标签:统计 技术 code com char to_date 分类 pre sele
Select nvl(to_char(a.create_date, ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘), ‘合计‘) 日期, count(case when a.flownode_code = ‘2‘ then a.work_id end) 工单分配, count(case when a.flownode_code = ‘1001‘ then a.work_id end) 测量, count(case when a.flownode_code = ‘1003‘ then a.work_id end) 外线 From t_od_work a where a.flownode_code in (‘2‘, ‘1001‘, ‘1003‘) and a.create_date >= To_Date(‘2018-08-01‘, ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘) and a.create_date <= To_Date(‘2018-09-01‘, ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘) group by rollup(to_char(a.create_date, ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘)) order by to_char(a.create_date, ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘);
标签:统计 技术 code com char to_date 分类 pre sele