The OPatch version being used ( doesn‘t meet the minimum version required by the patch(es). Please download latest OPatch from My Oracle Support.
Dear Oracle team,
Thanks for your update. is PSU version, not DB version. The last digit denotes at what PSU level the environment is.
Also PSU will not change the banner or binary version.
You can confirm this by querying
select * from v$version;
Do Patchset Updates (PSU‘s) Change the Oracle Release Version/Fifth Digit? ( Doc ID 861152.1 )
PSU patches are composite. Suppose I have installed PSU and applying PSU, it will append fixes from to
Old PSU will not be rolled back. In 10.2 and 11.1 old PSU will be rolled back while applying new PSU.
In 11.2 it has been improved. Time to rollback old PSU is saved.
More details at : Composite Patches for Oracle Products [Video] ( Doc ID 1376691.1 )
In our case the existing patches have conflict with Sub patches of PSU while applying.
Those conflicting sub patches are and Existing patch has conflict with fixes of sub patches.
Hence we are applying overlay patches of those version.
In case the above update is not clear or if you have any doubts, kindly let me know.
根据Oracle工程师的描述,是一个PSU版本,而不是数据库版本。版本最后一位是代表该数据库PSU的版本。而我们的数据库是11.2.0.3,PSU不会改变它。参考(Doc ID 861152.1)
PSU patches是复合的,比如我要从11.打到11.,这个PSU会先从11.打到11.,再从11.打到11.。
在10.2与11.1中,打新的PSU时,老的PSU会回滚。但在11.2中就不会。参考(Doc ID 1376691.1).
Dear Oracle team,
Thanks for raising your queries.
Query: As I know,18522512 was I apply it after (3),Why I should down psu11. at(4)?Did the psu not contain
Ans: Yes, PSU includes PSU also.
In 4th step we are downloading patch 13004894 of version.
While applying PSU, it applies PSU patch also which is not installed earlier.
Existing Patch 13004894 has conflict with PSU, hence we are applying 13004894 of version
Query: Apply PSU patch 18522512
Do you meadn I just put in
"cd 18522512
opatch apply"?Should I "startup" and "@catbundle.sql psu apply"?
We are applying patch only at binary level in 3rd step, i.e. opatch apply
Database start up and catbundle execution is covered in step 7
We can do this step along with opatch apply, but for applying overlay patch (step 4) again we have to shutdown the database.
To avoid that we apply all patches at binary first, then start the database to execute catbundle.sql的PSU是包含11.的PSU的。Apply的PSU,是会先APPLY版本的。但是,已经存在的patch 13004894跟这个11. PSU有冲突,因此我们需要安装13004894的11.版本,这个PSU,是会包含11.的PSU与13004894这个patch的协调版本。
Thanks for contacting oracle support.
PSU patch has conflict with existing installed patches.
Merge patch is available for this conflict. You can follow below steps to apply patch
1) Shutdown oracle services and then take backup of Oracle database, oracle home and central inventory
2) Rollback conflicting patches 13004894,12942119
opatch rollback -id <patch id>
3) Apply PSU patch 18522512
4) Download following overlay patches from Oracle support,
choose platform as ‘Linux X86‘ and version as
choose platform as ‘Linux X86‘ and version as
5) Unzip the downloaded patches and apply. It will not have conflicts
6) Start the database
7) Perform PSU patch post Installation Instructions as specified in Patch Read me file
Please let me know if you require more details/assistance on any steps
We would like inform you about new MOS feature.
A new Patch Conflict Checker feature is available in the latest release of MOS. This is accessible from the Patch Search results screen ("Analyze with OPatch" button) and allows you to analyze candidate patches for conflicts and request merge fixes a lot more
easily and quickly at the time of patch download itself. This feature allows you to:
1. Analyze patches for conflicts right at the time of patch download - All you need is your Opatch inventory.
2. Locate already available replacement patches – So, you can download resolution patches immediately.
3. Request a merge patch right there, if no replacement patches exist - You will not have to spend time logging a SR.
For more information and a demonstration video, please see Note 1091294.1 - How to use the My Oracle Support Conflict Checker Tool. Should you need assistance get started, I am glad to set up a call/web conference to walk you through the steps.