标签:全局 xtu instance bubuko 容器 name run hand last
找相关的alv tree demo:se38 -> bcalv_tree*
由于ALV没有专门实现的控件,需要先在对话屏幕100上增加一个用户自定义控件区域(Custom Control),名为CONTAINER1
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report YALV_TREE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT yalv_tree. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *&数据对象定义 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* DATA: g_alv_tree TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_tree, "树形ALV控制器引用变量 g_custom_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container. "容器类引用变量 DATA: gt_sflight TYPE sflight OCCURS 0, "Output-Table gt_fieldcatalog TYPE lvc_t_fcat, ok_code LIKE sy-ucomm, "获取100屏幕触发的功能码 save_ok LIKE sy-ucomm, "OK-Code g_max TYPE i VALUE 255. "maximum of db records to select *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *&事件接受类定义 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* CLASS lcl_tree_event_receiver DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. "定义双击节点事件触发时的处理方法 METHODS handle_node_double_click FOR EVENT node_double_click OF cl_gui_alv_tree IMPORTING node_key sender. * ‘sender‘ is an implicit event parameter that is provided by * ABAP Objects runtime system. It contains a reference to the * object that fired the event. You may directly use it to * call methods of this instance. "其中SENDER这个参数是一个隐式的事件参数,是由ABAP对象运行系统提供,它指向了触发这个事件的实例,可以直接使用它来调用这个实例的方法。 ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_tree_event_receiver IMPLEMENTATION. *§3. Implement your event handler methods.定义处理方法的具体实施 METHOD handle_node_double_click. DATA: lt_children TYPE lvc_t_nkey. *first check if the node is a leaf, i.e. can not be expanded 检查被点击的NODE几点下面有无子节点,有则展开节点。 CALL METHOD sender->get_children EXPORTING i_node_key = node_key IMPORTING et_children = lt_children. IF NOT lt_children IS INITIAL. CALL METHOD sender->expand_node EXPORTING i_node_key = node_key i_level_count = 2. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. START-OF-SELECTION. END-OF-SELECTION. CALL SCREEN 100. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Module STATUS_0100 OUTPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* MODULE status_0100 OUTPUT. SET PF-STATUS ‘MAIN100‘. SET TITLEBAR ‘TITLE‘. IF g_alv_tree IS INITIAL. PERFORM init_tree. CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>flush EXCEPTIONS cntl_system_error = 1 cntl_error = 2. IF sy-subrc NE 0. CALL FUNCTION ‘POPUP_TO_INFORM‘ EXPORTING titel = ‘Automation Queue failure‘ txt1 = ‘Internal error:‘ txt2 = ‘A method in the automation queue‘ txt3 = ‘caused a failure.‘. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDMODULE. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Module USER_COMMAND_0100 INPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* MODULE user_command_0100 INPUT. save_ok = ok_code. CLEAR ok_code. CASE save_ok. WHEN ‘EXIT‘ OR ‘BACK‘ OR ‘CANC‘. "释放容器,退出程序 CALL METHOD g_custom_container->free. LEAVE PROGRAM. WHEN OTHERS. "为正确调用工具栏按钮功能,必须调用该方法 CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>dispatch. ENDCASE. CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>flush. ENDMODULE. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form INIT_TREE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& text *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& --> p1 text *& <-- p2 text *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM init_tree . * create container for alv-tree DATA: l_tree_container_name(30) TYPE c. l_tree_container_name = ‘CONTAINER1‘. CREATE OBJECT g_custom_container EXPORTING container_name = l_tree_container_name EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 cntl_system_error = 2 create_error = 3 lifetime_error = 4 lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE x208(00) WITH ‘ERROR‘(100). ENDIF. * create tree control 实例化TREE控制器 CREATE OBJECT g_alv_tree EXPORTING parent = g_custom_container node_selection_mode = cl_gui_column_tree=>node_sel_mode_single item_selection = ‘X‘ no_html_header = ‘X‘ no_toolbar = ‘‘ EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 cntl_system_error = 2 create_error = 3 lifetime_error = 4 illegal_node_selection_mode = 5 failed = 6 illegal_column_name = 7. