标签:返回 添加 ios 清空 软件库 order 保存 empty put
- 算法
- 容器
- 函数
- 迭代器
- 容器:包含、放置数据的地方。
- 迭代器: 在容器中指出一个位置、或成对使用以划定一个区域,用来限定操作所涉及到的数据范围。
- 算法: 要执行的操作。
#include <vector>
vector<T> vec ;
#include <iostream> #include <vector> //STL组件属于std名称空间,以下不再赘述 using namespace std ; int main(){ cout << "enter the number of element:" << endl ; int num ; cin >> num ; if ( num == 0 ){ cout << "please enter again" << endl ; cin >> num ; } //定义一个数据类型为 int 的 vector 容器 vec vector<int> vec ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < num ; i ++ ){ cout << "input: " ; int number ; cin >> number ; //将元素添加至表尾 vec.push_back(number) ; } //定义一个正向迭代器 it vector<int>::iterator it ; //定义一个反向迭代器 rit vector<int>::reverse_iterator rit ; cout << endl << "output:" << endl ; //正向输出 cout << "in order: " << endl ; for ( it = vec.begin() ; it != vec.end() ; it ++ ){ cout << *it << " " ; } cout << endl ; //反向输出 cout << "reverse order: " << endl ; for ( rit = vec.rbegin() ; rit != vec.rend() ; rit ++ ){ cout << *rit << " " ; } cout << endl << endl ; //插入操作 cout << "insert:(position , element)" << endl ; int pos , element ; cin >> pos >> element ; if ( pos < 0 || pos > vec.size() ){ cout << "please enter position again" << endl ; cin >> pos ; } vec.insert(vec.begin() + pos , element) ; cout << "there are *" << vec.size() << "* numbers now" << endl ; cout << "output:" << endl ; for ( it = vec.begin() ; it != vec.end() ; it ++ ){ cout << *it << " " ; } cout << endl << endl ; //删除操作 cout << "erase:(begin , end)" << endl ; int first , last ; cin >> first >> last ; if ( first < 0 || last > vec.size() ){ cout << "please enter again" << endl ; cin >> first >> last ; } vec.erase(vec.begin() + first , vec.begin() + last) ; if ( !vec.empty() ){ cout << "there are *" << vec.size() << "* numbers now" << endl ; for ( it = vec.begin() ; it != vec.end() ; it ++ ){ cout << *it << " " ; } }else{ cout << "the vector is empty now!" << endl ; } cout << endl ; return 0 ; }
标签:返回 添加 ios 清空 软件库 order 保存 empty put