标签:file datafile 临时表 next 创建表空间 table inux limited ace
linux 安装oralce11g
登录 sqlplus / as sysdba
1,启动数据库 startup
2,启动监听 exit , lsnrctl start
3, 查看监听状态 lsnrctl status
------ 查询临时表空间文件的绝对路径。如果需要的话,可以通过查询来写定绝对路径。一般用${ORACLE_HOME}就可以了
select name from v$tempfile;
create temporary tablespace NOTIFYDB_TEMP tempfile ‘/oracle/oradata/orcl/temp.dbf‘ size 100m reuse autoextend on next 20m maxsize unlimited;
------- 查询用户表空间文件的绝对路径:
select name from v$datafile;
create tablespace NOTIFYDB datafile ‘/oracle/oradata/orcl/notifydb.dbf‘ size 100M reuse autoextend on next 40M maxsize unlimited default storage(initial 128k next 128k minextents 2 maxextents unlimited);
6, 创建用户和密码,指定上边创建的临时表空间和表空间
--------create user ready identified by hc_password default tablespace NOTIFYDB temporary tablespace NOTIFYDB_TEMP;
grant dba to ready;
grant connect,resource to ready;
grant select any table to ready;
grant delete any table to ready;
grant update any table to ready;
grant insert any table to ready;
标签:file datafile 临时表 next 创建表空间 table inux limited ace