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FusionInsight HD 客户端安装与使用

时间:2018-09-21 10:59:53      阅读:1497      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:copy   park   history   generate   yarn   软件包   hdfs   erb   ade   

FusionInsight HD针对不同服务提供了Shell脚本,供开发维护人员在不同场景下登录其对应的服务维护客户端完成对应的维护任务。




登录FusionInsight Manager系统,单击“服务管理”,在菜单栏中单击“下载客户端”,弹出“客户端类型”信息提示框。“客户端类型”勾选“完整客户端”。



[root@hdp02 ~]# mkdir /opt/client
[root@hdp02 ~]# cd /opt/client
[root@hdp02 client]# tar -xf FusionInsight_Services_Client.tar 
[root@hdp02 client]# sha256sum -c FusionInsight_Services_ClientConfig.tar.sha256
FusionInsight_Services_ClientConfig.tar: OK
[root@hdp02 client]# tar -xf FusionInsight_Services_ClientConfig.tar


[root@hdp02 client]# cd FusionInsight_Services_ClientConfig
[root@hdp02 client]# mkdir -p /opt/huawei/client
[root@hdp02 FusionInsight_Services_ClientConfig]# ./install.sh /opt/huawei/client/
[18-09-20 10:20:58]: Pre-install check begin...
[18-09-20 10:20:58]: Checking necessary files and directory.
[18-09-20 10:20:58]: Checking NTP service status.
[18-09-20 10:20:58]: Error: Network time protocol(NTP) not running. Please start NTP first.
[root@hdp02 FusionInsight_Services_ClientConfig]# ./install.sh /opt/huawei/client/
[18-09-20 10:31:50]: Pre-install check begin...
[18-09-20 10:31:50]: Error: "/opt/huawei/client/" is not empty.
[root@hdp02 FusionInsight_Services_ClientConfig]# ./install.sh /opt/huawei/client/
[18-09-20 10:32:11]: Pre-install check begin...
[18-09-20 10:32:11]: Checking necessary files and directory.
[18-09-20 10:32:11]: Checking NTP service status.
[18-09-20 10:32:11]: Checking "/etc/hosts" config.
[18-09-20 10:32:11]: Pre-install check is complete.
[18-09-20 10:32:11]: Precheck on components begin...
[18-09-20 10:32:11]: Precheck Loader begin ...
[18-09-20 10:32:11]: Checking java environment.
[18-09-20 10:32:11]: Precheck on components is complete.
[18-09-20 10:32:11]: Deploy "dest_hosts" begin ...
[18-09-20 10:32:11]: Warning: "hwd02" already exists in "/etc/hosts", it will be overwritten.
[18-09-20 10:32:11]: Warning: "hwd04" already exists in "/etc/hosts", it will be overwritten.
[18-09-20 10:32:11]: Warning: "hwd05" already exists in "/etc/hosts", it will be overwritten.
[18-09-20 10:32:11]: Warning: "hwd01" already exists in "/etc/hosts", it will be overwritten.
[18-09-20 10:32:11]: Warning: "hwd03" already exists in "/etc/hosts", it will be overwritten.
[18-09-20 10:32:11]: Deploy "dest_hosts" is complete.
[18-09-20 10:32:11]: Install public library begin ...
[18-09-20 10:32:11]: Install Fiber begin ...
[18-09-20 10:32:11]: Deploy Fiber client to /opt/huawei/client//Fiber
[18-09-20 10:32:11]: Create Fiber env file "/opt/huawei/client//Fiber/component_env".
[18-09-20 10:32:11]: Create Fiber conf file "/opt/huawei/client//Fiber/conf/fiber.xml"
[18-09-20 10:32:11]: Fiber installation is complete.
[18-09-20 10:32:11]: Public library installation is complete.
[18-09-20 10:32:11]: Install components client begin ...
[18-09-20 10:32:11]: Install HBase begin ...
[18-09-20 10:32:11]: Copy /opt/client/FusionInsight_Services_ClientConfig/HBase/FusionInsight-HBase-1.3.1.tar.gz to /opt/huawei/client//HBase.
[18-09-20 10:32:11]: Copy HBase config files to "/opt/huawei/client//HBase/hbase/conf"
[18-09-20 10:32:11]: Create HBase env file "/opt/huawei/client//HBase/component_env".
[18-09-20 10:32:11]: Setup fiber conf started.
[18-09-20 10:32:12]: HBase installation is complete.
[18-09-20 10:32:12]: Install HDFS begin ...
[18-09-20 10:32:12]: Copy /opt/client/FusionInsight_Services_ClientConfig/HDFS/FusionInsight-Hadoop-2.7.2.tar.gz to /opt/huawei/client/HDFS.
[18-09-20 10:32:12]: Copy Hadoop config files to "/opt/huawei/client/HDFS/hadoop/etc/hadoop"
[18-09-20 10:32:12]: Create Hadoop env file "/opt/huawei/client/HDFS/component_env".
[18-09-20 10:32:12]: HDFS installation is complete.
[18-09-20 10:32:12]: Install Hive begin ...
[18-09-20 10:32:12]: Deploy Hive client directory to /opt/huawei/client//Hive.
[18-09-20 10:32:12]: start to generate /opt/huawei/client//Hive/Beeline/conf/beeline_hive_jaas.conf for beeline...
[18-09-20 10:32:12]: generated /opt/huawei/client//Hive/Beeline/conf/beeline_hive_jaas.conf
[18-09-20 10:32:12]: Deploy HCatalog client to /opt/huawei/client//Hive
[18-09-20 10:32:13]: URI is ‘jdbc:hive2://,,\;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper\;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2\;sasl.qop=auth-conf\;auth=KERBEROS\;principal=hive/hadoop.hadoop.com@HADOOP.COM‘.
[18-09-20 10:32:13]: Create Hive env file "/opt/huawei/client//Hive/component_env".
[18-09-20 10:32:13]: Setup fiber conf started.
[18-09-20 10:32:13]: Hive installation is complete.
[18-09-20 10:32:13]: Install JDK begin ...
[18-09-20 10:32:13]: Decompress jdk.tar.gz to /opt/huawei/client//JDK.
[18-09-20 10:32:19]: Create JRE env file "/opt/huawei/client//JDK/component_env".
[18-09-20 10:32:19]: JDK installation is complete.
[18-09-20 10:32:19]: Warning: /opt/client/FusionInsight_Services_ClientConfig/JDK/VERSION not exist.
[18-09-20 10:32:19]: Install KrbClient begin ...
[18-09-20 10:32:19]: Copy /opt/client/FusionInsight_Services_ClientConfig/KrbClient/FusionInsight-kerberos-1.15.2.tar.gz to /opt/huawei/client//KrbClient.
[18-09-20 10:32:19]: Copy KRB config files to "/opt/huawei/client//KrbClient/kerberos/conf"
[18-09-20 10:32:19]: Copy security script files to "/opt/huawei/client//KrbClient/kerberos/bin"
[18-09-20 10:32:19]: Create KRB env file "/opt/huawei/client//KrbClient/component_env".
[18-09-20 10:32:19]: KrbClient installation is complete.
[18-09-20 10:32:19]: Install Loader begin ...
Install loader client successfully.
[18-09-20 10:32:19]: Loader installation is complete.
[18-09-20 10:32:19]: Install Oozie begin ...
/opt/client/FusionInsight_Services_ClientConfig/Oozie/install.sh: line 48: local: can only be used in a function
[18-09-20 10:32:19]: Copy /opt/client/FusionInsight_Services_ClientConfig/Oozie/install_files to /opt/huawei/client//Oozie.
/opt/client/FusionInsight_Services_ClientConfig/Oozie/install.sh: line 69: [: -eq: unary operator expected
[18-09-20 10:32:20]: Copy Oozie config files to "/opt/huawei/client//Oozie/oozie-client-4.2.0/conf"
[18-09-20 10:32:20]: Create Oozie env file "/opt/huawei/client//Oozie/component_env".
/opt/client/FusionInsight_Services_ClientConfig/Oozie/install.sh: line 109: [: -eq: unary operator expected
[18-09-20 10:32:20]: Oozie installation is complete.
[18-09-20 10:32:20]: Install Yarn begin ...
[18-09-20 10:32:20]: Copy Yarn config files to "/opt/huawei/client/Yarn/config"
[18-09-20 10:32:20]: Yarn installation is complete.
[18-09-20 10:32:20]: Install ZooKeeper begin ...
[18-09-20 10:32:20]: Copy /opt/client/FusionInsight_Services_ClientConfig/ZooKeeper/FusionInsight-Zookeeper-3.5.1.tar.gz to /opt/huawei/client//ZooKeeper.
[18-09-20 10:32:20]: Create Zookeeper env file "/opt/huawei/client//ZooKeeper/component_env".
[18-09-20 10:32:20]: Copy zookeeper config files to /opt/huawei/client//ZooKeeper/zookeeper/conf
[18-09-20 10:32:20]: ZooKeeper installation is complete.
[18-09-20 10:32:20]: Components client installation is complete.



