标签:des 点击 alt title 分享 width led inux virt
在Virtual Machine上点击Install Parallels Tools
在Linux上我们会看不到/media/cdrom的内容,因此,需要手动地mkdir -p /media/cdrom, 然后再mount上去,mount的命令是mount -o exec /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom。
我们在/media/cdrom下看到install安装脚本了,运行su /media/cdrom/install就可以了,安装完按照提示重启centos后,就可以在/media/psf下看到对应的共享文件了,自己可以设置是可读还是可读写来着,默认是可写的。
That seems to be a fix for something else. However, a similar procedure seems to resolve the CentOS issue (at least with tools version
* Create a snapshot of the VM just in case
* Update to CentOS 7.5.1804, i.e. sudo yum update, then reboot
* Ignore the Parallels Tools install failed alert (i.e. don‘t panic)
* Insert prl_tools_lin.iso (of Parallels Desktop.app/Contents/Resources/Tools)
* Copy all content of the inserted CD to a new empty folder, e.g. ~/prl_tools_fix
* cd ~/prl_tools_fix, then chmod +x install
* cd ./installer, then chmod +x installer.* *.sh prl_*
* cd ../kmods, then tar -xzf prl_mod.tar.gz; rm prl_mod.tar.gz
* Edit ./prl_eth/pvmnet/pvmnet.c: replace ndo_change_mtu with ndo_change_mtu_rh74
* Zip back result: tar -zcvf prl_mod.tar.gz . dkms.conf Makefile.kmods
* cd ../, then sudo ./install.
This worked for me, I‘m at CentOS 1804. YMMV.
标签:des 点击 alt title 分享 width led inux virt