标签:demo localhost imp dem splay pos uil The arc
<img src="https://img2018.cnblogs.com/blog/1418970/201810/1418970-20181014105903553-1820442974.png" width="600"
//pipeline script脚本
node {
def mvnHome
stage(‘Preparation‘) { // for display purposes
// Get some code from a GitHub repository
//guan fang官方
//git ‘https://github.com/jglick/simple-maven-project-with-tests.git‘
git ‘https://github.com/nbbull/demoProject.git‘
// Get the Maven tool.
// ** NOTE: This ‘M3‘ Maven tool must be configured
// ** in the global configuration.
mvnHome = tool ‘M3‘
stage(‘Build‘) {
// Run the maven build
if (isUnix()) {
sh "‘${mvnHome}/bin/mvn‘ -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore clean package"
} else {
bat(/"${mvnHome}\bin\mvn" -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore clean package/)
stage(‘Results‘) {
junit ‘**/target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml‘
archive ‘target/*.jar‘
标签:demo localhost imp dem splay pos uil The arc