标签:color 注意 pac car com san span tween The
k.k音标后元音:【ɑ】【 ɑr】【?】 【?r】【u】【?】
- 【ɑ】【 ɑr】 这两个音, 发前一个音, 口腔纵向打开(也就是上下牙齿打开一些), 但是绝对不能把口腔肌肉往两边拉, 不然就发成了中文的“啊”, 舌头中部微微的下凹。 发后一个音, 在发完前一个音的基础上还要卷舌,
例如:box car dark not hot party arm art star heart large
Oh, my god! It‘s a hot dog stand!
The farmers are in Martin‘s garden.
water doctor cop dollar college hospital job a beauty shop calm Chicago garage
Guess what Somebody‘s knocking on my door! That‘s girl‘s hot
He always comes to the top of the class. She dropped the bottle of water. I got you!
A large army marched past past the farmyard.
- 【?】 【?r】这是一组圆唇音, 顾名思义, 发他们的时候, 双唇要微微收圆, 嘴巴里像含了一个汤圆的感觉, 口腔内部的空间是很大的。【?r】在【?】的基础上还要卷舌。
例如:Ball more pork talk walk dauthter All law horse short stort August
Oh! The ball is falling over the wall! Ford was born on August the 14th, 1944.
awful coffee caught small song corn dawn north He works in the Broad way. What‘s this for? Oh,It‘s all my fault! You only feel sorry when you got caught.
- 【u】【?】这两个也是一组圆唇音, 前一个音【u】发出来是很清晰的类似于“乌”的音, 但是, 相比于“乌”, 【u】的嘴唇没有那么向外撅, 会收一些, 口腔肌肉包括嘴唇, 都要更紧张一些。 注意有部分(不是所有)英式发音中的/ju/在美式发音中会变成这个音, 比如说student, new。后一个音, 相比于“乌”, 它更类似于”喔“, 口腔肌肉和嘴唇都要比【u】放松一些, 这个音发的比较急促, 有一种气流从喉咙里冲的比较急而产生的爆发感。
例如:blue do who cool food moon new zoo move school stupid
The student are in there new school. You may use the blue boots and don‘t move the new shoes.
book full good look room woman put bush foot wolf sugar should
He stood on one foot, looked and looked. She is a good-looking woman.
food soup / sugar could bull hook
No new‘s is good news. It‘s too good to be true. The taste is super! You‘re pulling my leg. You should choose between the two.
标签:color 注意 pac car com san span tween The