[root@hdp02 ~]# source /opt/huawei/client/bigdata_env 


[root@hdp02 client]# kinit admin
Password for admin@HADOOP.COM:    #输入admin用户登录密码(与登录集群的用户密码一致)
[root@hdp02 client]# klist 
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: admin@HADOOP.COM

Valid starting       Expires              Service principal
09/21/2018 09:43:33  09/22/2018 09:43:31  krbtgt/HADOOP.COM@HADOOP.COM


[root@hdp02 client]# hdfs dfs -ls /
Found 12 items
drwxrwxrwx   - hdfs    hadoop              0 2018-09-19 13:36 /app-logs
drwxrwx---   - hive    hive                0 2018-09-19 13:40 /apps
drwxr-xr-x   - hdfs    hadoop              0 2018-09-19 13:36 /datasets
drwxr-xr-x   - hdfs    hadoop              0 2018-09-19 13:36 /datastore
drwxr-x---   - flume   hadoop              0 2018-09-19 13:36 /flume
drwx------   - hbase   hadoop              0 2018-09-21 10:01 /hbase
drwxrwxrwx   - mapred  hadoop              0 2018-09-19 13:36 /mr-history
drwxrwxrwt   - spark2x hadoop              0 2018-09-19 13:36 /spark2xJobHistory2x
drwxrwxrwt   - spark   hadoop              0 2018-09-19 13:36 /sparkJobHistory
drwx--x--x   - admin   supergroup          0 2018-09-19 13:36 /tenant
drwxrwxrwx   - hdfs    hadoop              0 2018-09-19 13:36 /tmp
drwxrwxrwx   - hdfs    hadoop              0 2018-09-19 13:39 /user

FusionInsight HD 客户端安装与使用

标签:copy   park   history   generate   yarn   软件包   hdfs   erb   ade   


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