标签:分享 front private 代码 list 指针 设置 技术 集合
1 class MyQueue { 2 private List<Integer> data; 3 4 private int p_start; 5 6 //构造方法,对属性进行初始化 7 public MyQueue(){ 8 data = new ArrayList<Integer>(); 9 p_start = 0; 10 } 11 12 public boolean enQueue(Integer num){ 13 data.add(num); 14 return true; 15 } 16 17 public boolean deQueue(){ 18 if(data.isEmpty() == true){ 19 return false; 20 } 21 p_start++; 22 return true; 23 } 24 25 public int Front(){ 26 return data.get(p_start); 27 } 28 29 public boolean isEmpty(){ 30 return p_start >= data.size(); 31 } 32 }
但是这种方法会造成空间的浪费, 随着起始指针的移动,浪费了越来越多的空间。 当我们有空间限制时,这将是难以接受的。
让我们考虑一种情况,即我们只能分配一个最大长度为 5 的数组。当我们只添加少于 5 个元素时,我们的解决方案很有效。 例如,如果我们只调用入队函数四次后还想要将元素 10 入队,那么我们可以成功。
class MyCircularQueue { private int[] data; private int head; private int tail; private int size; /** Initialize your data structure here. Set the size of the queue to be k. */ public MyCircularQueue(int k) { data = new int[k]; head = -1; tail = -1; size = k; } /** Insert an element into the circular queue. Return true if the operation is successful. */ public boolean enQueue(int value) { if (isFull() == true) { return false; } if (isEmpty() == true) { head = 0; } tail = (tail + 1) % size; data[tail] = value; return true; } /** Delete an element from the circular queue. Return true if the operation is successful. */ public boolean deQueue() { if (isEmpty() == true) { return false; } if (head == tail) { head = -1; tail = -1; return true; } head = (head + 1) % size; return true; } /** Get the front item from the queue. */ public int Front() { if (isEmpty() == true) { return -1; } return data[head]; } /** Get the last item from the queue. */ public int Rear() { if (isEmpty() == true) { return -1; } return data[tail]; } /** Checks whether the circular queue is empty or not. */ public boolean isEmpty() { return head == -1; } /** Checks whether the circular queue is full or not. */ public boolean isFull() { return ((tail + 1) % size) == head; } }
标签:分享 front private 代码 list 指针 设置 技术 集合