标签:== pre code 程序 编号 with hone while with open
def waicen(): while tag: print(‘1.注册\n2.登录\n3.退出‘) user_choose = input(‘请输入操作的编号>>:‘).strip() if user_choose == ‘1‘: register() continue if user_choose == ‘2‘: login() break continue if user_choose == ‘3‘: exit() else: print(‘请输入正确的编号‘) def neicen(): print(‘1.购物\n2.充值\n3.返回‘) user_choose3 = input(‘【请选择操作编号:‘) if user_choose3 == ‘1‘: shopping() elif user_choose3 == ‘2‘: recharge() elif user_choose3 == ‘3‘: waicen() def open_file(): global yedic with open(‘ye.txt‘) as ye_f: for data1 in ye_f: yedic = {} user_ye = data1.split(‘,‘) yedic[user_ye[0]] = int(user_ye[1].strip(‘\n‘)) def register(): l1 = [] name1 = input(‘【请输入要注册的用户名:‘).strip() with open(‘db.txt‘) as f: for i in f: l1.append(i.split(‘,‘)) if name1 in l1: print(‘输入的用户名已被注册!‘) else: password1 = input(‘【请输入密码:‘) if ‘ ‘ in list(password1): print(‘密码中不能有空格‘) else: with open(‘db.txt‘, ‘a‘) as f: f.write(‘%s,%s\n‘ % (name1, password1)) with open(‘ye.txt‘, ‘a‘) as zj_f: zj_f.write(‘%s,0\n‘ % name1) print(‘注册成功‘) waicen() def login(): global count count = 0 while True: l2 = [] global name2 name2 = input(‘【请输入用户名:‘).strip() password2 = input(‘【请输入密码:‘) with open(‘db.txt‘, ‘r‘) as f: data = f.read().split(‘\n‘) for i in data: l2.append(i.split(‘,‘)) if [name2, password2] not in l2: print(‘用户名或密码错误‘) count += 1 if count == 3: print(‘错误三次程序退出‘) exit() if [name2, password2] in l2: print(‘登录成功,尽情购物吧!‘) neicen() def shopping(): global zj2, sy zj2 = 0 zj = 0 zj1 = 0 for k, v in msg_dic.items(): print(‘商品名:%s 单价%s‘ % (k, v)) open_file() balance = yedic[name2] print(‘余额:%s‘.center(20, ‘*‘) % balance) while True: sy = int(balance) - zj2 if sy < 0: print(‘余额不足,请充值‘) user_choose4 = input(‘请选择1.充值2.退出‘) if user_choose4 == ‘1‘: with open(‘ye.txt‘, ‘w‘) as rep_f: yedic[name2] = int(yedic[name2]) - sy for k, v in yedic.items(): rep_f.write(‘%s,%s\n‘ % (k, v)) recharge() if user_choose4 == ‘2‘: waicen() goods = input(‘【请输入要购买的商品名或输入 1 返回主菜单:‘).strip() if goods == ‘1‘: neicen() elif goods not in msg_dic: print(‘商品不存在‘) continue if goods in msg_dic and goods not in order: while True: num = input(‘【请输入要购买的数量:‘).strip() if num.isdigit() is True: shopping_cart.append([goods, msg_dic[goods], num, msg_dic[goods] * int(num)]) print(‘购物车:‘) for goods_line in shopping_cart: print(‘商品名:{n} 单价{d} 数量{s} 总价{z}‘.format(n=goods_line[0], d=goods_line[1], s=goods_line[2], z=goods_line[3])) zj2 += goods_line[3] order.append(goods_line[0]) order_number = order.index(goods) print(‘购买的所有商品总价格为¥%s‘ % zj2) break else: print(‘请确认输入的是数字‘) elif goods in order: while True: num1 = input(‘1【请输入要购买的个数:‘).strip() order_number = order.index(goods) if num1.isdigit() is True: num2 = shopping_cart[order_number][2] total = shopping_cart[order_number][3] shopping_cart[order_number][2] = int(num2) + int(num1) shopping_cart[order_number][3] = int(total) + int(num1) * msg_dic[goods] print(‘购物车:‘) for i in shopping_cart: print(‘商品名:{name} 单价:{price} 数量:{number} 总价:{total}‘.format(name=i[0], price=i[1], number=i[2], total=i[3])) zj2 += i[3] print(‘购买的所有商品总价格为¥%s‘ % zj2) break elif num1.isdigit() is False: print(‘请确认输入的是数字。‘) user_choose1 = input(‘【是否付款(是\否)‘).strip() if user_choose1 == ‘是‘: pay() else: print(‘继续购物!‘) def pay(): open_file() if int(yedic[name2]) < int(zj2): print(‘余额不足,请选择操作\n1.充值\n2.退出‘) user_choose5 == input(‘>>:‘) if user_choose5 == ‘1‘: recharge() if user_choose5 == ‘2‘: waicen() elif int(yedic[name2]) > int(zj2): yedic[name2] -= zj2 with open(‘ye.txt‘,‘w‘) as zf_f: for k, v in yedic.items(): zf_f.write(‘%s,%s\n‘ % (k, v)) print(‘支付成功‘) open_file() print(‘余额还剩%s‘%yedic[name2]) neicen() def recharge(): while True: balance1 = input(‘请输入要充值的金额:‘).strip() if balance1.isdigit() is True: with open(‘ye.txt‘) as ye_f: for data1 in ye_f: yedic = {} user_ye = data1.split(‘,‘) yedic[user_ye[0]] = user_ye[1].strip(‘\n‘) with open(‘ye.txt‘,‘w‘) as rep_f: yedic[name2] = int(balance1) + int(yedic[name2]) for k,v in yedic.items(): rep_f.write(‘%s,%s\n‘%(k,v)) print(‘【充值成功,现余额为¥%s‘%yedic[name2]) user_choose2 = input(‘1.继续充值\n2.返回购物\n3.返回主菜单\n>>:‘).strip() if user_choose2 == ‘1‘: continue if user_choose2 == ‘2‘: shopping() if user_choose2 == ‘3‘: neicen() else: print(‘确认输入无误‘) # global tag,balance,msg_dic,order msg_dic = { ‘苹果‘: 10, ‘特斯拉‘: 100000, ‘mac‘: 3000, ‘lenovo‘: 30000, ‘鸡肉‘: 10, ‘iphonex‘:5800, ‘咖啡‘:30, ‘vivo‘:2499, ‘自行车‘:200 } f=open(‘db.txt‘,‘a‘) f.close() f= open(‘ye.txt‘,‘a‘) f.close() f=open(‘gwc.txt‘,‘a‘) f.close() shopping_cart = [] order = [] order_number = 0 tag = True balance = 0 waicen()
标签:== pre code 程序 编号 with hone while with open