标签:name pre 总数 val select ice highlight datetime title
<!-- 全查 分页 模糊--> <select id="selectAll" resultMap="BaseResultMap" > SELECT NOTICE_ID,NOTICE_TITLE,TYPE,DATETIME FROM pt_notice <where> <if test=" type != null and type != ‘‘ "> <bind name="fType" value=" ‘%‘ + type + ‘%‘ "></bind> type like #{fType} </if> <if test=" noticeTitle != null and noticeTitle != ‘‘ "> <bind name="noticeTitlef" value=" ‘%‘ + noticeTitle + ‘%‘ "></bind> AND NOTICE_TITLE like #{noticeTitlef} </if> </where> limit #{startIndex},#{pageSize} </select> <!--统计总数--> <select id="count" resultType="int"> select count(NOTICE_ID) from pt_notice </select>
标签:name pre 总数 val select ice highlight datetime title