标签:nat and sel sign turn def com osi exp
Given a positive integer, output its complement number. The complement strategy is to flip the bits of its binary representation.
Example 1:
Input: 5
Output: 2
Explanation: The binary representation of 5 is 101 (no leading zero bits), and its complement is 010. So you need to output 2.
Example 2:
Input: 1
Output: 0
Explanation: The binary representation of 1 is 1 (no leading zero bits), and its complement is 0. So you need to output 0.
class Solution:
def findComplement(self, num):
:type num: int
:rtype: int
res = []
for i in bin(num).split(‘b‘)[-1]:
if i==‘0‘:
return int(‘‘.join(res),2)
标签:nat and sel sign turn def com osi exp