标签:style blog color io os 使用 ar for 数据
如果一个系统包含高精度性能计数器(HRPC,high-resolution performance counter)则此系统提供高精度定时器。你可以使用API函数QueryPerformanceFrequency来获得HRPC的频率HRPCF,返回值为cps(counts per second)。这个依赖于处理器(processor dependent),在一些处理器中HRPCF的值可能就是处理器时钟周期(the cycle rate of the processor clock),比如我们测试,在3.0GHZ的Pentium4处理器(Windows2000 Professional)上得到HSPCF=3000360000,在一个2.8GHZ的Pentium4处理器(Windows XP)上得到HSPCF=2800360000,而在一个2.4GHZ的Pentium4处理器(Windows2000 Server)上得到HSPCF= 3579545。 使用另外一个函数QueryPerformanceCounter来获取(retrieve)HRPC的值,QPF和QPC的函数原型分别为: BOOL QueryPerformanceFrequency( LARGE_INTEGER *lpFrequency ); BOOL QueryPerformanceCounter( LARGE_INTEGER *lpPerformanceCount ); QPC和QPF函数都在winbase.h中定义。函数中用到的数据类型可以参考如下 typedef __int64 LONGLONG; typedef unsigned __int64 ULONGLONG typedef unsigned long DWORD; typedef union union { struct { DWORD LowPart; LONG HighPart; }; LONGLONG QuadPart; } LARGE_INTEGER, *PLARGE_INTEGER; 在一段代码的前后调用两次HPC函数,就能知道这段代码执行消耗了多少CPU周期或时间,这对于不同算法的性能测试很有帮助,下面有一个例子来进行演示。另外利用循环也可以实现定时功能。 那么怎么根据得到的两个HRPC计算时间呢?因为知道了HRPCF是表示HRPC的频率,所以就可以知道HRPC数值每增加1所代表的时间: HRPC second per count dHMSecondPerCount = 1.0 / HRPCF ; //spc HRPC millisecond per count dHMMillisecondPerCount = 1.0E3 / HRPCF ; //mspc HRPC microsecond per count dHMMicrosecondPerCount = 1.0E6 / HRPCF ; //uspc 知道这三个值就可以根据两个HRPC差值(difference),即diff=HRPC2-HRPC1,这样就可以计算出两次调用QPC函数经过(elapse)的时间: QueryPerformanceCounter( &HRPC1); //code to be timed QueryPerformanceCounter( &HRPC2); diff=HRPC2-HRPC1; Elapsed second = diff * dHMSecondPerCount ; Elapsed millisecond = diff * dHMMillisecondPerCount ; Elapsed microsecond = diff * dHMMicrosecondPerCount ; 例程如下: /**************************** author:Wandy time: 2005-11-25 file: demoForHighResolutionTimer.cpp version:1.0 environment:VS.NET2003 + Windows2000Server abstract:demo for High-Resolution Timer *****************************/ #i nclude <windows.h> #i nclude <stdio.h> void main() { LARGE_INTEGER liFrequency; LARGE_INTEGER liStart; LARGE_INTEGER liEnd; LONGLONG liDiff;//or LARGE_INTEGER diff; double dHMSecondPerCount;//how many second per count double dHMMillisecondPerCount;//how many millisecond per count double dHMMicrosecondPerCount;//how many microsecond per count //set the current Process and Thresd to a high priority DWORD dwOldProcessP = GetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess()); DWORD dwOldThreadP = GetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread()); SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS); SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL); // Save the performance counter frequency for later use. if ( !QueryPerformanceFrequency( &liFrequency ) ) printf( "QPF() failed with error %d\n", GetLastError() ); else printf( "HRPCF: %I64d \n",liFrequency.QuadPart ); // dHMSecondPerCount = 1.0 / (double)liFrequency.QuadPart; dHMMillisecondPerCount = 1.0E3 / (double)liFrequency.QuadPart; dHMMicrosecondPerCount = 1.0E6 / (double)liFrequency.QuadPart; printf("dHMSecondPerCount: %g spc \n", dHMSecondPerCount); printf("dHMMillisecondPerCount:%g mspc\n", dHMMillisecondPerCount); printf("dHMMicrosecondPerCount:%g uspc\n", dHMMicrosecondPerCount); //start if ( !QueryPerformanceCounter( &liStart ) ) printf( "QPC() failed with error %d\n", GetLastError() ); else printf( "start HRPC: %I64d \n", liStart.QuadPart ); //code to be timed Sleep( 100 ); //end if ( !QueryPerformanceCounter( &liEnd ) ) printf( "QPC() failed with error %d \n", GetLastError() ); else printf( "end HRPC: %I64d \n", liEnd.QuadPart ); //print diff liDiff = liEnd.QuadPart - liStart.QuadPart; printf( "HRPC diff:%I64d and ms elapsed: %fms\n", liDiff,(double)liDiff * dHMMillisecondPerCount ); //restore the process and thread priority SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), dwOldThreadP); SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), dwOldProcessP); //wait for press any key getchar(); } 在我的机器上的执行结果为 HRPCF: 3579545 dHMSecondPerCount: 2.79365e-007 spc dHMMillisecondPerCount:0.000279365 mspc dHMMicrosecondPerCount:0.279365 uspc start HRPC: 94756807361 end HRPC: 94757165865 HRPC diff:358504 and ms elapsed: 100.153511ms
标签:style blog color io os 使用 ar for 数据