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE x208(00) WITH ‘ERROR‘. "#EC NOTEXT ENDIF. DATA l_hierarchy_header TYPE treev_hhdr. PERFORM build_hierarchy_header CHANGING l_hierarchy_header. * Hide columns and sum up values initially using the fieldcatalog *设置ALV字段 PERFORM build_fieldcatalog. * IMPORTANT: Table ‘gt_sflight‘ must be empty. Do not change this table * (even after this method call). You can change data of your table * by calling methods of CL_GUI_ALV_TREE. * Furthermore, the output table ‘gt_outtab‘ must be global and can * only be used for one ALV Tree Control. CALL METHOD g_alv_tree->set_table_for_first_display EXPORTING is_hierarchy_header = l_hierarchy_header CHANGING it_fieldcatalog = gt_fieldcatalog it_outtab = gt_sflight. "table must be empty ! 此表必须一直为空,且为全局变量 * 设置根节点,填充叶节点数据 PERFORM create_hierarchy. * 注册事件 PERFORM register_events. * Update calculations which were initially defined by field DO_SUM * of the fieldcatalog. (see build_fieldcatalog). * 更新汇总字段 CALL METHOD g_alv_tree->update_calculations. * Send data to frontend. * 前端显示数据 CALL METHOD g_alv_tree->frontend_update. ENDFORM. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form build_hierarchy_header *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * build hierarchy-header-information *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->P_L_HIERARCHY_HEADER strucxture for hierarchy-header *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM build_hierarchy_header CHANGING p_hierarchy_header TYPE treev_hhdr. p_hierarchy_header-heading = ‘Totals/Month/Carrier/Date‘(300). p_hierarchy_header-tooltip = ‘Flights in a month‘(400). p_hierarchy_header-width = 35. p_hierarchy_header-width_pix = ‘‘. ENDFORM. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form build_fieldcatalog *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& text *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& --> P_ *& --> P_ *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM build_fieldcatalog. DATA: ls_fieldcatalog TYPE lvc_s_fcat. * The following function module generates a fieldcatalog according * to a given structure. CALL FUNCTION ‘LVC_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE‘ EXPORTING i_structure_name = ‘SFLIGHT‘ CHANGING ct_fieldcat = gt_fieldcatalog. * Now change the fieldcatalog to hide fields and to determine * some initial calculations for chosen fields. LOOP AT gt_fieldcatalog INTO ls_fieldcatalog. CASE ls_fieldcatalog-fieldname. * hide columns which are already displayed in our tree WHEN ‘CARRID‘ OR ‘FLDATE‘. ls_fieldcatalog-no_out = ‘X‘. * Do some initial calculations: * ALV Tree uses the field ‘do_sum‘ to declare that a function * for the corresponding column shall be calculated. * Use ‘h_ftype‘ to set the function type (MAX, MIN, SUM, AVG). WHEN ‘PRICE‘. ls_fieldcatalog-do_sum = ‘X‘. ls_fieldcatalog-h_ftype = ‘MAX‘. WHEN ‘SEATSMAX‘. ls_fieldcatalog-do_sum = ‘X‘. ls_fieldcatalog-h_ftype = ‘SUM‘. WHEN ‘SEATSOCC‘. ls_fieldcatalog-do_sum = ‘X‘. ls_fieldcatalog-h_ftype = ‘AVG‘. ENDCASE. MODIFY gt_fieldcatalog FROM ls_fieldcatalog. ENDLOOP. * The fieldcatalog is provided in form ‘init_tree‘ using method * set_table_for_first_display. ENDFORM. " build_fieldcatalog *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form CREATE_HIERARCHY *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& text *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& --> p1 text *& <-- p2 text *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM create_hierarchy . * See BCALV_TREE_01 for more comments on building the hierarchy DATA: ls_sflight TYPE sflight, lt_sflight TYPE sflight OCCURS 0, l_yyyymm(6) TYPE c, "year and month of sflight-fldate l_yyyymm_last(6) TYPE c, l_carrid LIKE sflight-carrid, l_carrid_last LIKE sflight-carrid. DATA: l_month_key TYPE lvc_nkey, l_carrid_key TYPE lvc_nkey, l_last_key TYPE lvc_nkey, l_top_key TYPE lvc_nkey. * Select data SELECT * FROM sflight INTO TABLE lt_sflight UP TO g_max ROWS. * sort table according to conceived hierarchy SORT lt_sflight BY fldate+0(6) carrid fldate+6(2). * Define one top node. In this way it is possible to calculate * values for the whole hierarchy.