \textbf{Hydroelectricity:}
1382 Hydroelectricity comes from the damming of rivers and utilizing
1383 the potential energy stored in the water. As the water stored
1384 behind a dam is released at high pressure, its kinetic energy is
1385 transferred onto turbine blades and used to generate electricity.
1386 This system has enormous costs up front, but has relatively low
1387 maintenance costs and provides power quite cheaply. In the United
1388 States approximately 180,000 MW of hydroelectric power potential
1389 is available, and about a third of that is currently being
1390 harnessed.
1392 \textbf{Tide:}
1395 Similar to the more conventional hydroelectric dams, the tidal
1396 process utilizes the natural motion of the tides to fill
1397 reservoirs, which are then slowly discharged through
1398 electricity-producing turbines. The former USSR produced 300 MW in
1399 its Lumkara plant using this method.
1401 \textbf{Oil substitutes:}
1403 Biodiesel is made entirely from vegetable oil, it does not contain
1404 any sulfur, aromatic hydrocarbons, metals or crude oil residues.
1405 The absence of sulfur means a reduction in the formation of acid
1406 rain by sulfate emissions which generate sulfuric acid in our
1407 atmosphere. The reduced sulfur in the blend will also decrease the
1408 levels of corrosive sulfuric acid accumulating in the engine
1409 crankcase oil over time.
1411 The lack of toxic and carcinogenic aromatics (benzene, toluene and
1412 xylene) in Biodiesel means the fuel mixture combustion gases will
1413 have reduced impact on human health and the environment. The high
1414 cetane rating of Biodiesel (ranges from 49 to 62) is another
1415 measure of the additive‘s ability to improve combustion
1416 efficiency. Unlike other "clean fuels" such as compressed natural
1417 gas (CNG), Biodiesel and other biofuels are produced from
1418 renewable agricultural crops that assimilate carbon dioxide from
1419 the atmosphere to become plants and vegetable oil. The carbon
1420 dioxide released this year from burning vegetable oil Biodiesels,
1421 in effect, will be recaptured next year by crops growing in fields
1422 to produce more vegetable oil starting material. But unfortunately
1423 it haven‘t been putted into wide use.
1426 \textbf{Gas hydrate} is an ice-like crystalline solid, its
1427 building blocks consist of a gas molecule surrounded by a cage of
1428 water molecules. Thus, it is similar to ice, except that the
1429 crystalline structure is stabilized by the guest gas molecule
1430 within the cage of water molecules. Many gases have molecular
1431 sizes suitable to form hydrate, including such naturally occurring
1432 gases as carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and several
1433 low-carbon-number hydrocarbons, but most marine gas hydrates that
1434 have been analyzed are methane hydrates. They occur in the pore
1435 spaces of sediments, and may form cements, nodes or layers.
1436 \textbf{Gas Hydrate} is found in sub-oceanic sediments in the
1437 polar regions (shallow water) and in continental slope sediments
1438 (deep water), where pressure and temperature conditions combine to
1439 make it stable.
1442 \textbf{Gas hydrate is an important topic for study for three
1443 reasons:}
1445 It contains a great volume of methane, which indicates a potential
1446 as a future energy resource
1448 It may function as a source or sink for atmospheric methane, which
1449 may influence global climate
1451 It can affect sediment strength, which can initiate landslides on
1452 the slope and rise
1454 Other things may be used as a substitute of oil. For example, some
1455 countries confronted with the oil crisis use \textbf{ethanol} as a
1456 substitute of oil. Although these substitutes may provide a
1457 possible outlet to the oil crisis, whether they can solve the
1458 energy problem is really unknown.
1461 \textbf{Conclusion:}
1464 Considering the concurrent problems of population size and
1465 stabilization, the adjustment of economies and lifestyles, the
1466 challenge of conversion to alternative energy resources is clearly
1467 exigent and formidable. A realistic appraisal of the future
1468 encourages people to properly prepare for the coming events. Delay
1469 in dealing with the issues will surely result in unpleasant
1470 surprises. Let us get on with the task of moving orderly into the
1471 post-petroleum paradigm.
1473 \newpage
1475 \begin{thebibliography}{1}
1476 \bibitem{1} Data of world population \\http://www.cpirc.org
1477 \bibitem{2} Chris Nelder, Oil Crises Delay¨CA World Price Forecast,$2004$,\\http://www.betterworld.com
1478 \bibitem{3} Data of oil demand, supply, reserves, and emission of $\textrm{CO}_{2}$ \\http://www.eia.doe.gov
1479 \bibitem{4} C.J Campbell, The Coming Oil Crisis, Published by MULTI-SCIENCE PUBLISHING CO.LTD.
1480 1997
1481 \bibitem{5} Raymond Vernon, The Oil Crisis, Published by George J. McLeod Limited, Toronto
1482 \bibitem{6} Atmospheric $\textrm{CO}_{2}$ concentrations (ppmv),\1483 http://serc.carleton.edu/files/introgeo/interactive/examples/mlco2.doc
1484 \bibitem{7} http://www.cc.utah.edu
1485 \bibitem{8} Alternative resources \\http://curtrosengren.typepad.com
1486 \bibitem{9} Alternative resources \\http://www.hubbertpeak.com
1487 \bibitem{10} Alternative resources \\http://www.cytoculture.com
1488 \bibitem{11} Alternative resources \\http://www.epa.gov/
1489 \bibitem{12} Gas Hydrate web sites, \\http://woodshole.er.usgs.gov/project-pages/hydrates/external.html
1491 \end{thebibliography}
1493 \end{document}



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