标签:src inf mat res 技术 out class max boolean
uses math; var ans,n,m,tot,x,y,i,j:longint; next,last,tail:array[0..100005] of longint; t,c,d:array[0..10005] of longint; f:Array[0..10005] of boolean; procedure add(x,y:longint); begin inc(tot); next[tot]:=y; last[tot]:=tail[x]; tail[x]:=tot; end; procedure dfs(x,y:longint); var cc:longint; begin c[x]:=max(c[x],y+t[x]); dec(d[x]); if d[x]=0 then begin cc:=tail[x]; while (cc>0) do begin dfs(next[cc],c[x]); cc:=last[cc]; end; end; end; begin assign(input,‘msched.in‘); reset(input); assign(output,‘msched.out‘); rewrite(output); read(n,m); for i:=1 to n do read(t[i]); for i:=1 to m do begin read(x,y); add(x,y); f[y]:=true; inc(d[y]); end; for i:=1 to n do if not f[i] then begin d[i]:=1; dfs(i,0); end; for i:=1 to n do ans:=max(ans,c[i]); writeln(ans); close(input);close(output); end.
标签:src inf mat res 技术 out class max boolean