标签:sel ext txt 用户名 ESS exists 最大 not 次数
create external table if not exists t_access(
uname string comment ‘用户名‘,
umonth string comment ‘月份‘,
ucount int comment ‘访问次数‘
) comment ‘用户访问表‘
row format delimited fields terminated by ","
location "/user/hive/t_access";
load data local inpath "/root/tmonthcount.txt" into table t_access;
select tba.*,tbb.allCount
select uname,umonth,sum(ucount) as tuconut
from t_access
group by uname,umonth) tba
join (select uname,sum(ucount) as allCount from t_access group by uname) tbb on tbb.uname=tba.uname
select uname,umonth,ucount,sum(ucount) over(partition by uname,umonth) as tuconut,sum(ucount) over(partition by uname) as allCount
from t_access;
A 2015-01 33 81
A 2015-02 10 81
A 2015-03 38 81
B 2015-01 30 79
B 2015-02 15 79
B 2015-03 34 79
select tmp.*
,max(tmp.tuconut) over(partition by tmp.uname order by tmp.umonth rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as maxCount
,sum(tmp.tuconut) over(partition by tmp.uname order by tmp.umonth rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as allCount
(select uname,umonth,sum(ucount) as tuconut
from t_access
group by uname,umonth) tmp;
A 2015-01 33 33 33
A 2015-02 10 33 43
A 2015-03 38 38 81
B 2015-01 30 30 30
B 2015-02 15 30 45
B 2015-03 34 34 79
Hive Sum MAX Over Demo(单月访问次数和总访问次数)
标签:sel ext txt 用户名 ESS exists 最大 not 次数