标签:start bec 执行命令 png mod int sys 系统 分享图片
# 配置SwitchA的堆叠优先级为150,Domain ID为10。缺省情况下,设备的堆叠成员ID为1。此处默认SwitchA的堆叠成员ID为1,无需配置。
<HUAWEI> system-view
[~HUAWEI] sysname SwitchA
[HUAWEI] commit
[~SwitchA] stack
[~SwitchA-stack] stack member 1 priority 150
[SwitchA-stack] stack member 1 domain 10
[SwitchA-stack] quit
[SwitchA] commit
<HUAWEI> system-view
[~HUAWEI] sysname SwitchB
[HUAWEI] commit
[~SwitchB] stack
[~SwitchB-stack] stack member 1 priority 120
[SwitchB-stack] stack member 1 domain 10
[SwitchB-stack] stack member 1 renumber 2 inherit-config
Warning: The stack configuration of member ID 1 will be inherited to member ID 2 after the device resets. Continue? [Y/N]: y
[SwitchB-stack] quit
[*SwitchB] commit
因SwitchB尚未重启,当前堆叠成员ID还是1,所以此时仍使用member 1来进行堆叠配置。
因为修改堆叠成员ID时指定了inherit-config参数,所以SwitchB重启后会继承member 1的堆叠配置;如果不指定inherit-config参数,那么SwitchB重启后不会继承member 1的堆叠配置,需要使用member 2重新进行堆叠配置。
# 将SwitchA的业务口10GE1/0/1~10GE1/0/4加入堆叠端口1/1。
[~SwitchA] interface stack-port 1/1
[SwitchA-Stack-Port1/1] port member-group interface 10ge 1/0/1 to 1/0/4
Warning: The interface(s) (10GE1/0/1-1/0/4) will be converted to stack mode and be configured with the port crc-statistics trigger error-down command if the configuration does not exist. After the configuration is complete, these interfaces may go Error-Down (crc-statistics) because there is no shutdown configuration on the interfaces. [Y/N]: y
[SwitchA-Stack-Port1/1] commit
[~SwitchA-Stack-Port1/1] return
被配置为堆叠物理成员端口后,端口下会自动配置port crc-statistics trigger error-down。
# 将SwitchB的业务口10GE1/0/1~10GE1/0/4加入堆叠端口1/1。
[~SwitchB] interface stack-port 1/1
[SwitchB-Stack-Port1/1] port member-group interface 10ge 1/0/1 to 1/0/4
Warning: The interface(s) (10GE1/0/1-1/0/4) will be converted to stack mode and be configured with the port crc-statistics trigger error-down command if the configuration does not exist. After the configuration is complete, these interfaces may go Error-Down (crc-statistics) because there is no shutdown configuration on the interfaces. [Y/N]: y
[SwitchB-Stack-Port1/1] commit
[~SwitchB-Stack-Port1/1] return
# 上述配置完成后,执行命令display stack configuration查看配置是否与规划的一致,如果不一致,需要修改配置。以查看SwitchA为例。
<SwitchA> display stack configuration
# 保存SwitchA和SwitchB的配置,然后将设备下电。SwitchB的配置与SwitchA相同,略。
<SwitchA> save
Warning: The current configuration will be written to the device. Continue? [Y/N]: y
标签:start bec 执行命令 png mod int sys 系统 分享图片