标签:def his arrays efi step The find pytho nts
There are two direction for us to solve this problem.
(1) Recursion
Recursive step: T[0] conbines with findsubsets(T[1:])
Final step: if len(T)==0: return [[]]
#Recursive method def findsubsets(T): if len(T)==0: return [[]] answer=[] for sets in findsubsets(T[1:]): answer.append(sets) new=sets[:]+[T[0]] answer.append(new) return answer
(2) Noncursive method
In this method, we can use stack and queue to help us solve this problem.
Input: an n-element set T
Output: all the subsets of T
1. define an empty stack S
2. define an empty queue Q
3. S.push([])
4. S.push([T[0]])
5. for all the elements a in T[1:]:
6. while S is not empty:
7. x=S.pop()
8. Q.enqueue(x)
9. x=x+[[a]]
10. Q.enqueue(x)
11. if a is not the final element in T:
12. while Q is not empty:
13. S.push(Q.dequeue())
14. return Q
def findsubsets2(T): Q=ArrayQueue() S=ArrayStack() S.push([]) S.push([T[0]]) for i in T[1:]: while (len(S)!=0): x=S.pop() Q.enqueue(x) x=x+[[i]] Q.enqueue(x) if i!=T[-1]: while (len(Q)!=0): S.push(Q.dequeue()) return Q._data
[Algorithm] How to find all the subsets of an n-element set T?
标签:def his arrays efi step The find pytho nts