标签:引入 foreach check ati ext -- 传递 tle while
@extends(‘layouts.master‘) @section(‘title‘, ‘Page Title‘) @section(‘sidebar‘) @parent <p>This is appended to the master sidebar.</p> @endsection @section(‘content‘) <p>This is my body content.</p> @endsection
{{ isset($name) ? $name : ‘Default‘ }} = {{ $name or ‘Default‘ }} 等价
@{{ name }} 直接输出
@if (count($records) === 1) I have one record! @elseif (count($records) > 1) I have multiple records! @else I don‘t have any records! @endif
@unless (Auth::check()) You are not signed in. @endunless
@for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) The current value is {{ $i }} @endfor @foreach ($users as $user) <p>This is user {{ $user->id }}</p> @endforeach @forelse ($users as $user) <li>{{ $user->name }}</li> @empty <p>No users</p> @endforelse @while (true) <p>I‘m looping forever.</p> @endwhile
@foreach ($users as $user) @if ($loop->first) This is the first iteration. @endif @if ($loop->last) This is the last iteration. @endif <p>This is user {{ $user->id }}</p> @endforeach
@foreach ($users as $user) @foreach ($user->posts as $post) @if ($loop->parent->first) This is first iteration of the parent loop. @endif @endforeach @endforeach
@push(‘scripts‘) <script src="/example.js"></script> @endpush
推送次数不限,要渲染完整的堆栈内容,传递堆栈名称到 @stack
<head> <!-- Head Contents --> @stack(‘scripts‘) </head>
标签:引入 foreach check ati ext -- 传递 tle while