添加主节点 CALL METHOD g_alv_tree->add_node EXPORTING i_relat_node_key = ‘‘ i_relationship = cl_gui_column_tree=>relat_last_child i_node_text = TEXT-050 IMPORTING e_new_node_key = l_top_key. LOOP AT lt_sflight INTO ls_sflight. l_yyyymm = ls_sflight-fldate+0(6). l_carrid = ls_sflight-carrid. IF l_yyyymm <> l_yyyymm_last. "on change of l_yyyymm l_yyyymm_last = l_yyyymm. * month nodes PERFORM add_month USING l_yyyymm l_top_key CHANGING l_month_key. * clear l_carrid_last because this is a new month CLEAR l_carrid_last. ENDIF. * Carrier nodes: IF l_carrid <> l_carrid_last. "on change of l_carrid l_carrid_last = l_carrid. PERFORM add_carrid_line USING ls_sflight l_month_key CHANGING l_carrid_key. ENDIF. * Leaf: PERFORM add_complete_line USING ls_sflight l_carrid_key CHANGING l_last_key. ENDLOOP. ENDFORM. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form REGISTER_EVENTS *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& text *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& --> p1 text *& <-- p2 text *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM register_events . "注册前端后后端事件 DATA: lt_events TYPE cntl_simple_events, l_event TYPE cntl_simple_event, l_event_receiver TYPE REF TO lcl_tree_event_receiver. *1。获取已注册的前端事件 CALL METHOD g_alv_tree->get_registered_events IMPORTING events = lt_events. "2.添加前端双击时间 l_event-eventid = cl_gui_column_tree=>eventid_node_double_click. APPEND l_event TO lt_events. *3.重新设置前端注册时间 CALL METHOD g_alv_tree->set_registered_events EXPORTING events = lt_events EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 cntl_system_error = 2 illegal_event_combination = 3. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE e208(00) WITH ‘注册前端事件失败!‘. "#EC NOTEXT ENDIF. *-------------------- "4.注册后端事件 CREATE OBJECT l_event_receiver. SET HANDLER l_event_receiver->handle_node_double_click FOR g_alv_tree. ENDFORM. FORM add_carrid_line USING ps_sflight TYPE sflight p_relat_key TYPE lvc_nkey CHANGING p_node_key TYPE lvc_nkey. DATA: l_node_text TYPE lvc_value, ls_sflight TYPE sflight. * add node l_node_text = ps_sflight-carrid. CALL METHOD g_alv_tree->add_node EXPORTING i_relat_node_key = p_relat_key i_relationship = cl_gui_column_tree=>relat_last_child i_node_text = l_node_text is_outtab_line = ls_sflight IMPORTING e_new_node_key = p_node_key. ENDFORM. " add_carrid_line *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form add_complete_line *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM add_complete_line USING ps_sflight TYPE sflight p_relat_key TYPE lvc_nkey CHANGING p_node_key TYPE lvc_nkey. DATA: l_node_text TYPE lvc_value. WRITE ps_sflight-fldate TO l_node_text MM/DD/YYYY. CALL METHOD g_alv_tree->add_node EXPORTING i_relat_node_key = p_relat_key i_relationship = cl_gui_column_tree=>relat_last_child is_outtab_line = ps_sflight i_node_text = l_node_text IMPORTING e_new_node_key = p_node_key. ENDFORM. " add_complete_line *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form GET_MONTH *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->P_P_YYYYMM text * <--P_L_MONTH text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM get_month USING p_yyyymm CHANGING p_month. DATA: l_monthdigits(2) TYPE c. l_monthdigits = p_yyyymm+4(2). CASE l_monthdigits. WHEN ‘01‘. p_month = ‘January‘(701). WHEN ‘02‘. p_month = ‘February‘(702). WHEN ‘03‘. p_month = ‘March‘(703). WHEN ‘04‘. p_month = ‘April‘(704). WHEN ‘05‘. p_month = ‘May‘(705). WHEN ‘06‘. p_month = ‘June‘(706). WHEN ‘07‘. p_month = ‘July‘(707). WHEN ‘08‘. p_month = ‘August‘(708). WHEN ‘09‘. p_month = ‘September‘(709). WHEN ‘10‘. p_month = ‘October‘(710). WHEN ‘11‘. p_month = ‘November‘(711). WHEN ‘12‘. p_month = ‘December‘(712). ENDCASE. CONCATENATE p_yyyymm+0(4) ‘->‘ p_month INTO p_month. ENDFORM. " GET_MONTH *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form add_month *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM add_month USING p_yyyymm TYPE c p_relat_key TYPE lvc_nkey CHANGING p_node_key TYPE lvc_nkey. DATA: l_node_text TYPE lvc_value, ls_sflight TYPE sflight, l_month(15) TYPE c. "output string for month * get month name for node text PERFORM get_month USING p_yyyymm CHANGING l_month. l_node_text = l_month. * add node CALL METHOD g_alv_tree->add_node EXPORTING i_relat_node_key = p_relat_key i_relationship = cl_gui_column_tree=>relat_last_child i_node_text = l_node_text is_outtab_line = ls_sflight IMPORTING e_new_node_key = p_node_key. ENDFORM. " add_month
标签:全局 xtu instance bubuko 容器 name run hand last