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[Bash] Move and Copy Files and Folders with Bash

时间:2018-10-12 18:26:32      阅读:153      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:files   folders   span   sso   his   als   bash   ash   under   

In this lesson we’ll learn how to move and rename files (mv) and copy (cp) them.


Move index.html to src folder:

mv index.html src/index.html


We can also rename the file:

mv a.js b.js  # rename a.js file to b.js
mv src/ lib  # rename src folder to lib 
mv lib/* src/  # move everything under lib folder to src


You can also use ‘copy‘:

cp -R lib/* src/  # copy everything under lib to src folder


[Bash] Move and Copy Files and Folders with Bash

标签:files   folders   span   sso   his   als   bash   ash   under   


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