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时间:2018-11-28 22:21:02      阅读:667      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:editor   show all   window   reference   block   for   tab   ack   asi   

Keyboard shortcuts for windows

Keyboard Shortcut For Windows


Shortcut Commands
Ctrl + Shift + P Show command palette
Ctrl + P Go to file
Ctrl + Shift + N New window/instance
Ctrl + Shift + W Close window/instance
Ctrl + , User settings
Ctrl + K Ctrl + S Keyboard Shortcuts

Basic editing

Shortcut Comamnds
Ctrl + / Toggle line comment
Shift + Alt + A Toggle block comment
Shortcut Commands
Ctrl + T Show all Symbols
Ctrl + G Go to line
Ctrl + Shift + O Go to symbol
Alt + left/Right Arrow Go back/forward

Search and replace

Shortcut Comamnds
Ctrl + F Find
Ctrl + H Replace
F3 /Shift + F3 Find next /previous
Ctrl + D Add selection to next Find match

Multi-cursor and selection

Shortcut Commands
Alt + click Insert cursor
Shit + Alt + I Insert cursor at end of each line selected
Ctrl + I Select current line
Ctrl + Shift + L Select all occurences of current selection
Ctrl + F2 Select all occurences of current word
Shift + Alt + (drag mouse) Column(Box) selection

Rich language editing

Shortcuts Comamnds
Ctrl + Alt + F Format document
Ctrl + K Ctrl + F Format selection
F12 Go to Definition
Alt + F12 Peek Definition
Ctrl + K F12 Open Definition to the side
Ctrl + . Quick Fix
Shift + F12 Show references
F2 Rename Symbol
Ctrl + K Ctrl + X Trim trailng Whitespace
Ctrl + K M Change file language

Editor management

Shortcut Commands
Ctrl + K F Close folder
Ctrl + \ Split editor

File management

Shortcut Commands
Ctrl + N New filev
Ctrl + O Open file
Ctrl + S Save
Ctrl + Shift + S Save As
Ctrl + K S Save all
Ctrl + K Ctrl + W Close all
Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen closed editor
Ctrl + Tab Open next
Ctrl + K P Copy Path of active file
Ctrl + K R Reveal active file in Exporer
Ctrl + K O Show active file in new window/instance


Shortcut Commands
F11 Toggle full screen
Shit + Alt + 0 Toggle editor layout (horizontal / vertical)
Ctrl + =/- Zoom in /out
Ctrl + B Toggle sidebar visibility
Ctrl + Shift + E Show explorer / Toggle focus
Ctrl + Shift + F Show Search
Ctrl + Shift + G Show Source contrl
Ctrl + Shift + D Show Debugger
Ctrl + Shift + X Show extensions
Ctrl + Shift + H Replace in files
Ctrl + Shift + J Toggle search details
Ctrl + Shift + U Show Output panel
Ctrl + Shift + V Open Markdown Preview
Ctrl + K V Open Markdown Preview to the side
Ctrl + K Z Zen Mode


Shortcut Commands
F9 Toggle breakpoint
F5 Start
Shift + F5 Stop
F11 /Shift + F11 Step in /out
F10 Step over
Ctrl + K Ctrl + I Show Hover

Intergrated Terminal

shortcut commands
Ctrl + | Show intergrated terminal Ctrl + Shift + Create new terminal


标签:editor   show all   window   reference   block   for   tab   ack   asi   


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