In games there are rules, but in life the rules keep changing.
Kim Stanley Robinson, Red Mars, loc. 7001-7002
“Can you determine where?”
Kim Stanley Robinson, Red Mars, loc. 8548-8548
“No, there’s too many unknowns.
Kim Stanley Robinson, Red Mars, loc. 8549-8549
Black ice would melt by day, then freeze at night. Sublimate and precipitate.
Kim Stanley Robinson, Red Mars, loc. 8944-8944
it might have been anywhere anytime, and their tired faces bright with some collective success, or merely with the pleasure of eating together— while just outside their chamber the broken world roared, and rockfall could annihilate them at any instant. And
it came to her that the pleasure and stability of dining rooms had always occurred against such a backdrop, against the catastrophic background of universal chaos; such moments of calm were things as fragile and transitory as soap bubbles, destined to burst
almost as soon as they blew into existence.
Kim Stanley Robinson, Red Mars, loc. 9061-9065
I have aimed only at putting together some remarks which are inspired by what I hope is common sense., the+coquest+of+happiness, loc. 4-4
of the devotion of their mothers., the+coquest+of+happiness, loc. 16-17
Notes: 1) judged by other persons.
Gradually I learned to be indifferent to myself and my deficiencies; I came to centre my attention increasingly upon external objects: the state of the world, various branches of knowledge, individuals for whom I felt affection., the+coquest+of+happiness, loc. 42-43
diminishing authority of the Church, and the increasing authority of science.
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 7932-7932
State has less influence on the opinions of philosophers than the Church had in the Middle Ages.
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 7936-7936
the Copernican theory in 1543; but this theory did not become influential until it was taken up and improved by Kepler and Galileo in the seventeenth century.
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 7947-7949
intellectual, not governmental.
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 7950-7951
as liable to modification.
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 7956-7956
The triumph of science has been mainly due to its practical utility, and there has been an attempt to divorce this aspect from that of theory, thus making science more and more a technique, and less and less a doctrine as to the nature of the world.
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 7962-7964
it had not the same anarchic character.
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 7972-7972
Notes: 1) political makes philosophy
Modern philosophy, however, has retained, for the most part, an individualistic and subjective character.
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 7972-7973
individualistic and subjective character.
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 7973-7973
Scientific technique requires the co-operation of a large number of individuals organized under a single direction. Its tendency, therefore, is against anarchism and even individualism, since it demands a well-knit social structure.
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 7983-7985
The modern world, at present, seems to be moving towards a solution like that of antiquity: a social order imposed by force, representing the will of the powerful rather than the hopes of common men.
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 7993-7995
To understand the Renaissance, it is necessary first to review briefly the political condition of Italy.
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 8004-8005
Notes: 1) social outter environment .
The game of power politics
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 8073-8073
It must be said that Italy would inevitably have lost its importance, owing to the discovery of America and the Cape route to the East; but the collapse could have been less catastrophic, and less destructive of the quality of Italian civilization.
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 8080-8082
The Renaissance
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 8082-8082
it encouraged the habit of regarding intellectual activity as a delightful social adventure, not a cloistered meditation aiming at the preservation of a predetermined orthodoxy.
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 8086-8087
were too busy acquiring knowledge of antiquity to be able to produce anything original in philosophy.
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 8092-8092
Consequently Italian unorthodoxy, in the Renaissance, was purely intellectual, and did not lead to schism, or to any attempt to create a popular movement away from the Church.
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 8112-8113
The first effect of emancipation from the Church was not to make men think rationally, but to open their minds to every sort of antique nonsense.
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 8116-8117
Notes: 1) variety of Russel .
A stable social system is necessary, but every stable system hitherto devised has hampered the development of exceptional artistic or intellectual merit.
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 8131-8132
How much murder and anarchy are we prepared to endure for the sake of great achievements such as those of the Renaissance?
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 8132-8132
Notes: 1) individual vs. colectivity
Savonarola dominated Florence; his miserable end evidently made a great impression on Machiavelli, for he remarks that "all armed prophets have conquered and unarmed ones failed,"
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 8144-8145
Notes: 1) personal experience . the importance of individual .
which was that of the sack of Rome by the troops of Charles V. This year may be reckoned also that in which the Italian Renaissance died.
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 8154-8155
Admiration of skill, and of the actions that lead to fame, was very great at the time of the Renaissance.
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 8188-8189
The Neoplatonists, the Arabs, and the Schoolmen took a passionate interest in the metaphysics of Plato and Aristotle, but none at all in their political writings, because the political systems of the age of City States had completely disappeared.
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 8217-8219
In what follows, I am expressing not my own opinions, but opinions which are explicitly or implicitly his.
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 8228-8229
We must concede to Machiavelli that this was an important element in the growing power of the Church during the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth centuries, as well as in the success of the Reformation in the sixteenth century.
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 8242-8244
This northern Renaissance was in many ways very different from that of Italy. It was not anarchic or amoral; on the contrary, it was associated with piety and public virtue.
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 8268-8270
Notes: 1) why
according to which true religion comes from the heart, not the head, and all elaborate theology is superfluous. This point of view has become increasingly common, and is now pretty generally accepted among Protestants.
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 8330-8331
In 1534, the king got Parliament to pass the Act of Supremacy, declaring him, not the Pope, the head of the Church of England.
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 8375-8375
In 1534, the king got Parliament to pass the Act of Supremacy, declaring him, not the Pope, the head of the Church of England. Under this act an Oath of Supremacy was exacted, which More refused to take; this was only misprision of treason, which did not involve
the death penalty. It was proved, however, by very dubious testimony, that he had said Parliament could not make Henry head of the Church; on this evidence he was convicted of high treason, and beheaded. His property was given to Princess Elizabeth, who kept
it to the day of her death. More is remembered almost solely on account of his Utopia ( 1518). Utopia is an island in the southern hemisphere, where everything is done in the best possible way. It has been visited accidentally by a sailor named Raphael Hythloday,
who spent five years there, and only returned to Europe to make its wise institutions known. In
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 8375-8381
More is remembered almost solely on account of his Utopia ( 1518).
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 8378-8379
More is remembered almost solely on account of his Utopia ( 1518).
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 8378-8379
Diversity is essential to happiness, and in Utopia there is hardly any. This is a defect of all planned social systems, actual as well as imaginary.
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 8433-8434
Notes: 1) diversity or passion or emotion?
Roughly speaking, the Reformation was German, the Counter-Reformation Spanish; the wars of religion were at the same time wars between Spain and its enemies,
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 8439-8440
Luther, Calvin, and Loyola. All three, intellectually, are medieval in philosophy,
gift.young@gmail, 西方哲学史[英文版]罗素.文字版, loc. 8446-8447